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George Krashos
Master of Realmslore

6680 Posts

Posted - 05 Sep 2017 :  15:01:04  Show Profile Send George Krashos a Private Message
Originally posted by Zeromaru X

Hi again dear THO and Ed. I have yet another question.

Reading dragon names, the dragons of the Realms have quite complicated yet unique names. Well, some like Tamarand (by far, one of my favorite dragons in the Realms) have simple names, but most of them have complicated names. Yet, reading the draconic dictionary in sources like Races of Dragons, I cannot find some of the draconic words in those names. Comparing the names of dragons in the Realms, they are unlike the names of dragons in other settings. I can recognize dragons of the Realms because of their names.

Is there a guide to name dragons in the Realms? I mean, giving their complicated yet unique names that have a indiscutible Realmsian vibe in them.

Thanks in advance and greetings as well.

See the write-up of Lhammaruntosz in Wyrms of the North (Dragon #245) for information on draconic names in the Realms.

-- George Krashos

"Because only we, contrary to the barbarians, never count the enemy in battle." -- Aeschylus
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Great Reader

2464 Posts

Posted - 05 Sep 2017 :  16:36:57  Show Profile Send TBeholder a Private Message
Originally posted by George Krashos

See the write-up of Lhammaruntosz in Wyrms of the North (Dragon #245) for information on draconic names in the Realms.

Here: Wyrms of the North: Lhammaruntosz, "Claws of the Coast"

People never wonder How the world goes round -Helloween
And even I make no pretense Of having more than common sense -R.W.Wood
It's not good, Eric. It's a gazebo. -Ed Whitchurch
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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

36866 Posts

Posted - 05 Sep 2017 :  18:00:12  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message
Originally posted by TBeholder

Originally posted by The Hooded One

Hello again, all. TBeholder, dwarves hammer (if on their own) or roll (with a rolling mill) out metal pages (thin metal plates)

Thanks! I should have guessed the metal part given their habits.
Ed says all chromatic magics have a tendency

"all" chromatic magics? There's more to it in Realms than Chromatic Blade and (Gygax's) Chromatic Orb?

Perhaps it's just me, but I'd put the prismatic spells in that category.

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The Hooded One
Lady Herald of Realmslore

5056 Posts

Posted - 05 Sep 2017 :  20:14:53  Show Profile  Visit The Hooded One's Homepage Send The Hooded One a Private Message
Hello again, all.
I can answer Baldorar’s queries off the top of my head, as it happens, without contacting Ed, so here it goes….
The Volo’s Guides (aside from the new 5e Volo’s Monsters, much of which is astonishingly close to Ed’s original “monster cultures”) were expanded here and there for TSR, but were drawn largely from Ed's original home campaign (and the one-DM-one-player mini-campaign he ran, for “being a wizard,” that provided the “toolbox” of spells to build spells from, for Volo’s Guide To All Things Magical). They are all eminently usable for pre-Time of Troubles campaigns.
The “Old Grey Box” is very close to Ed’s original, aside from editing out some of the quietly-same-gender couples and the like (and a LOT of stuff that wouldn’t fit), and of FR1 through FR6:
FR1 is pure Ed, just lots left out because there’s only so much cramming stuff in one can do
FR2 is Doug’s Celtic “Albion” campaign put in place of Ed’s Earthsea/Hebrides-like original Moonshaes
FR3 is Scott Hering taking Ed’s original maps and names (BTW, a printing error screwed up said maps) and making the realms covered in that book far more “Arabian Nights” than they ever were in Ed’s originals (Ed’s Realms DON’T have close real-world analogues, despite what some TSR designers did with his original lore, and some gamers have assumed since, but if you had to describe Ed’s original lands covered in this tome, they’re Moorish to medieval/Byzantine Mediterranean Italian city-states)
FR4 is almost pure Ed (literally a dump of Ed’s Realms DM’s Guide magic stuff, with a handful of “simple, standard” magic items and a table added at the end by Steve Perrin).
FR5 is a dump of Ed’s original Sword Coast North Realmslore, with Paul (now Jennell) Jaquays adding the Uthgardt barbarians (from Griffon Mountain) to replace Ed’s more Conan-like barbarian tribes, the Raydoc/Egg of the Phoenix lore (from Frank Mentzer’s modules) and the framing story (with Amelior Amanitas) that runs throughout.
FR6 is Steve Perrin extrapolating from Ed’s 4 pages or so of notes (i.e. many of the identities of the Thayans are Steve’s, and most of the actual spells, but the social structure (slaves, tharchs, zulkirs), the Red Wizards story and overall history of Thay, and the geography, are Ed.
Re. running mega-dungeons: Ed provides the dimensions and full descriptions as he goes, but his style is character- and plot-centered, and very loose and immersive. Figurines are seldom used, dice are seldom rolled, and rules are rarely referred to; it’s an unfolding STORY. Ed’s original dungeons are full of “dressing,” from old dried monster dung [and, if they were inhabited strongholds, privies and drainage chutes and all the “realistic” detail] to dead adventurers with their gear, to vermin, and, yes, lots of monsters…but REALISTIC monsters, not a dragon in the next room from a tarrasque with no room for either critter to have entered said rooms in the first place. In other words, humor but little silly wackiness, and human brigands and adventurers as well as orcs, hobgoblins, kobolds, goblins, and bugbears all using dungeons as homes, and defending them with traps and ambushes.
And NO HEXES. That’s why the Old Grey Box has acetate overlays for the hexes, instead of maps “spoiled” by having hexes drawn on them and influencing the way rivers run, mountains loom, etc.
So there you have it. :}
P.S. And I believe Ed stands with Wooly re. chromatic magics, including color spray and prismatic and all "dazzling hues" magic.
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Zeromaru X
Great Reader

2495 Posts

Posted - 05 Sep 2017 :  22:31:13  Show Profile Send Zeromaru X a Private Message
The Old Grey Box is the 1st edition campaign setting, right?

Instead of seeking change, you prefer a void, merciless abyss of a world...
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Skilled Spell Strategist

11981 Posts

Posted - 06 Sep 2017 :  01:32:53  Show Profile Send sleyvas a Private Message
>>And NO HEXES. That’s why the Old Grey Box has acetate overlays for the hexes, instead of maps “spoiled” by having >>hexes drawn on them and influencing the way rivers run, mountains loom, etc.

Let me applaud him for this. It was the first time I had seen it, and I appreciated it at the time, but not as much as I have learned to as I grow older. I was actually surprised that later campaign settings didn't include similar acetate pages.

Alavairthae, may your skill prevail

Phillip aka Sleyvas
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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

36866 Posts

Posted - 06 Sep 2017 :  04:59:31  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message
Originally posted by Zeromaru X

The Old Grey Box is the 1st edition campaign setting, right?

Indeed. It's sometimes shortened to "OGB".

It helps to use those terms, because the 1E Forgotten Realms setting boxed set was the Forgotten Realms Campaign Set, the 2E setting boxed set was the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting, and the 3E hardcover book that covered the setting was also called the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting.

For some reason, TSR and WotC have liked reusing names. That's why we also have multiple Draconomicons and Drow of the Underdark books.

Candlekeep Forums Moderator

Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore
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I am the Giant Space Hamster of Ill Omen!

Edited by - Wooly Rupert on 06 Sep 2017 05:00:27
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Zeromaru X
Great Reader

2495 Posts

Posted - 06 Sep 2017 :  08:43:07  Show Profile Send Zeromaru X a Private Message
Thanks. I was thinking of getting the OGB, but was unsure if was the 1e book or the 2e book. Now, I will get the 1e book.


Dear THO, can you relay yet another question for Ed?

Are Halagothra's (the healer from Tarmalune) powers somehow related to Amaunator? (Glindarra, her granddaughter, seems to be somehow related with Amaunator...)

Thanks in advance.

Instead of seeking change, you prefer a void, merciless abyss of a world...

Edited by - Zeromaru X on 06 Sep 2017 12:34:09
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8 Posts

Posted - 07 Sep 2017 :  09:42:16  Show Profile Send Baldorar a Private Message
Thanks a lot THO!

I really appreciate that you guys are taking the time to answer all these questions and I thank you again for taking the time to response yourself, knowing that Ed is overwhelmed lately.

Always wanted a more Greenwoodian approach to the Realms. His creativity and enthusiasm is just contagious! Not to say that I don't like other authors who have worked on the Realms, Paul (Jennell) Jacquays is a good example of an author I appreciate a lot (also for the Judges Guild stuff).

I am more leaning to the 'old-school' kind of playing but there's plenty of stuff ruleswise that I tend to ignore. I play everthing OD&D-AD&D up to 2nd Ed. And yep, I have the same point of view in respect to having a Tarrasque in a dungeon and a Dragon in the next room and that kind of illogical stuff (except if there is a GOOD reason for it).

I don't use hexes either, and I find the idea of including the acetate overlays really clever and useful. Nevertheless, I don't know how to approach exploring a map and finding secondary encounters/dungeons without a hex map. It can be a bit too random and chaotic IMHO. Imagine there's a forest with a cave and a dungeon in it, if your players want to go into the forest, how do you determine they find any of the two or none at all? This is also a question for the other scribes, btw :-)

Another thing that came to mind is that I always wanted to see how he keys dungeons. If he goes full description, puts some notes or just makes up everything on the go. I purchased 'Ed Greenwood presents Elminster's Forgotten Realms' last week, but it still needs some time to arrive to Spain. The thing is that rumor has it it brings some samples of his typewritting and hand-drawn maps in it. I can't wait to hold that book in my hands!

Edited by - Baldorar on 07 Sep 2017 09:44:26
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Master of Realmslore

1600 Posts

Posted - 11 Sep 2017 :  11:30:03  Show Profile Send Barastir a Private Message
Back in 2013 I made the following question:

In the Volo's Guide to the North the legend of the Moondark Mountains, an ancient elven cluster of magic-rich citadels, whose inhabitants apparently left the world through Spelljamming. Have any newer lore been published that confirms those tales, and that says of which elven realms those citadels were part? And I've also noted that the name of the temple of Solonor the Archer God in Evereska is "Moondark Hill". Is there any connections between those places?

At the time, Ed said I hit an NDA which apparently would be revealed soon. Was it, after all?

"Goodness is not a natural state, but must be
fought for to be attained and maintained.
Lead by example.
Let your deeds speak your intentions.
Goodness radiated from the heart."

The Paladin's Virtues, excerpt from the "Quentin's Monograph"
(by Ed Greenwood)
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Great Reader

2464 Posts

Posted - 12 Sep 2017 :  17:34:39  Show Profile Send TBeholder a Private Message
Originally posted by The Hooded One

P.S. And I believe Ed stands with Wooly re. chromatic magics, including color spray and prismatic and all "dazzling hues" magic.

I figured this probably includes prismatic, but that's Ed, he always invents more spells.
Originally posted by Barastir

Back in 2013 I made the following question:

Moondark Mountains

The only answer was that "there are still Moondarks around".
NDA "but not for all that long" in August 2013 could mean "The Moondark Mystery" FtR article, indeed.

People never wonder How the world goes round -Helloween
And even I make no pretense Of having more than common sense -R.W.Wood
It's not good, Eric. It's a gazebo. -Ed Whitchurch
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14 Posts

Posted - 14 Sep 2017 :  01:44:19  Show Profile  Visit uaintjak's Homepage Send uaintjak a Private Message
Hello all! I have a character who is a half-elven cavalier of Waterdeep, a squire of Caladorn Cassalanter. Which noble families of Waterdeep are most likely to produce such a character, given that he's half-elven? Also, are there any famous (or at least reputable) half-elven cavaliers that this character might idolize and aspire to imitate? Thanks for any replies and insight.
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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

36866 Posts

Posted - 14 Sep 2017 :  03:05:11  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message
Originally posted by uaintjak

Hello all! I have a character who is a half-elven cavalier of Waterdeep, a squire of Caladorn Cassalanter. Which noble families of Waterdeep are most likely to produce such a character, given that he's half-elven? Also, are there any famous (or at least reputable) half-elven cavaliers that this character might idolize and aspire to imitate? Thanks for any replies and insight.

Half-elves are not common among Waterdhavian nobility; the noble families have a thing about keeping noble blood in human veins.

Me, if I wanted a noble-born Waterdhavian half-elf, I'd either have the half-elf be illegitimate (and likely not even officially acknowledged), or the half-elf would be something like the third son, by a second wife, or would be the offspring of a second or third son -- pretty much, born in such a way to not be anywhere near the line of succession.

As for notable half-elves to emulate, I'd say (depending on the era you're using) that the half-elven sons of Alustriel are a very good choice. From friend Steven Schend:

Hail and well met. With some insistence on Ed's part (and Eric Boyd's and a few other who shall remain nameless), I'm ending my sabbatical and returning to the Realms as a fan and fellow Waterdhavian by proxy.

As for Ed's comment, I did a dig through the hard drive to find the info I had set aside long ago (circa 1996-1997ish, during the design of Cloak & Dagger). Even so, no reason to leave it buried.

Bear in mind though, folks, that none of this lore is at all official, since I'm no longer affiliated with Wizards save by old friendships and some very occasional work. With that in mind, here's what my old brain came up with for Alustriel's Sons aka the Tall Ones.
Steven Schend

Who unofficially adopted Silverymoon as a pet project for a few years before leaving WotC in 2000

Actually, I found it in the back of 7 Sisters, under Alustriel's bit in the campaign use chapter. They allegedly all use the surname Aerasume, which translates to Silverymoon, though I'm going to amend that and scatter their surnames among our three options now (though all with the same father). Their names are (alphabetically) Andelver, Boesild, Dolthauvin, Elinthalar, Ghaelryss, Inthylyn, Lilinthar, Methrammar, Naerond, Raerilarr, Tarthilmor, and Uoundeld. They seem to have connections to the Harpers (since they can contact Cylyria Dragonbreast and Sharanralee of Everlund as well as Mom....).

Tarthilmor Aerasume (CG hem F11/W12) is set as one of the two Captains of the Spellguard under Jorus Azuremantle. DRAGON ANNUAL #1, p60

Methrammar Aerasume, the Shining Guard (LG hem F14/W12) and commander of Luruar's armies. THE NORTH, Cities p55

At this point, here's my suggestions for birthdates and whatnot on these guys (of whom there are now 17, but 5 of them are either unknown to the Silverymoon folks but famous within the Moonwood and their father's people or are dead:

Alustriel Silverhand + Taerntym Tanagathor/"Taern Moonweather" (sorta married, at least as elves go...)

Dalbrant Tanagathor (1240 - 1313?) Disappeared while on quest for Taerntym

Hardorbryn Tanagathor (1242 - 1343) Twin of Alondel; died in battle with the Moonlight Men

Alondel Tanagathor (1242 - 1343) Twin of Hardorbryn; died in battle with the Moonlight Men

Boesild Aerasume (1244 - ?) Oldest known/acknowledged surviving son of Alustriel; former apprentice of Khelben the Elder just after he left Waterdeep in 1256; now part of the Teukiira/Moonstars.

Elnriyr Moonweather (1250 - 1347) Priest of Sehanine; died in the fire that destroys Everdusk Hall

Baerndar Tanagathor (1266 - ?)

Uoundeld of Silverymoon (1269 - ?) Teacher at the Lady's College (Tactical & Strategic Spellcasting)

Dolthauvin Aerasume (1295 - ?) Wanderer in the Moonwood & Coldwood

Elinthalar Tanagathor (1299 - ?) Twin of Andelver; wanderer of Lurkwood

Andelver Tressymfriend (1299 - ?) Twin of Elinthalar; wanderer of Lurkwood

Methrammar Aerasume (1304 - ?) The Shining Guard & most recognized son of Alustriel

Inthylyn of Silverymoon (1314 - ?) ?????????????????

Lilinthar Moonweather (1337 - ?) Triplet brother of Naerond & Tarthilmor; huntmaster of Moonweather clan in Moonwood?

Naerond Aerasume (1337 - ?) Triplet brother of Lilinthar & Tarthilmor; crusader/mage for Mystra?

Tarthilmor Aerasume (1337 - ?) Triplet brother of Naerond & Lilinthar; Spell Captain of the Spellguard in Silverymoon

Raerilarr Aerasume (1340 - ?) Smallest of Tall Ones at 6'7" and nicknamed "Tiny" by brothers; most hot-tempered of brothers, rabid drow hunter (and prejudiced vs. dwarves for some reason)

Ghaelryss the Bold (1345 - ?) Uses no surname, raised in Silverymoon, living in Everlund?

I see the younger ones bonding more like brothers, while the older ones (especially those among the elves) are almost more like uncles or foster fathers to the others, as Alustriel got too busy to help raise the children in the 1270s and 1340s (see Silverymoon timeline). How their levels and abilities differ, and how their deific backgrounds (as grandchildren of Mystra) might be reflected along with their half-elven blood is yet unknown--I see a few with silver hair, all of them with longer lifespans than average half-elves, and enhanced abilities almost equal to full elves (due to ties to Weave, including reverie rather than sleep).

How's that? With this being the case, I've adopted Boesild as my regional contact for Khelben, and we can easily ensconce him in the Vault of the Sages or the Lady's College in Silverymoon. That work for you?

Candlekeep Forums Moderator

Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore
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I am the Giant Space Hamster of Ill Omen!

Edited by - Wooly Rupert on 14 Sep 2017 03:08:44
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20 Posts

Posted - 16 Sep 2017 :  20:00:35  Show Profile Send DenverJack a Private Message
Ed and THO - are you familiar with The Night Wolf Inn? If so, any ideas on where in the Realms it might fit in?

Any ideas from anyone else?

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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

36866 Posts

Posted - 16 Sep 2017 :  21:42:29  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message
Originally posted by DenverJack

Ed and THO - are you familiar with The Night Wolf Inn? If so, any ideas on where in the Realms it might fit in?

Any ideas from anyone else?


There's a place in Arabel by that name... Or are you referring to this Night Wolf Inn?

Candlekeep Forums Moderator

Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore
-- Candlekeep Forum Code of Conduct

I am the Giant Space Hamster of Ill Omen!
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20 Posts

Posted - 17 Sep 2017 :  00:54:34  Show Profile Send DenverJack a Private Message
I was referring to the Anthony Huso version of The Night Wolf Inn - thanks for the clarification there Wooly
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Senior Scribe

790 Posts

Posted - 18 Sep 2017 :  00:45:38  Show Profile Send AJA a Private Message
Dearest Edifying Ed,

Having recently arrived in Waterdeep, I find myself enthusiastically recommended to the delicate charms of Dancing Darella of Lackpurse Lane, and to Sharleene of Slop Street. Enticing as they sound my tastes happen to run more to the cephalopodan, and so I ask for your assistance in providing more information on one Ilyth of the Gentle Tentacles who, I am told, I most definitely "should not miss the embraces of." What say you, my fancy man?

(For anyone who doesn't know what I'm on about, check Volo's seventh annotation on the 1996 Forgotten Realms Conspectus where he namedrops these, um....ladies?)

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Skilled Spell Strategist

11981 Posts

Posted - 18 Sep 2017 :  13:52:56  Show Profile Send sleyvas a Private Message
Make sure to tell Ilyth to stay away from your posterior unless you're into that... just saying.

Alavairthae, may your skill prevail

Phillip aka Sleyvas
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Senior Scribe

790 Posts

Posted - 18 Sep 2017 :  16:29:29  Show Profile Send AJA a Private Message
I see you've never been to Anything Flows, the heated saltwater baths down in Dock Ward staffed entirely by (very non-judgemental) awakened octopi. It's like Japanese hentai, only with far less teeth and bad hairdos.


Edited by - AJA on 18 Sep 2017 16:43:22
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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

36866 Posts

Posted - 18 Sep 2017 :  18:07:45  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message
Originally posted by AJA

I see you've never been to Anything Flows, the heated saltwater baths down in Dock Ward staffed entirely by (very non-judgemental) awakened octopi. It's like Japanese hentai, only with far less teeth and bad hairdos.

It's always Tako Tuesday, there!

Candlekeep Forums Moderator

Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore
-- Candlekeep Forum Code of Conduct

I am the Giant Space Hamster of Ill Omen!

Edited by - Wooly Rupert on 18 Sep 2017 18:08:22
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Senior Scribe

533 Posts

Posted - 21 Sep 2017 :  07:52:45  Show Profile  Visit Gelcur's Homepage Send Gelcur a Private Message
I came upon an entry in Expedition to Undermountain that described the Deep Levels. It mentions these layers got their name from an old poem. Would be ever so tickled to read it if Ed can find it.

My thanks again Hooded Lady for sending my inquiries off to Ed. Hope life showers the both of you with only the best of things.

The party come to a town befallen by hysteria

Rogue: So what's in the general store?
DM: What are you looking for?
Rogue: Whatevers in the store.
DM: Like what?
Rogue: Everything.
DM: There is a lot of stuff.
Rogue: Is there a cart outside?
DM: (rolls) Yes.
Rogue: We'll take it all, we may need it for the greater good.
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20 Posts

Posted - 06 Oct 2017 :  15:31:35  Show Profile Send DenverJack a Private Message
I'd like to see that as well Gelcur - good post!
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20 Posts

Posted - 06 Oct 2017 :  15:34:51  Show Profile Send DenverJack a Private Message
Unfortunately it seems there isn't much activity on this thread anymore.
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The Hooded One
Lady Herald of Realmslore

5056 Posts

Posted - 07 Oct 2017 :  21:40:32  Show Profile  Visit The Hooded One's Homepage Send The Hooded One a Private Message
That'd be because I'm busy with work, and Ed is increasingly busy nursing his wife (as well as his THREE other full-time jobs!).
However, he still replies when he can, this time to AJA (see the post above on this page), whereto Ed saith:

Ilyth is a middle-aged, supple half-elf who lost a spell-duel, and in doing so acquired octopus-like tentacles that she has learned to manipulate as prehensile limbs in addition to her arms and legs. The nature of her magical curse is that these tentacles regrow if severed, causing her great pain (and "starving hunger," as her body craves raw material to build them with; Ilyth has been known to devour entire roast oxen by herself). Shunned by former friends and acquaintances because the victor in the duel spread the (false) rumour that Ilyth's curse was contagious, she had to build a new life in expensive Waterdeep. Fearful of her chances of survival if she tried to dwell in Skullport, she considered her love of sex and flirtation, and hit upon a new way of earning a living. The 'Gentle' comes from her preference for using her multiple tentacles--at least nine in number; whenever one is severed, two grow from the stump--to stimulate all at once, so aged, overweight, disabled, weary, or merely lazy clientele can 'lie there and enjoy it.' Ilyth truly enjoys her work, and so works long hours and makes much coin. Elminster deems her "one of the smartest folk in Waterdeep, not to mention kind...and discreet."

So there you have it. More when Ed sends it; I do shuttle all of your queries his way. (Gelcur, there's an outstanding NDA hampering him replying to your Undermountain query, so we'll see...)

Edited by - The Hooded One on 07 Oct 2017 21:40:58
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Senior Scribe

790 Posts

Posted - 08 Oct 2017 :  23:04:08  Show Profile Send AJA a Private Message
Originally posted by The Hooded One

this time to AJA (see the post above on this page), whereto Ed saith:

Thanks for the Ilyth answer, THO. You and Ed still rock my socks, even after all these years!

Just for confirmation, though, can you clarify where Ilyth's tentacles protrude from? I originally thought from around her mouth, like an illithid, but the text doesn't seem to support that. And Ed says in addition to her arms and legs. So, stomach? Sides of her torso? Her chest?

Originally posted by Ed's 2010 Scroll on 03 Dec 2010

I do believe the Scribes here would find this offer from Ed interesting.

This is a direct quote from the Wotc Novel Book Club from Oct. 4th :

All the Realms are a game table, and we are but PCs. What's your character like?

Ed Greenwood (author of The Sword Never Sleeps): With the approval and connivance of certain TSR staffers, I wrote myself up as a character in the Realms back in 1979, and I’ve been in the Realms ever since. No, I’m not Elminster. (Or Mirt.) "I" live in Waterdeep (at least in the 1350s DR), am in published Realmslore but not at all prominent, and if someone guesses who I am, I’ll reveal more. As in, a tale or three.

So was this ever correctly answered? I'm currently re-working my way up through the 2013 Ed Thread, and I haven't yet found any follow-up on it.

And if not, may I submit Vastarr Roaringhorn, Old Lord Roar?

I mean, come on, "Capable of eating and drinking prodigious amounts with no more ill effects than hearty belching and farting" has got to be pure Ed wish fulfillment, right??

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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

36866 Posts

Posted - 08 Oct 2017 :  23:42:21  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message
Originally posted by The Hooded One

That'd be because I'm busy with work, and Ed is increasingly busy nursing his wife (as well as his THREE other full-time jobs!).
However, he still replies when he can, this time to AJA (see the post above on this page), whereto Ed saith:

Ilyth is a middle-aged, supple half-elf who lost a spell-duel, and in doing so acquired octopus-like tentacles that she has learned to manipulate as prehensile limbs in addition to her arms and legs. The nature of her magical curse is that these tentacles regrow if severed, causing her great pain (and "starving hunger," as her body craves raw material to build them with; Ilyth has been known to devour entire roast oxen by herself). Shunned by former friends and acquaintances because the victor in the duel spread the (false) rumour that Ilyth's curse was contagious, she had to build a new life in expensive Waterdeep. Fearful of her chances of survival if she tried to dwell in Skullport, she considered her love of sex and flirtation, and hit upon a new way of earning a living. The 'Gentle' comes from her preference for using her multiple tentacles--at least nine in number; whenever one is severed, two grow from the stump--to stimulate all at once, so aged, overweight, disabled, weary, or merely lazy clientele can 'lie there and enjoy it.' Ilyth truly enjoys her work, and so works long hours and makes much coin. Elminster deems her "one of the smartest folk in Waterdeep, not to mention kind...and discreet."

So there you have it. More when Ed sends it; I do shuttle all of your queries his way. (Gelcur, there's an outstanding NDA hampering him replying to your Undermountain query, so we'll see...)

Never thought I'd see hentacles in the Realms.

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The Red Walker
Great Reader

3567 Posts

Posted - 11 Oct 2017 :  21:21:56  Show Profile Send The Red Walker a Private Message
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by The Hooded One

That'd be because I'm busy with work, and Ed is increasingly busy nursing his wife (as well as his THREE other full-time jobs!).
However, he still replies when he can, this time to AJA (see the post above on this page), whereto Ed saith:

Ilyth is a middle-aged, supple half-elf who lost a spell-duel, and in doing so acquired octopus-like tentacles that she has learned to manipulate as prehensile limbs in addition to her arms and legs. The nature of her magical curse is that these tentacles regrow if severed, causing her great pain (and "starving hunger," as her body craves raw material to build them with; Ilyth has been known to devour entire roast oxen by herself). Shunned by former friends and acquaintances because the victor in the duel spread the (false) rumour that Ilyth's curse was contagious, she had to build a new life in expensive Waterdeep. Fearful of her chances of survival if she tried to dwell in Skullport, she considered her love of sex and flirtation, and hit upon a new way of earning a living. The 'Gentle' comes from her preference for using her multiple tentacles--at least nine in number; whenever one is severed, two grow from the stump--to stimulate all at once, so aged, overweight, disabled, weary, or merely lazy clientele can 'lie there and enjoy it.' Ilyth truly enjoys her work, and so works long hours and makes much coin. Elminster deems her "one of the smartest folk in Waterdeep, not to mention kind...and discreet."

So there you have it. More when Ed sends it; I do shuttle all of your queries his way. (Gelcur, there's an outstanding NDA hampering him replying to your Undermountain query, so we'll see...)

Never thought I'd see hentacles in the Realms.

There is a Kevin Sorbo running round the realms with tentacles????

A little nonsense now and then, relished by the wisest men - Willy Wonka

"We need men who can dream of things that never were." -

John F. Kennedy, speech in Dublin, Ireland, June 28, 1963
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The Hooded One
Lady Herald of Realmslore

5056 Posts

Posted - 12 Oct 2017 :  17:42:35  Show Profile  Visit The Hooded One's Homepage Send The Hooded One a Private Message
Hello again, everyone.
AJA, sides of her torso, down to and including points of hips (uppermost curves of hips).
Re. Old Lord Roar: Ed saith: "Hah! I WISH. ;}"
So there you have it.
More when Ed isn't so frantically busy.
love to all,

Edited by - The Hooded One on 12 Oct 2017 17:42:52
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Senior Scribe

790 Posts

Posted - 13 Oct 2017 :  03:30:38  Show Profile Send AJA a Private Message
Thankee and (belated) Thanksgiving, Lady Hooded. I hope Ed and his wife were well enough to celebrate with family this year?

And another Realms query, when you both have the chance; Talashamber of the Flame Tabard (VGtW, p.205). Such a grand sobriquet! Is this "Flame Tabard" a nod to an ancient family sigil? A powerful magic device? A self-given appellation (and costume) designed to drum up interest in his services?

....Or reference to having been doused in zzar and set alight after one too many "sarcastic ditties"?

Also, anything else you can share about him, if you would.

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34 Posts

Posted - 18 Oct 2017 :  14:33:02  Show Profile Send lsls a Private Message
Hello Ed and the wonderful THO,
First,I apologize for my non-standard English,hope you can understand what I'm talking about

I have some questions about the Chosen.

FRCG [pg. 72] states that "The post-Spellplague world includes no Chosen who are not exarchs." and in the Exarchs Table [pg. 81] there were only 3 known Chosen(Clangeddin Silverbeard ,Fzoul and Obould) of 37 Exarchs.

I assumed FRCG were around 1479DR and above-mentioned were all right,then what state of many other Chosen(e.g., El, The Simbu, Malik, Shadowmoon Crystalembers and Amlaruil,etc.) at that time?

My friend consider all of Chosen were ascend to the rank of exarch/demigod because "no Chosen who are not exarchs". But I didn't agree with him or the Exarchs Table would list them in.

I thought that state only means any Chosen who survived and could still be considered Chosen at that time were Exarchs/Demigods instead. Chosen like El,The Simbul and Malik were no longer Chosen, nor Exarchs, just normal(but more powerful) NPCs.As for how they lost their Chosen status, maybe the Spellplague ruined the Weave also somehow ended the connection between those Ex-Chosen and their deity,maybe gods withdrawal their divine patch from the Chosen,or maybe this was involved in a big NDA

Could you share your opinion about them?

And another question: Did any Non-Chosen of Mystra can possess/wield silver fire? If yes,then who they were/are?

Thank you very much.

Edited by - lsls on 18 Oct 2017 14:44:26
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