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 Elaith: dead or alive?

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Jelennet Posted - 13 Oct 2010 : 13:44:11
I read on one Russian site that Elaith is dead in the 4th edition. Is that true? What happened to him in the 4th edition?
24   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Alystra Illianniis Posted - 23 Nov 2010 : 22:34:37
My bet's on the Anti-Seldarine. Cause it would be just like that spider-witch to cause the destruction of Tintageer....
Copper Elven Vampire Posted - 16 Nov 2010 : 19:54:11
Originally posted by Penknight

Thank you, Sage. I actually just got my copy about an hour and a half ago, and plan on looking through it first thing tomorrow, if all goes well. For a long time, I looked for any 2E or 3E adventures or information on Faerie, as I found myself wanting to know more about it after reading Mrs. Cunningham's excellent novel Evermeet: Island of the Elves. I was really wanting to know more about where the elves came from, and what the elven ruins looked like that was claimed by the ocean as it swept the island away after the dance was through, and they found themselves in Faerun. I was really interested in exactly who the elves were at war with, and what dangers lay inside that distant realm. I'm hoping this book can help me answer some of those questions.

Actually, while I'm here, did it ever come out who the elves were fighting in Faerie? And are there any modules you could recommend for further ideas on planning a 3.5E or Pathfinder campaign where elves visit Faerie? Thanks!

I would imagine the enemy would be The UnSeelie Court or perhaps agents of The Anti-Seldarine.
Penknight Posted - 21 Oct 2010 : 05:49:02
Thank you, Sage. I actually just got my copy about an hour and a half ago, and plan on looking through it first thing tomorrow, if all goes well. For a long time, I looked for any 2E or 3E adventures or information on Faerie, as I found myself wanting to know more about it after reading Mrs. Cunningham's excellent novel Evermeet: Island of the Elves. I was really wanting to know more about where the elves came from, and what the elven ruins looked like that was claimed by the ocean as it swept the island away after the dance was through, and they found themselves in Faerun. I was really interested in exactly who the elves were at war with, and what dangers lay inside that distant realm. I'm hoping this book can help me answer some of those questions.

Actually, while I'm here, did it ever come out who the elves were fighting in Faerie? And are there any modules you could recommend for further ideas on planning a 3.5E or Pathfinder campaign where elves visit Faerie? Thanks!
The Sage Posted - 21 Oct 2010 : 05:10:03
Originally posted by Penknight

Originally posted by The Sage

Originally posted by ElaineCunningham

Originally posted by Markustay
That doesn't mean he needs to 'get nice' - I don't think that matters to Elves (as much).

I couldn't agree more. Elves, imo, are a little puzzled by the concept of "nice." Seriously, try to imagine a Forgotten Realms elf saying, "Have a nice day..." or, "Oh, we should totally let those humans into the inner sanctum of our hidden temple. They're so nice."

For that matter, I doubt Santa's elves are entirely sold on the "naughty or nice" concept. "If this kid is so damn 'nice', why is 'Grand Theft Auto' and I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell on the top of his wish list?"

There's some inspiration here for a Faerie-specific campaign using the d20 Faeries book. I know it!

Does that book happen to mention the elves from Forgotten Realms at all, or allude to it by chance?

Not specifically, but the lore inside the tome is easily customisable for the Realms. And I usually do. Rather regularly in fact. Though, I do also tend to combine most of what I draw from the book with my own other pagan/fey/spiritual elements I've established in my Realms. In some cases though, like the various locales that are described, I've largely dropped them "as is" into my Realms.

Plus, Steven Schend, who partly edited the book, had this little bit to say:-

"For those interested in another take/option on Faerie, there is a D20 option from Bastion Press y'all might want to take a look at.....

Bryon Wischstadt, long-time Realms fanatic and all-around good guy, wrote this guide to Faerie (both the realm/plane and inhabitants) and yours truly edited it alongside him. As both of us (and Jim Butler, Bastion's president, CEO, and chief cook and bottle washer) all have a deep and abiding love for the Realms, there's nothing in there that wouldn't work in terms of using Faerie as a source for ancient elves (or other more modern threats). It's a mix of old folklore and modern conceptions of Faerie and even stats up Old Man Winter, Father Time, and Father Christmas if you want such.

Who apologizes profusely for plugging a product but it seems relevant to the discussion at hand"


And I actually did buy two copies of Faeries -- one for home and one for work. I really do love reading this book, and it never fails to provide some new tidbit of curious fey lore that I can drop into one of my campaigns.
Penknight Posted - 21 Oct 2010 : 03:17:16
Originally posted by The Sage

Originally posted by ElaineCunningham

Originally posted by Markustay
That doesn't mean he needs to 'get nice' - I don't think that matters to Elves (as much).

I couldn't agree more. Elves, imo, are a little puzzled by the concept of "nice." Seriously, try to imagine a Forgotten Realms elf saying, "Have a nice day..." or, "Oh, we should totally let those humans into the inner sanctum of our hidden temple. They're so nice."

For that matter, I doubt Santa's elves are entirely sold on the "naughty or nice" concept. "If this kid is so damn 'nice', why is 'Grand Theft Auto' and I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell on the top of his wish list?"

There's some inspiration here for a Faerie-specific campaign using the d20 Faeries book. I know it!

Does that book happen to mention the elves from Forgotten Realms at all, or allude to it by chance?
The Sage Posted - 21 Oct 2010 : 02:58:25
Originally posted by ElaineCunningham

Originally posted by Markustay
That doesn't mean he needs to 'get nice' - I don't think that matters to Elves (as much).

I couldn't agree more. Elves, imo, are a little puzzled by the concept of "nice." Seriously, try to imagine a Forgotten Realms elf saying, "Have a nice day..." or, "Oh, we should totally let those humans into the inner sanctum of our hidden temple. They're so nice."

For that matter, I doubt Santa's elves are entirely sold on the "naughty or nice" concept. "If this kid is so damn 'nice', why is 'Grand Theft Auto' and I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell on the top of his wish list?"

There's some inspiration here for a Faerie-specific campaign using the d20 Faeries book. I know it!
Wooly Rupert Posted - 21 Oct 2010 : 02:32:24
Originally posted by ElaineCunningham

Originally posted by Markustay
That doesn't mean he needs to 'get nice' - I don't think that matters to Elves (as much).

I couldn't agree more. Elves, imo, are a little puzzled by the concept of "nice." Seriously, try to imagine a Forgotten Realms elf saying, "Have a nice day..." or, "Oh, we should totally let those humans into the inner sanctum of our hidden temple. They're so nice."

For that matter, I doubt Santa's elves are entirely sold on the "naughty or nice" concept. "If this kid is so damn 'nice', why is 'Grand Theft Auto' and I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell on the top of his wish list?"

My theory is that the entire "naughty or nice" list is for Santa's benefit. He visits the nice kids on Christmas Eve. He visits the naughty girls the rest of the year!
ElaineCunningham Posted - 20 Oct 2010 : 13:04:20
Originally posted by Markustay
That doesn't mean he needs to 'get nice' - I don't think that matters to Elves (as much).

I couldn't agree more. Elves, imo, are a little puzzled by the concept of "nice." Seriously, try to imagine a Forgotten Realms elf saying, "Have a nice day..." or, "Oh, we should totally let those humans into the inner sanctum of our hidden temple. They're so nice."

For that matter, I doubt Santa's elves are entirely sold on the "naughty or nice" concept. "If this kid is so damn 'nice', why is 'Grand Theft Auto' and I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell on the top of his wish list?"
Markustay Posted - 20 Oct 2010 : 00:05:10
Originally posted by ElaineCunningham

One thing I've often debated, however, is who should ultimately face down Kymil Nimesin. Elaith and Arilyn both have reason to do so. Either one would make dramatic sense.

Make it epic.

One fails and dies, but not before the other delivers the killing-blow to Kymil (something along the lines of the ending of League of Extraodinary Gentlemen). You can finish an old dog, but you have to make it epic and you have to make it count.

Also, think 'Redemption' - I want that serpent to see the light when he dies. If Khelben can be accepted by the Seldarine, then I think that slimeball should have a shot. That doesn't mean he needs to 'get nice' - I don't think that matters to Elves (as much).

Which means it could go the other way, and Arilyn could be the 'fallen hero'. Either would be good - I know you would make the ending great, regardless. I can think of one other thing that must happen, but I'm sure you don't need to take advice from the likes of me.
ElaineCunningham Posted - 19 Oct 2010 : 20:00:50
Originally posted by Gambit

Originally posted by Alystra Illianniis

I''d go with Elaith! Good way to redeem himself.


You know, towards the end there, I always thought Elaith was on the verge of an alignment change from Neutral Evil to True Neutral...I understand I'm talking game mechanics over story here, well in the sense that alignment is a "game mechanic", but I am curious, was there ever any intention on your part Elaine to at least slightly "reform" him? (As long as it didnt mean losing his snarky personality that is)

Gambit Posted - 18 Oct 2010 : 22:46:26
Originally posted by Alystra Illianniis

I''d go with Elaith! Good way to redeem himself.


You know, towards the end there, I always thought Elaith was on the verge of an alignment change from Neutral Evil to True Neutral...I understand I'm talking game mechanics over story here, well in the sense that alignment is a "game mechanic", but I am curious, was there ever any intention on your part Elaine to at least slightly "reform" him? (As long as it didnt mean losing his snarky personality that is)
ElaineCunningham Posted - 18 Oct 2010 : 19:51:53
At one point, I did say that Elaith's survival into 4E was by no means certain. The reason was that at the time I didn't know what 4E would do to elven lifespans. If it cut them down to 2 or even 3 centuries, then yes--Elaith would be well past his alloted years.

For many reasons, I think it's best to leave the missing century wreathed in mist. Yes, it's frustrating to not know what happened to certain characters. The impulse to know "what happens next" is, after all, a large part of what drives us to read (and write) in the first place. But why spoil stories that might otherwise be told? That's not part of WotC's plan now and I have no reason to believe that it will be in the future, but it makes sense to me to keep the doors of possibility open.
Erik Scott de Bie Posted - 18 Oct 2010 : 17:53:37
Well I stand corrected.

Still have to wait and see, though.

Jelennet Posted - 18 Oct 2010 : 17:35:19
I prefer reading about Elaith, but Arilyn seems interesting too...
Alystra Illianniis Posted - 18 Oct 2010 : 17:20:05
I''d go with Elaith! Good way to redeem himself.
ElaineCunningham Posted - 18 Oct 2010 : 14:44:07
One thing I've often debated, however, is who should ultimately face down Kymil Nimesin. Elaith and Arilyn both have reason to do so. Either one would make dramatic sense.
ElaineCunningham Posted - 18 Oct 2010 : 14:41:42
Obviously, I can't reveal "off stage" important information about Elaith Craulnober or Kymil Nimesin. Doing so would remove any possibility of exploring their stories in fiction, and I'm not about to close that door.
swifty Posted - 16 Oct 2010 : 12:12:27
while were on the topic.what about kymil love to see more of of the realms most intriguing characters.
Elfinblade Posted - 13 Oct 2010 : 22:18:39
Originally posted by Ashe Ravenheart

Originally posted by Erik Scott de Bie

Originally posted by Elfinblade

Allthough i would absolutely hate it, there is the distinct possibility that he has perished of old age.

I would think that's a minor possibility. After all, elves can live for many, many centuries--I doubt one is going to do him in.

We'll just have to wait and see what Serpent's Daughter reveals.


Actually, I believe Elaine herself said that he might have died of old age since she saw him as already being up in years by the time he joined Danilo & Arilyn's story. From the excerpt she gave us, however, I think he might have died swinging. Then again, who knows what the Spellplague may have done...

I failed to produce a source, but yes: Elaine mentioned it a while back. But as Ashe said, who knows what the Spellplague may have done. (fingers crossed, as Elaith is one of my alltime fave's.)
Ashe Ravenheart Posted - 13 Oct 2010 : 20:58:58
Originally posted by Erik Scott de Bie

Originally posted by Elfinblade

Allthough i would absolutely hate it, there is the distinct possibility that he has perished of old age.

I would think that's a minor possibility. After all, elves can live for many, many centuries--I doubt one is going to do him in.

We'll just have to wait and see what Serpent's Daughter reveals.


Actually, I believe Elaine herself said that he might have died of old age since she saw him as already being up in years by the time he joined Danilo & Arilyn's story. From the excerpt she gave us, however, I think he might have died swinging. Then again, who knows what the Spellplague may have done...
Erik Scott de Bie Posted - 13 Oct 2010 : 20:49:21
Originally posted by Elfinblade

Allthough i would absolutely hate it, there is the distinct possibility that he has perished of old age.

I would think that's a minor possibility. After all, elves can live for many, many centuries--I doubt one is going to do him in.

We'll just have to wait and see what Serpent's Daughter reveals.

Elfinblade Posted - 13 Oct 2010 : 16:54:58
Allthough i would absolutely hate it, there is the distinct possibility that he has perished of old age.
Tyrant Posted - 13 Oct 2010 : 16:35:22
I think we'll know once Elaine's next book, The Serpent's Daughter, comes out.
Ralderick Hallowshaw Posted - 13 Oct 2010 : 15:55:31
Originally posted by Jelennet

I read on one Russian site that Elaith is dead in the 4th edition. Is that true? What happened to him in the 4th edition?

AFAIK, he's not mentioned anywhere in the published material. But maybe...
You may instead ask Elaine directly in her thread.

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