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 Authors attending Gen Con Indy

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
darkcrow Posted - 10 Aug 2009 : 01:47:28
I'm going up to the Gen Con Indy next weekend in hopes to meet a lot of my favorite Forgotten Realms authors and get some Autographs but there is a lot less than I thought there would be. Of course the list was made in May. Does someone out there know of any more than the authors I have listed below.
Richard Lee Byers
Jean Rabe
Steven Schend
19   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Ashe Ravenheart Posted - 15 Aug 2009 : 05:08:14
As the old generals say, no battle strategy even survives contact with the enemy. The same could be said of plans when attending GenCon.

I was to attend a party of Paizo volunteers, Ed's Spin a Yarn and about a dozen other things. However, being here with friends I haven't seen in a year (or more), control of all of our schedules quickly spun out as I introduced them to their first visit to the Exhibition hall, Pathfinder Society goodness and much, much else.

I'm terribly sorry I missed Ed's Yarn, (wound up over 30 minutes overbooked and didn't want to walk in halfway through, although it sounded like you were having a blast from Monte's Dungeon Design seminar). And I'm DOUBLY sorry that I still haven't caught up with the James gang roaming the building. On the bright side, my Golarion Campaign Setting has the autographs of writers, designers, artists and notables such as our beloved Mr. Greenwood and even Keith Baker. I'm still looking searching for others to sign, so if you've contributed and haven't signed a Campaign setting book yet, let me know!

Ah well, tomorrow is another day and one that starts bright and early. Good gaming to all!
Rosemary Jones Posted - 13 Aug 2009 : 05:40:17
Erik is unreasonably tall. He's just much taller than the rest of us worn down by hunching over our keyboards.

Have fun at GenCon, y'all!

Erik Scott de Bie Posted - 11 Aug 2009 : 21:34:40
Originally posted by Steven Schend

If you were unreasonably tall, Erik, you'd be more easily knocked over. We'll just say your parents rolled very well for your stats when they created you.


The wife did better, though.

Ashe Ravenheart Posted - 11 Aug 2009 : 18:53:21
Ah, Steven. How did I never see the Facebook and LinkedIn links on your page before. Nevermind, invites sent!

On a side note, I just realized that I could create a group on LinkedIn, so I created one. I give you the Candlekeep Scribes LinkedIn group!
Steven Schend Posted - 11 Aug 2009 : 18:42:21
Originally posted by Erik Scott de Bie
I'd like to meet as many of you as possible, but the only one I'd probably recognize is BRJ (and that's from his twitter picture).
Well, I'm the unreasonably tall one.


If you were unreasonably tall, Erik, you'd be more easily knocked over. We'll just say your parents rolled very well for your stats when they created you.

Steven Schend Posted - 11 Aug 2009 : 18:40:58
Originally posted by Ashe Ravenheart

Might I recommend that any scribes from Candlekeep congregate together or something at Ed's Spin a Yarn so we can know where to find each other? I'd like to meet as many of you as possible, but the only one I'd probably recognize is BRJ (and that's from his twitter picture).

No guarantees I'll make Spin a Yarn, but I've got seminars in Santa Fe ballroom from 10 to 1 on Thursday and a signing on Friday at 1pm down at Author's Alley. Otherwise, you can find what I look like on Facebook. More likely, I'll be grayer and rounder than the photos, but I should be recognizable. If you still haven't found me by Saturday, stop by the GAMING PAPER booth (#1910) in the exhibit hall. I'll be there.

Steven Schend
Ashe Ravenheart Posted - 11 Aug 2009 : 18:39:55
Okay, I don't know the layout of the room that the Spin a Yarn is in. Should we say up front and center stage? Or is that too obnoxious to the non-scribes?
Erik Scott de Bie Posted - 11 Aug 2009 : 18:18:42
Originally posted by Ashe Ravenheart

Might I recommend that any scribes from Candlekeep congregate together or something at Ed's Spin a Yarn so we can know where to find each other?
A very good idea. Either last year or the year before, there was also a picture taken of the various authors and Candlekeep scribes there. We could make it an annual tradition!

I'd like to meet as many of you as possible, but the only one I'd probably recognize is BRJ (and that's from his twitter picture).
Well, I'm the unreasonably tall one.

Ashe Ravenheart Posted - 11 Aug 2009 : 14:34:53
Might I recommend that any scribes from Candlekeep congregate together or something at Ed's Spin a Yarn so we can know where to find each other? I'd like to meet as many of you as possible, but the only one I'd probably recognize is BRJ (and that's from his twitter picture).
Jaleigh J. Posted - 11 Aug 2009 : 03:00:07
I'll be there as well, from Friday to Sunday. I don't have any signings scheduled this year, but like Erik I'll probably be at the FR seminar or Spin a Yarn later in the afternoon.
Brian R. James Posted - 10 Aug 2009 : 21:08:49
Troy Denning will be at Gen Con for the Indy Knights Fan Breakfast on Saturday morning, and then doing a signing at the Indy Knights booth Saturday at noon.

Ed Gentry of Neversfall fame will be at the con as well last I heard.
ElaineCunningham Posted - 10 Aug 2009 : 20:10:13
Originally posted by The Hooded One

To this, I can add Erin Evans (Wizards book editor and author of a forthcoming novel in the "Ed Greenwood Presents Waterdeep" series) and Steven Schend.
(Bob Salvatore, Elaine Cunningham, Phil Athans, and Thomas Reid will NOT be attending, so far as I know.)
I THINK Rich Baker will be attending. I'll post again here if I find out more, in time...

Just confirming THO's post. I will not be attending this year, but am seriously considering GenCon 2010.
Steven Schend Posted - 10 Aug 2009 : 19:23:57
I'll be there for the whole show; while I'm scheduled for a signing in Author's Alley on Thursday, I'll be absent from that to be on the GAMER FANTASTIC panel with the Writers' Symposium folks. I've got a reading at noon Thursday (where I'll read the prologue of my work-in-progress for which I hope to find a publisher soon). I also have a signing 1pm on Friday. After that, the best place to catch me at Gen Con is at the GAMING PAPER booth (Booth #1910) on Saturday/Sunday.

Hope to meet many of you, but remember to identify yourselves clearly. The con floor's a tough place for someone with hearing aids some days....


PS: The Thursday panel locations are from 10am through 1pm at Santa Fe Ballroom in the Marriott; the Friday signing is in Author's Alley on the exhibit hall floor.
The Hooded One Posted - 10 Aug 2009 : 19:10:17
To this, I can add Erin Evans (Wizards book editor and author of a forthcoming novel in the "Ed Greenwood Presents Waterdeep" series) and Steven Schend.
(Bob Salvatore, Elaine Cunningham, Phil Athans, and Thomas Reid will NOT be attending, so far as I know.)
I THINK Rich Baker will be attending. I'll post again here if I find out more, in time...
Erik Scott de Bie Posted - 10 Aug 2009 : 15:57:31
Yep, I'll be there. Not doing anything official, but I'll be around.

Easiest/best place to catch me is on Friday at Spin a Yarn or the Realms seminar.

Richard Lee Byers Posted - 10 Aug 2009 : 15:05:25
Hi, everybody.

I will indeed be at Gen Con. But I don't have any signings scheduled in Author's Alley, nor has WotC asked me to participate in any of their presentations.

So, if you want a book signed or just want to say hi (either of which would be great), the way to be sure of finding me is to look at the schedule of writing seminars put on by "the Symposium." I'm involved in a number of those, and you can catch me before or after the panel.
The Sage Posted - 10 Aug 2009 : 02:38:47
Originally posted by darkcrow

that's cool. Where did you get a hold of that info.
Mostly from this scroll:-

And comments made by FR authors both here [elsewhere] and on their own blogs/sites.
darkcrow Posted - 10 Aug 2009 : 02:20:56
that's cool. Where did you get a hold of that info. I would like to get my hands on a list of FR authors that will be there so I can bring the right books to get autographed. Ed Greenwood is my main priority cause we named my youngest daughter Shandril and I would like to get the Shandril saga signed as a keepsake for her.
The Sage Posted - 10 Aug 2009 : 01:54:05
Ed of the Greenwood, Erik Scott de Bie, and Christopher Rowe are among the first that come to mind.

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