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 Advanced Bestiary's Jotunblood in the Realms

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
KnightErrantJR Posted - 24 Feb 2006 : 06:05:56
After looking through Giantcraft and reading about how the older giants in the Realms were longer lived because they were all the offspring of Othea and Annam, and so had the blood of gods in thier veins, and that as the blood diluted over the years, their age has tapered off.

The Green Ronin d20 book has a template, Jotunblood, which makes a giant a size category larger than it was, and gives them various special abilities based on their giant type. I was thinking that some giants might have enough of Annam's blood to be born as this "jotunblood" template. Does anyone think having the occaisional "throwback" larger, more powerful giant would cause problems?
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
warlockco Posted - 25 Feb 2006 : 06:51:48
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

So long as the guys with the template are rare, I don't see a problem with incorporating it.

Mystery_Man Posted - 24 Feb 2006 : 15:46:35
Another template I've used from GR is the Dread Vampire (like a vampire on steriods) for that extra bit of oomph. It has become one of my favorite monster books.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 24 Feb 2006 : 15:34:32
So long as the guys with the template are rare, I don't see a problem with incorporating it.
KnightErrantJR Posted - 24 Feb 2006 : 14:09:09
I love giants, and that template just jumped out at me. It was a pretty good idea, and I can't wait until my player's actually have characters that have a shot at dealing with one of these things. I just wanted to make sure there wasn't some kind of previous info on giants that have "purer" strains of Annam's blood.
Mystery_Man Posted - 24 Feb 2006 : 14:01:36
Originally posted by KnightErrantJR

After looking through Giantcraft and reading about how the older giants in the Realms were longer lived because they were all the offspring of Othea and Annam, and so had the blood of gods in thier veins, and that as the blood diluted over the years, their age has tapered off.

The Green Ronin d20 book has a template, Jotunblood, which makes a giant a size category larger than it was, and gives them various special abilities based on their giant type. I was thinking that some giants might have enough of Annam's blood to be born as this "jotunblood" template. Does anyone think having the occaisional "throwback" larger, more powerful giant would cause problems?

I thought the exact same thing when I saw that template. Which is also why I think it's a great idea.
KnightErrantJR Posted - 24 Feb 2006 : 12:56:14
The main crux of it is that they move up one size category, they gain a few hit dice and an armor class bonus, and they gain some kind of bonus attack based on what kind of giant they are. For example, Hill giants get a stomp attack, frost and fire giants get a breath weapon, all of them get a trample attack in addition to their normal attack routine.
warlockco Posted - 24 Feb 2006 : 09:29:20
I personally don't see any major problems as long as they are quite rare. But without actually seeing the material, its really hard to say.

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