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 Backgrounder 004: Dragonkin

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
shades of eternity Posted - 02 Mar 2020 : 19:07:02

I've enjoyed the concept since I read about it back in the transition to 3e, but they got sidelined hard.

Do you agree with the comments or is he horribly wrong?

I generally like his opinion.
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Zeromaru X Posted - 02 Mar 2020 : 23:01:48
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

I liked dragonkin, but they've definitely been overshadowed by the 2.0 dragonborn. I've long had an issue with the latter; giving them the same damn name as the transformed disciples of Bahamut was clumsy, and saying "this *second* race named for dragons hates dragons but oddly, likes the Cult of the Dragon" was just a huge collection of fail.

I agree with you in the second point. I guess they wanted to differentiate them from the 4e core dragonborn (that have a very polite relationship with dragons), but the idea backfired horribly when the FR became the "main" setting.
Zeromaru X Posted - 02 Mar 2020 : 22:58:03
Originally posted by keftiu

He has a more valid reason to dislike it than most; that all the black cultures of Faerun got hit especially hard by the Spellplague, with Chult becoming an especially racist mess of “savage cannibals.” Unlike most complaints, I can’t defend that one.

He’s a cool guy, and runs a good blog.

And I think he is right with that point. But with the dragonkin, he is not. He blames the dragonborn for getting all the spotlight and sidelining the dragonkin. And the dragonkin became irrelevant even before the 3e dragonborn were a thing.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 02 Mar 2020 : 22:56:18
I liked dragonkin, but they've definitely been overshadowed by the 2.0 dragonborn. I've long had an issue with the latter; giving them the same damn name as the transformed disciples of Bahamut was clumsy, and saying "this *second* race named for dragons hates dragons but oddly, likes the Cult of the Dragon" was just a huge collection of fail.
keftiu Posted - 02 Mar 2020 : 22:00:09
Originally posted by Zeromaru X

I did talked to him in Twitter about this, and he has great ideas but he seems strongly biased for its hatred towards 4e. So, I guess I agree with his comments here to a degree.

In my campaign, if I ever use dragonkin, I would re-skin dragonborn, using the draconian subraces for the mechanics stuff.

He has a more valid reason to dislike it than most; that all the black cultures of Faerun got hit especially hard by the Spellplague, with Chult becoming an especially racist mess of “savage cannibals.” Unlike most complaints, I can’t defend that one.

He’s a cool guy, and runs a good blog.
Zeromaru X Posted - 02 Mar 2020 : 20:14:51
I did talked to him in Twitter about this, and he has great ideas but he seems strongly biased for its hatred towards 4e. So, I guess I agree with his comments here to a degree.

In my campaign, if I ever use dragonkin, I would re-skin dragonborn, using the draconian subraces for the mechanics stuff.

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