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 Bard of Tempus

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Kilvan Posted - 06 Oct 2017 : 17:54:27
Hey there fellow scribes. It has been a while since I visited these halls.

I am wondering if any of you know anything about bards of Tempus. I have this NPC who is part of the Church of Tempus and whose job is to sing about and tell tales of fallen heroes of war, lest they be forgotten. I feel like this is the kind of job that would be very importamnt for followers of Tempus, and maybe there is a canon order for such bards.

8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Ayrik Posted - 07 Oct 2017 : 10:46:57
Perhaps the epic bard from Mad Max: Fury Road might serve as inspiration, lol.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 07 Oct 2017 : 06:07:37
From a prior discussion that took an odd turn (aided and abetted by myself, most likely...):

Originally posted by Markustay

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by The Sage

Originally posted by Markustay

Baab would be the little-known (outside of Thay) Zulkir of Bardic magic.
He also used to worship Bhaal.

Baab, the bard, of Bhaal.

His parents weren't married, and his skill wasn't all that. This makes him Bahb the bastard, the bad bard of Bhaal.

He also had a strange facination for Gnomish lore.

Baab the bastard, bad Bard of Bhaal, best known for his Ballad of Blingdengstone.

Ayrik Posted - 07 Oct 2017 : 04:36:11
It is still a bit of an oddball choice. On the one hand there are professional and "less professional" warriors and armies throughout all history, from before the Ancient Greeks to today's national military corps, which bring music and battle together. Music has a traditional presence in warfare, it's often important for morale, though it's rarely been weaponized the way a D&D bard might wield it.

Easier for me to envision a bard of Tempus than a bard of Bane, lol.
sleyvas Posted - 07 Oct 2017 : 02:30:53
Check out the concept of the "blade" bard kit from the 2nd edition Complete Bard's Handbook as well. Granted, they are typically considered entertainers with like a travelling circus or somesuch, but they could just as easily be something akin to gladiators who put on a show. Take away the concept that they're travelling assassins and instead truly want to entertain through their weapon skill and I could see it.
Ayrik Posted - 07 Oct 2017 : 02:07:52
I now want to start a band called The Battle Bards.

Sadly, I've no musical talent. But perhaps that is a good thing...

A bard of Tempus may not require musical talent, lol.

I second the notion of Skalds. Epic sagas and conquests and glorious battles can enthrall audiences without twanging some fragile musical instrument. Skilled oration instead of skilled singing, chanting, whistling, hammy enactments and canny impersonations, not unlike the performance assets of a good DM. An armor-plated bard already has plenty of bits of metal he can use for percussive effect (to set a pace or to simulate the clash of arms). And, when part of any group or formation, he has plenty of "captive" audience interaction and involvement.

Glory to Tempus not by shouting his name over and over and louder and louder like any other idiot with a sword, but by glorifying the tales and accomplishments and struggles and sacrifices of those who fight in his name. A bard of Tempus could invoke inner conflicts through his characters, the "winner" and "loser" and "hero" and "villain" are all just smaller parts in a greater tale of the battle between them. Imagine the Trojan war, the Trojan Horse, Helen and Achilles and Ajax and Hector ... to a bard of Tempus this sort of tale is all about the glory of the immortal battle itself, achieved by all those who fought in it, whichever side they were on.
Kilvan Posted - 06 Oct 2017 : 22:14:59
Originally posted by Markustay

However, the first thing that jumped into my mind was 'Skalds', which were a type of fighter-bard from Norse traditions.

Yes, I thought of that as well. I was thinking more of a scribe-type of bard, who is more focused on the stories of Heroes than on being one himself.

I might just make up a Tempus Order for that purpose, dedicated to remembering and sharing great deeds of glory in battle. Or maybe it would make more sense in Oghma's church.
Markustay Posted - 06 Oct 2017 : 19:30:16
I'm not aware of one, but then again, like Wooly, music is NOT 'my thing'.

However, the first thing that jumped into my mind was 'Skalds', which were a type of fighter-bard from Norse traditions.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 06 Oct 2017 : 17:58:16
I now want to start a band called The Battle Bards.

Sadly, I've no musical talent. But perhaps that is a good thing...

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