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 Names of 6 of the 9 lost Gods of Omuarians

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Gyor Posted - 01 Sep 2017 : 01:01:29
Shagambi (associated with Kamadans)
Kubazan (associated with Froghemoths)

Also Ubtao is not back, as such he is not popular, although people still revered dinosaurs as, sacred Ubtao's childern, but and most people have taken up none Chultan Faerunian deities like Waunkeen, Sune, Savras, Gond, and Tymora.

The Ring of Winter is sentient.

16   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
sleyvas Posted - 24 Sep 2017 : 13:52:02
Originally posted by Zeromaru X

According to the adventure:

I'jin is an almiraj
Kubazan is a froghemoth
Moa is a jaculi
Nangnang is a grung
Obo'laka is a zorbo
Papazotl is an eblis
Shagambi is a kamadan
Unkh is a flail snail
Wongo is a su-monster

Some of those animals are in Volo's Guide to Monsters, and some are new introductions in the adventure.

Grung... should have predicted that... the newest frog folk.
Eblis???? guessing new
Su-monster - never would have guessed it
jaculi - ahhhh, they're making reference to Kaa from jungle book

zorbo - wow, now I don't think I've ever actually seen these used in anything even though they were in 1st edition.
Zeromaru X Posted - 24 Sep 2017 : 00:07:28
According to the adventure:

I'jin is an almiraj
Kubazan is a froghemoth
Moa is a jaculi
Nangnang is a grung
Obo'laka is a zorbo
Papazotl is an eblis
Shagambi is a kamadan
Unkh is a flail snail
Wongo is a su-monster

Some of those animals are in Volo's Guide to Monsters, and some are new introductions in the adventure.
sleyvas Posted - 23 Sep 2017 : 23:51:46
Originally posted by Zeromaru X

Nope, Ubtao is always mentioned as a god and in past tense in the adventure. He just left, disappeared entirely (and he wasn't active even in 4e). I wonder if he just returned to Abeir (no pun intended).

All the trickster gods are in the handouts they post for download in the official website:

I'm assuming he is back or returning. I am also assuming that Ubtao is Qotal, and the reason he left was he went with Maztica to Abeir.

Ah, and looking at that website...

Shagambi may be a displacer beast... but also looks like a kamadan

NangNang - probably a firenewt but could be a bullywug

Kubazan - probably froghemoth

Moa - some kind of snake, maybe a naga

Unkh - flail snail obviously

Wongo - some kind of monkey

Papazotol - a crane

I'jin - a rabbit, maybe an al-miraj

Obo'Laka - not sure here... clawed, looks kinda bearish... could be a sloth even... could be a big koala for all I know.
Zeromaru X Posted - 23 Sep 2017 : 21:17:30
Nope, Ubtao is always mentioned as a god and in past tense in the adventure. He just left, disappeared entirely (and he wasn't active even in 4e). I wonder if he just returned to Abeir (no pun intended).

All the trickster gods are in the handouts they post for download in the official website:
sleyvas Posted - 23 Sep 2017 : 20:52:26
Originally posted by Gyor

Ubtoa himself offers Warlock packs instead of divine cleric magic now, Great Old Ones pact.

interesting, that from the actual adventure? Mine won't be arriving from amazon for about a week looks like.
Gyor Posted - 23 Sep 2017 : 13:07:01
Ubtoa himself offers Warlock packs instead of divine cleric magic now, Great Old Ones pact.
Zeromaru X Posted - 22 Sep 2017 : 22:32:39
Yeah, they are primal spirits. That's a kind of supernatural beings tied to the life force of the natural world introduced in 4th-edition. Like animist spirits, but self-aware, unlike the animist force introduced in 3e.

Kinda cool they didn't forget the concept, though.
Mirtek Posted - 22 Sep 2017 : 21:04:26
According to the adventure those nine aren't actually deities. They're just some spirits who tricked the mortals into worshipping them in Ubtao's stead. They weren't even powerful enough to grant enough "miracles" to all their followers, so they distracted them to avoid having them notice.
Zeromaru X Posted - 02 Sep 2017 : 13:24:08
Nope, Omu is something totally new for 5e, according to this video.
sleyvas Posted - 02 Sep 2017 : 11:51:56
So, is there any canon lore existing on these Omuan people who had these trickster gods?
Markustay Posted - 02 Sep 2017 : 03:32:12
If you are on a PC, you can view any webpage bigger by hitting 'ctrl' & '+' (and '-' makes it smaller).

However, I just tried that (it got smaller LOL), and for that type of webpage (embedded pic), you have to go an extra step - You have to right click, and hit "open image in new tab", and then the 'ctrl' & '+' will work (it works beautifully - I can read the whole thing easily now). And that's because, technically, the image isn't 'on' the page, just linked to it.
Zeromaru X Posted - 01 Sep 2017 : 23:34:00
Originally posted by sleyvas

Originally posted by Gyor

This is my source.

Is there some way to see this bigger? I'd like to read the part about Ubtao.

The attachments are really big, but there is nothing new about Ubtao. Only that he grew angry with the people of Omu, and abandoned them, and because of that they turned to the Trickster Gods. And that he somewhat lost popularity and now other gods are revered in Chult...
CorellonsDevout Posted - 01 Sep 2017 : 21:19:28
It looks like there is a sourcebook that goes with it, too. I don't usually buy adventure modules because I don't game, but if the sourcebooks contains lore, I might.
sleyvas Posted - 01 Sep 2017 : 02:03:13
Originally posted by Gyor

This is my source.

Is there some way to see this bigger? I'd like to read the part about Ubtao.
Irennan Posted - 01 Sep 2017 : 01:42:16
I get Ubtao becoming less popular, but was he ever gone? I thought he was just revealed to be a primordial?

To me, it seems that they meant to say that he has lost ground to the mainstream Faerunian deities, not that he is dead.
Gyor Posted - 01 Sep 2017 : 01:02:07

This is my source.

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