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 Neverwinter Books

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Gillies Posted - 10 Dec 2012 : 14:35:00
Hey guys,

I am reading the Drizzt books in order, but I really want to get into the Neverwinter series after hearing a great review from one of my friends. I was wondering would jumping to Neverwinter really be spoilerific for me? Or could I get away with it? O keep in mind I just finished Passage to Dawn and will be reading the next Drizzt collection in the new year. Right Patricia Bray and her Sword of Change books need my attention (on the final book).
12   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Thauranil Posted - 12 Dec 2012 : 13:02:53
Also I would suggest that you try out the Haunted Lands trilogy and the Twilight War trilogy as they are two excellent series dealing with the principal antagonists in the Neverwinter series, the Thayans and Shadovar respectively.
Thauranil Posted - 12 Dec 2012 : 13:01:03
I agree otherwise while you make still be able to figure out whats going on in a vague manner at least you will be able to truly appreciate the books.
BEAST Posted - 11 Dec 2012 : 17:31:27
Originally posted by Gillies

Originally posted by jornan

Not only would I read them in order, but there is a list of other series and short stories that I would recommend reading before getting to the Neverwinter books if you are to truly GET everything.

OOoooo boy... *prepares a list* What are the books?

Check the link in my signature for a full chronological list of all of Salvatore's Realms works.
Artemas Entreri Posted - 11 Dec 2012 : 15:54:13
Originally posted by BEAST

Originally posted by Gillies

So it's not [like] it's a chore to read the books.

There are a lot of folks around these parts who would disagree with us on that.

But yeah, it's still best to read 'em in order.

I am one. The Hunter's Blades trilogy was a chore for me.
Gillies Posted - 11 Dec 2012 : 13:12:33
Originally posted by jornan

Not only would I read them in order, but there is a list of other series and short stories that I would recommend reading before getting to the Neverwinter books if you are to truly GET everything.

OOoooo boy... *prepares a list* What are the books?
CorellonsDevout Posted - 11 Dec 2012 : 10:33:42
I am one of those who would disagree on the latest Drizzt novels being great, but they are worth the read for the sake on keeping up with the story. As for the short stories, the one that I would recommend the most would be "Comrades At Odds", which happens between Two Swords and The Orc King. This story can be found in Anthology of the Elves or RAS' Collected Stories, but if you get the latter, be sure to hold off on the last few stories until you've at least read The Ghost King, otherwise it will give things away.

So bottom line, yes, read them in order. There is a lot that happens between where you are and the Neverwinter series. Also, there is the Sellswords trilogy, and the first one, Servant of the Shard is also a part of the Paths of Darkness quartet in the Drizzt saga. This trilogy follows Entreri and Jarlaxle, if you are interested (and reading it might again help with later novels).

Hope that helps!
jornan Posted - 11 Dec 2012 : 03:02:56
Not only would I read them in order, but there is a list of other series and short stories that I would recommend reading before getting to the Neverwinter books if you are to truly GET everything.
jornan Posted - 11 Dec 2012 : 03:02:19
Not only would I read them in order, but there is a list of other series and short stories that I would recommend reading before getting to the Neverwinter books if you are to truly GET everything.
BEAST Posted - 10 Dec 2012 : 18:26:24
Originally posted by Gillies

So it's not [like] it's a chore to read the books.

There are a lot of folks around these parts who would disagree with us on that.

But yeah, it's still best to read 'em in order.
Gillies Posted - 10 Dec 2012 : 14:45:06
So gotta wait 9 more books eh? O well! R.A Salvatore has a gift to keep the character going for so long. So it's not it's a chore to read the books.
Tanthalas Posted - 10 Dec 2012 : 14:42:36
Yeah, it really would be better to read the books in order.
Artemas Entreri Posted - 10 Dec 2012 : 14:36:54
I would recommend reading the books in order.

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