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 A Question on 3.5 Dual-Classing

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
BlackDragonKarameikos Posted - 10 May 2011 : 16:02:21
I've Actually decided to dual class my 55th lvl fighter and add the druid class to him.

As it states in Dual classing, you don't start out with certain abilites like you would if you started out freash as a 1st lvl Druid(e.g. the ability to start with an animal companion.)

My question is actually two-fold; 1. when would I gain my animal companion? and 2 since I am epic lvl as a fighter would that allow me to access an animal companion ofa higher lvl as a druid or wuold I be stuck to one of the Druid's Level?
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Diffan Posted - 10 May 2011 : 16:43:56
Ashe is correct, when you multi-class you gain the benefits (and drawbacks) the class features at that specific level. By going Druid 1, you calculate your benefits (+0 BAB; +2 Fort, +0 Ref, +2 Will) in addition to 1st level druid spells (if your not wearing metal armor that is) and an animal companion. This animal companion is selected from the druid list as if you were a 1st level druid.
Ashe Ravenheart Posted - 10 May 2011 : 16:29:15
In that case, you'd have all the Druid abilities at first level. You might need to conduct the ceremony to summon your companion (since it just doesn't "appear" like a Paladin's mount), but there's no restriction that you can't have an animal companion when you multi-class.
BlackDragonKarameikos Posted - 10 May 2011 : 16:13:44
Originally posted by Ashe Ravenheart

Are you multi-classing or using Unearthed Arcana dual-classing rules? If you just multi-class and take a level of Druid, you'd be just like a level 1 druid, with all the benefits.

Animal companion is based on your Druid + (½ Ranger) levels in 3.5

Using the multiclassing rules out of the PHB, no Unearthed Arcana.
Ashe Ravenheart Posted - 10 May 2011 : 16:09:37
Are you multi-classing or using Unearthed Arcana dual-classing rules? If you just multi-class and take a level of Druid, you'd be just like a level 1 druid, with all the benefits.

Animal companion is based on your Druid + (½ Ranger) levels in 3.5

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