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 Yawning Portal Map

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Gelcur Posted - 25 Feb 2010 : 19:43:28
What have people been using for this map? The ones in printed materials seem to be wrong looking something like this.

I found Mystery_Man's map here at Candlekeep which I am thinking of using it.

I figured I would see if there are other options or if people have other suggestions.
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Erik Scott de Bie Posted - 16 Mar 2010 : 02:08:05
I do want to point out that for anyone who's planning on the D&D Encounters series starting this Wednesday (written by that one tall and annoying guy), the Yawning Portal features prominently in the first session.

Now enough with the spoilers!

Afetbinttuzani Posted - 15 Mar 2010 : 22:11:32
Michael Muller has a nice image of the interior of the Yawning Portal in the Candlekeep Gallery.
wintermute27 Posted - 14 Mar 2010 : 04:52:22
I like the map presented in the wonderful Map of Waterdeep found here. The best way to find it is to use the bookmarks and click on "The Yawning Portal" under "Structures" > "Inns & Boarding Houses". Then use the Layers to view the 3 floors of the inn.

Turns out that that map from Expedition to Undermountain is the same as the one from the 1e City System box set.
Gelcur Posted - 26 Feb 2010 : 14:24:23
The first link is the map in Expedition to Undermountain. Note the lack of a yawning portal.

Mystery_Man's map, the second link, is very nice and it has a yawning portal. Though I do not see things like the secondary wet well in the back room. It also has an additional staircase that in the middle of the room, not sure if I like it.
Hawkins Posted - 26 Feb 2010 : 03:50:57
I believe there is a map of the Yawning Portal in Expedition to Undermountain.

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