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 Looking for any HELP. Uvaeren library methods.

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
althen artren Posted - 03 Apr 2007 : 05:40:31
Anybody with a creative or scientific ideas. I would like to get more ideas on the different media that the Uvaeren would have came up with for information storage. I'll post what I came up with. If your imagination is stimulated, please post also. Especially music, I've not a musical bone in my body.

Light Lore
1 crystal

Light enters a crystal at a certain point, when it exits it created a map or picture.
Crystals that are enchanted to put out programmed illusions.
Magically altered crystals-when light changes its entry point, the scene or picture changes into something else, perhaps an animated sequence?
Different light frequencies entering crystals create different images.

Multilple cystals
A number of crystals on top of each other create a picture, putting the crystals in a different order changes the image.

Murals, paintings, tapestries, jewellery, or pottery has tactile writing on the surface or specific symbols, something that only trained characters can understand.
Wind sulptures that talk when wind enters them a certain way, phrase changing when the wind comes from a different direction.
Ancient vines whose runners spell out words or phrases when they can be seen without the leaves or other obstacles.

1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Asgetrion Posted - 03 Apr 2007 : 08:35:18
Just some very quick thoughts...

How about some permanent Programmed Image -spells, that are triggered by certain questions? These spells would conjure images of elven sages and loremasters, whom would answer all kinds of questions.

Or a small Mythal, which has Legend Lore, Identify and other Divination spells that produce information?

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