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 Attn: Alaundo

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Dargoth Posted - 14 Mar 2007 : 04:49:41

Several scribes have said that would like to see a DDM trading area at Candlekeep.

Any chance you could set up a Minis trading forum at Candlekeep?
20   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
sleyvas Posted - 06 Apr 2007 : 15:57:48
>>just entertaining the Calishite Dancing Girls who have found a home here.

Um, which door do I knock on, and what pass phrase do I use?
Alaundo Posted - 06 Apr 2007 : 13:53:01
Originally posted by The Sage

The Lady K always tells me that time works a little more slowly in the UK.

I didn't believe her... until now.

Why I oughtta!

Many apologies Dargoth. Ye should now have a message in thy PM box
The Sage Posted - 06 Apr 2007 : 13:49:56
The Lady K always tells me that time works a little more slowly in the UK.

I didn't believe her... until now.
Dargoth Posted - 06 Apr 2007 : 12:42:48
Originally posted by Alaundo

Originally posted by The Sage

Hmmmm... as I recall, we reach a consensus on the issue and Alaundo made the final decision. He was supposed to have passed it along to you, Dargoth. It may simply have slipped his "mature" mind.

Well met

Aye, apologies Dargoth. I'll contact ye privately in a moment.

This "moment" is taking a very long time................
Alaundo Posted - 04 Apr 2007 : 09:27:25
Originally posted by The Sage

Hmmmm... as I recall, we reach a consensus on the issue and Alaundo made the final decision. He was supposed to have passed it along to you, Dargoth. It may simply have slipped his "mature" mind.

Well met

Aye, apologies Dargoth. I'll contact ye privately in a moment.
The Sage Posted - 04 Apr 2007 : 05:25:36
Hmmmm... as I recall, we reach a consensus on the issue and Alaundo made the final decision. He was supposed to have passed it along to you, Dargoth. It may simply have slipped his "mature" mind.
Dargoth Posted - 04 Apr 2007 : 04:55:29
Originally posted by Alaundo

Well met

Hmmm, I have considered this before, Dargoth and have to agree with The Sage on this matter.

However, being as you raised it and with the Code of Conduct guidelines, we could perhaps give it a try. For better control, we could have this area under post moderation (posts do not appear immediately, but are released by a moderator).

I'll discuss this in private with my fellow moderators and get back to you

Any further news?
Alaundo Posted - 16 Mar 2007 : 07:07:16
Originally posted by Dhomal


I Definately dont know Anythihg about any Calishite Dancing Girls.

I honestly think you all (Mods) must have your hands full. I can only imagine how many uproarious rebellions you squash on a daily basis. That and pointing lesser scribes in the right direction and so-forth.

In any case - I will wait patiently for the deliberations on this topic to run their course.

While I'm waiting - dont mind any laughing or giggling coming from my chambers...


Well met

Oh ye don't know the half of it, my dear Dhomal. My staff of the irritated moderator +5 is so worn it merely resembles a frayed and battered twig these days

Calishite girls? here? Why I oughta...
Dhomal Posted - 16 Mar 2007 : 04:57:50

I Definately dont know Anythihg about any Calishite Dancing Girls.

I honestly think you all (Mods) must have your hands full. I can only imagine how many uproarious rebellions you squash on a daily basis. That and pointing lesser scribes in the right direction and so-forth.

In any case - I will wait patiently for the deliberations on this topic to run their course.

While I'm waiting - dont mind any laughing or giggling coming from my chambers...

The Sage Posted - 15 Mar 2007 : 23:42:35
Shhh! Don't say that out loud.

You never know when Big Al will come by and finally realise that the "hard work" we Candlekeep mods say we are regularly engaged in, is really nothing more than us just entertaining the Calishite Dancing Girls who have found a home here.
Dhomal Posted - 15 Mar 2007 : 23:22:46

I gotcha. However - I was not as worried about the post buildup - as another thing that you guys would have to keep on the lookout for.

*I* like to think of y ou as 'overworked' here. :) I dont want to add to that.

(*And if you are not overworked - well - lets keep it that way!*)

Seriously though - Whatever works best is - well - best! :)

The Sage Posted - 15 Mar 2007 : 22:50:43
I don't think it would be that much of a burden, since either myself, Wooly, or Arky are always here at one time or another. So the chances of posts building up before being released would be slim.
Dhomal Posted - 15 Mar 2007 : 17:58:52

I was not even aware that a post-delay system was possible. :)

This would also work - but I dont want to overly burden the moderators any more than they already are.

But please - discuss away and whatever the outcome - I appreciate your willingness to listen and consider. :)

Alaundo Posted - 14 Mar 2007 : 20:41:21
Well met

Hmmm, I have considered this before, Dargoth and have to agree with The Sage on this matter.

However, being as you raised it and with the Code of Conduct guidelines, we could perhaps give it a try. For better control, we could have this area under post moderation (posts do not appear immediately, but are released by a moderator).

I'll discuss this in private with my fellow moderators and get back to you
Dhomal Posted - 14 Mar 2007 : 15:46:53

I definately could see an issue with this, as Sage points out.

I also am 'somewhat' familiar with the other sites that are specifically, or nearly specifically set up for Minis chat etc. They intimidate me to say the least. I have dabbled with the minis game - and may do some more - but first and foremost is their use in my FR RP game.

Perhaps another solution would be to create a new forum - but have it access-restricted. We could see what scribes who are already present are interested and allow them to join by a permission system or somesuch. We could even have some guideline for a minimum degree of previous 'keep involvement before allowing admission. *Say, 50 posts or something.* this would make it very difficult for someone interested 'solely' in the minis section to make it - and if they tried - it would probably become fairly clear that they were trying to 'pad' their post count to get to the threshold for admission.

For me - it also probably boils down to two other factors:

1) Time. I am not sure how some scribes here do it. You work, have a family, and post here a lot. And it seems - frequent other online messageboards too! I find I have to be selective with some of the threads i read - just to try and keep up! So - having a section here would allow me to possibly do some trading, while not having to add another site to my already time-crunched surfing. :)

2) Trust. I 'know' a lot of you. Ive met one of you *Waves at Eytan!* and feel that I can trust those here. People at another site - maybe not as much.

Anyway - what will be will be. Just my $.25 - since I thought that was a bit longer than 2 cents!

The Sage Posted - 14 Mar 2007 : 06:15:10
That may be the best option.

I'd want to establish strict guidelines for use, that's a certainty. And we should probably try to encourage scribes, who are perhaps only interested in talking about minis and their stats, to expand their interests somewhat and attempt to discuss FR-based campaigns based on their experiences with D&D minis. That'd fit well with the general scope of FR game play that's the feature of the Running the Realms section.

There is some potential for this idea to work here.
Dargoth Posted - 14 Mar 2007 : 06:04:29

it wouldnt be that much of leap, after all Candlekeep isnt 100% FR board we do have a forum for Generic D&D forum and DDM sets ussually contain some FR related minis.

As for the issue of there being a large influx of board memmbers who arent interested in the FR and only joining the minis forum. I think it will happan people looking for minis would be better off posting at Maxminis or Hordlings where there going to reach a larger number of traders

If Alaundo still has concerns Id suggest that he allows a new minis trading forum on the site but with a clause that it may be taken down if it causes problems
The Sage Posted - 14 Mar 2007 : 05:43:16

Both options have their drawbacks. Though, I'm not sure I am comfortable with the idea of seeing Candlekeep suddenly swamped by an influx of "D&D Mini fans" -- which is what a separate "Mini Trading" section of the Forum will likely generate.

Alaundo may have another perspective to offer.
Dargoth Posted - 14 Mar 2007 : 05:15:23
The problem with that is everyone would be posting their have/want lists in the same thread so if someone made any alteration to their list other scribes would have to scroll through the thread
The Sage Posted - 14 Mar 2007 : 05:06:07
'Tis an interesting idea -- one that's come up before, IIRC.

The problem with this idea though, is that potential scribes may sign up just to use the 'Mini Trading Area', which is something I've seen happen on several message boards, and disregard the rest of the Forum here at Candlekeep. Thus, I'm not entirely sure Big Al would want to endorse such activity... since it would tend to deviate a little from what Candlekeep was originally set up for -- as a community for FR discussion.

It may be more appropriate to simply set up a special "Mini Trading Scroll" in the D&D Products section and utilise that in place of an entirely new section of the Forum.

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