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 Sages of Realmslore
 Dakspur - city of 1.000 + Beholders....

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Jakuta Khan Posted - 02 Dec 2010 : 16:00:23
Also, the above mentioned city wouldbe greatly interesting to follow up.

From my mere understandings, this city was ruled by the phaerimm through trickery.
But what has happened to this city and their uncounted numbers of Beholder-slaves after the prison of the master race broke?

I do think that with a force of 1.000+ Beholders at hand, their true masters could and WOULD have wreaked Havoc in the surrounding lands...

Quite frightening of thinking of a force this strong in todays realms.
10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Ayrik Posted - 26 Jan 2013 : 06:27:19
They should call it the City of 1,000 Charms. It just sounds more romantic that way, helps attract meals tourists.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 26 Jan 2013 : 06:03:15
A city of a thousand beholders... That's 11,000 eyes, 1,000 of which are very large. Can you imagine how much of a killing you'd make selling Visine there?
The Masked Mage Posted - 26 Jan 2013 : 05:04:37
First - EE, Anauroch has the city named Dakspar - slightly different spelling. Maybe that will help people look for it.

Given it's location: beneath the Dragon's Back Peaks in the Plain of Standing Stones, Dakspar is NOT any of the cities mentioned in DDGTTU.

I do think it would be a reasonable assumption that the beholders of Dakspar were the ones used in the war against Evereska, in which case the city would be drastically weakened at least.
Jakuta Khan Posted - 14 Dec 2010 : 15:06:49
too sad that there is no more information available to what happened to the city.

Quale Posted - 05 Dec 2010 : 21:00:37
almost sure that is all, the rest is left to the dm

maybe the Anauroch adventure has something about the phaerimm, but that is a book I avoid
Jakuta Khan Posted - 05 Dec 2010 : 19:15:03
you are right, but in DDGTTU the city itself is not named.

Although I was amused to read that the triumvirat killed seemingly over 800 Beholders....
But that is a different story.

I was looking for some more evidence of the city, or a clear hint what has happened to it.

Quale Posted - 03 Dec 2010 : 11:04:37
a similar force did attack Evereska

check Xun-Qoroth in DDGttU, I think that the conflict with Ooltul got them occupied
Jakuta Khan Posted - 02 Dec 2010 : 16:20:00
it is in elminster's ecologies, on page 24 in the "underdark of anauroch" 2

neever saw anything about the city in an yother sourcebook - though I for sure do not know all of them.
Ayrik Posted - 02 Dec 2010 : 16:18:11
Where is this city mentioned? Which book?
Mr_Miscellany Posted - 02 Dec 2010 : 16:10:23
I don't know anything about Dakspur, but I'm now officially just as eager as the OP to learn what anyone else may know about it (what books it's in, etc...).

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