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 More FR novels for Thomas, Paul, Lisa and Richard?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Dargoth Posted - 26 Jul 2005 : 03:49:20

Ive just noticed that within the next 9 months or so I number of FR trilogies will be winding up

The last book in Thomas Reids Scions of Arrabar series comes out next month

The last book in Paul Kemps Erevis Cale series comes out in November

The Last year of Rogue Dragons novel by Richard Lee Byers comes out early next year and so does the last book in Lisa Smedmans House of Serpent series

So... What are you authors doing for 2006-2007?

Your not going to let all those Young Wipper snapper authors take all the FR glory are you?
30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
jameslt0 Posted - 02 Nov 2005 : 01:49:19
Originally posted by Thomas M. Reid

Originally posted by VEDSICA

[quote]Without getting specific Thomas.New character or old one????My fingers are crossed hoping that you can drop a little something to The Keep

Sorry, I really can't say anything about it at the moment. But I promise to divulge more at a later date.


Just knowing that there are going to be future projects is good enough for me. I don't need details, just knowing your keeping your quill, plenty of ink and parchment on hand is enough info.

Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 01 Nov 2005 : 20:22:38
Originally posted by Beezy

There are probally more books about dark elves than regular elves at this point haha.

I've often thought the same thing, myself...

But like I said, what's important is how well the characters are written.
Beezy Posted - 28 Oct 2005 : 22:40:16
There are probally more books about dark elves than regular elves at this point haha. But I am looking forward toreading more abotu Hallistra and hopefully some of the others from WotSQ series will make an apparence
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 26 Oct 2005 : 03:07:48
More drow?

But in spite of that initial thought, I really enjoy Lisa Smedman's writing, so I've no doubt it will be good.
Dargoth Posted - 26 Oct 2005 : 02:10:56
Originally posted by Dargoth

Lisa just dropped into her thread in the authors forum and said that shes writing another FR trilogy. Alaas no details yet.

Lisa has just let the cat out of the bag

"I also got the go-ahead from WOTC to tell you all about my next project. It's going to be a trilogy (titles yet to be hashed out) that focuses on the drow. Specifically, on Hallistra of the War of the Spider Queen series. It's going to continue one of the threads from that series, and should be a blast to write. The first book is scheduled for release in February 2006.
And that's all I'm allowed to say"
Renzokuken Posted - 06 Sep 2005 : 18:41:40
That is excellent news. I always love hearing that a new trilogy is coming our way. Makes me all giddy inside.
Dargoth Posted - 06 Sep 2005 : 02:39:47
Lisa just dropped into her thread in the authors forum and said that shes writing another FR trilogy. Alaas no details yet.
The Sage Posted - 23 Aug 2005 : 02:37:24
Originally posted by George Krashos

I fourth or fifth SB's well wishes for Paul.
Make me next in line .

The City of Shade being a 3E phenomenon (relatively) gives Paul lots of scope here, but also an opportunity to reveal some of the secrets and lore of Netheril, Shar and the Shadow Weave.
I was wondering this myself -- especially about ancient secrets regarding the latter eras of Netheril. The potential here for quality Realmslore is intriguing...

I say, just have fun and keep churning out good FR prose!:)
Well said!

You've chosen a great Realms sandbox to build your castle Paul... I can't wait to walk it's halls .
George Krashos Posted - 23 Aug 2005 : 02:22:59
Originally posted by SiriusBlack

Good luck to Paul Kemp on his newly announced trilogy that will deal with the Shades.


I fourth or fifth SB's well wishes for Paul. The City of Shade being a 3E phenomenon (relatively) gives Paul lots of scope here, but also an opportunity to reveal some of the secrets and lore of Netheril, Shar and the Shadow Weave. Tread carefully Paul - lots of rabid FR fans out there who have claimed that latter topic as their own and muse on it almost constantly. I say, just have fun and keep churning out good FR prose!:)

-- George Krashos
Wooly Rupert Posted - 22 Aug 2005 : 17:29:05
Originally posted by Dargoth

Oh dear not another RSE

Warning contains spoilers from Several novel trilogies

Weve had

1)Elaine C ripping up Evermeet in Evermeet a novel

2) Ed and Troy having stiring up trouble and "Regime change" in Cormyr

3)Troy Denning smacking the elves of Everdesk (Yes I suspect Ive mispelled it) with the Shades and Phaerim

4)Richard Byer running rampant in the Moonsea/Damara/Northn coast of Sea of Fallen Stars (and potentially EVERYWHERE)

5)Richard Baker causing trouble in the Dalelands and Moonsea

Much as I love a Realms shaking event there starting to get a little to frequent for my liking.

Hopefully it'll be limited in scope, maybe just affecting Shade.
Paec_djinn Posted - 22 Aug 2005 : 14:04:38
Whoa, it would be good to see shades versus shade, one shade against 500(estimated number) shades of Shade Enclave, I am seriously anticipating this upcoming RSE with the utmost eagerness.

*takes out his Shield of Uber-fan Resistance +5* Unless of course Cale is the one who's gonna bite the dust in Midnight's Mask. But nonetheless, it certainly is the right combination for Kemp. He's done alot of dark books with Shade, shadow and such and it really isn't much of a surprise to me that the next trilogy will have to do with Shades.
Shadovar Posted - 22 Aug 2005 : 13:54:06
Originally posted by SiriusBlack

Good luck to Paul Kemp on his newly announced trilogy that will deal with the Shades.


Whoa, it would be good to see shades versus shade, one shade against 500(estimated number) shades of Shade Enclave, I am seriously anticipating this upcoming RSE with the utmost eagerness.
Dargoth Posted - 22 Aug 2005 : 12:56:19
Oh dear not another RSE

Warning contains spoilers from Several novel trilogies

Weve had

1)Elaine C ripping up Evermeet in Evermeet a novel

2) Ed and Troy having stiring up trouble and "Regime change" in Cormyr

3)Troy Denning smacking the elves of Everdesk (Yes I suspect Ive mispelled it) with the Shades and Phaerim

4)Richard Byer running rampant in the Moonsea/Damara/Northn coast of Sea of Fallen Stars (and potentially EVERYWHERE)

5)Richard Baker causing trouble in the Dalelands and Moonsea

Much as I love a Realms shaking event there starting to get a little to frequent for my liking.
khorne Posted - 22 Aug 2005 : 11:41:46
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Alaundo

Originally posted by SiriusBlack

Good luck to Paul Kemp on his newly announced trilogy that will deal with the Shades.


Well met

Ahhhh, do ye have any other specifics on this, Sirius? Mayhaps this is the continuation of the hanging situation from The Return of the Archwizards Trilogy?

He mentions it in his blog. It's an RSE dealing with Shade and the characters from the Erevis Cale trilogy.

I'll leave it to him to provide more details.

.......................YES,YES,YEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AT LAST!
Wooly Rupert Posted - 22 Aug 2005 : 00:00:01
Originally posted by Alaundo

Originally posted by SiriusBlack

Good luck to Paul Kemp on his newly announced trilogy that will deal with the Shades.


Well met

Ahhhh, do ye have any other specifics on this, Sirius? Mayhaps this is the continuation of the hanging situation from The Return of the Archwizards Trilogy?

He mentions it in his blog. It's an RSE dealing with Shade and the characters from the Erevis Cale trilogy.

I'll leave it to him to provide more details.
Alaundo Posted - 21 Aug 2005 : 22:08:55
Originally posted by SiriusBlack

Good luck to Paul Kemp on his newly announced trilogy that will deal with the Shades.


Well met

Ahhhh, do ye have any other specifics on this, Sirius? Mayhaps this is the continuation of the hanging situation from The Return of the Archwizards Trilogy?
SiriusBlack Posted - 21 Aug 2005 : 20:30:40
Good luck to Paul Kemp on his newly announced trilogy that will deal with the Shades.

SheriffJoe Posted - 05 Aug 2005 : 19:45:36
And Lisa...let's not forget Lisa.


Toedoe Posted - 31 Jul 2005 : 02:13:02
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Kajehase

Am I the only one who feel that there's been enough deicides and god-rebirths as it is then?

No, you are not. And as discussed elsewhere in these forums, deific throwdowns are incredibly unlikely.

So, having said that, could we perhaps get back to the original topic, future novels by some of the "newcomers" to the Realms?

I believe the original topic was about what Thomas, Paul, and Richard would be doing in the future.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 30 Jul 2005 : 18:00:28
Originally posted by Kajehase

Am I the only one who feel that there's been enough deicides and god-rebirths as it is then?

No, you are not. And as discussed elsewhere in these forums, deific throwdowns are incredibly unlikely.

So, having said that, could we perhaps get back to the original topic, future novels by some of the "newcomers" to the Realms?
Kajehase Posted - 30 Jul 2005 : 17:02:11
Am I the only one who feel that there's been enough deicides and god-rebirths as it is then?
khorne Posted - 30 Jul 2005 : 14:15:04
Originally posted by Lameth

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Toedoe

PLEASE, let one of them be writing about a religious war between Cyric and Bane. Ending with Cyric killing Bane and Bane STAYING dead!

Bah. Kill them both and bring back Iyachtu Xvim.


Exactly. Xvims name sounds better too.
Krafus Posted - 30 Jul 2005 : 14:13:15
Originally posted by Toedoe

PLEASE, let one of them be writing about a religious war between Cyric and Bane. Ending with Cyric killing Bane and Bane STAYING dead!

On the contrary. Let us be rid of that incompetent buffoon Cyric. That moron was making greater evil gods into laughingstocks. The return of Bane is one of the best things to happen for years.
Toedoe Posted - 30 Jul 2005 : 14:08:07
Originally posted by Shadovar

War between Cyric and Bane? Hmmm, Cyric is very cunning and devious while Bane lacked Cyric's cunning but Bane is just simply straightforward. So it is interesting to see the two gods fight it out.
But Mask should be involved as well as Mask is also considered a near match to Cyric in terms of cunning and intelligence. I say I would prefer a three way war between Cyric, Mask, Bane.

If Mask joined the fight, I believe Shar would too, she does want to do away with Mask and get Shadow for herself. So I can see a tag team with Cyric & Shar vs. Bane & Mask. Ending in Cyric and Shar for the win.
Shadovar Posted - 30 Jul 2005 : 01:39:55
War between Cyric and Bane? Hmmm, Cyric is very cunning and devious while Bane lacked Cyric's cunning but Bane is just simply straightforward. So it is interesting to see the two gods fight it out.
But Mask should be involved as well as Mask is also considered a near match to Cyric in terms of cunning and intelligence. I say I would prefer a three way war between Cyric, Mask, Bane.
Dargoth Posted - 30 Jul 2005 : 00:06:57
Originally posted by Toedoe

PLEASE, let one of them be writing about a religious war between Cyric and Bane. Ending with Cyric killing Bane and Bane STAYING dead!

Cyric's a wussy little sissy boy and Bane will make mince meat out of him.
Lameth Posted - 29 Jul 2005 : 23:31:01
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Toedoe

PLEASE, let one of them be writing about a religious war between Cyric and Bane. Ending with Cyric killing Bane and Bane STAYING dead!

Bah. Kill them both and bring back Iyachtu Xvim.

Wooly Rupert Posted - 29 Jul 2005 : 19:31:54
Originally posted by Toedoe

PLEASE, let one of them be writing about a religious war between Cyric and Bane. Ending with Cyric killing Bane and Bane STAYING dead!

Bah. Kill them both and bring back Iyachtu Xvim.
VEDSICA Posted - 29 Jul 2005 : 18:32:30
Originally posted by Toedoe

PLEASE, let one of them be writing about a religious war between Cyric and Bane. Ending with Cyric killing Bane and Bane STAYING dead!

I don't see this happening!
Toedoe Posted - 29 Jul 2005 : 18:28:43
PLEASE, let one of them be writing about a religious war between Cyric and Bane. Ending with Cyric killing Bane and Bane STAYING dead!

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