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 Honor Among Thieves

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ElaineCunningham Posted - 25 May 2011 : 20:00:02
Honor Among Thieves, the first in a series of short "e-riginal" novels, will be going online next week. The prologue (which is also the prologue to The Book of Vishni's Exile, a collection of tales one of the characters writes throughout the series) is online now at

The website is being completely rebuild as a WordPress blog. But instead of the usual author blog, this will offer daily bits of lore, fiction, maps, and character art--fluff articles, in other words.

Starting in June, I'll be following this schedule:

M: Honor Among Thieves excerpt
T: Lore and legends
W: People and places
Th: Treasures and technology
F: Book of Vishni's Exile (Short fiction)

Each weekend I'll post an update on the usual author stuff: info about new releases, work in progress, conventions appearances, cover art, and so on.

Hope you enjoy Sevrin! Please stop by and return often.

30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Hawkins Posted - 23 Jan 2012 : 21:56:19
Yay! I purchased this from Smashwords in hopes that you would receive a better cut than on Amazon. Also, I like the idea of having the DRM free version of it, which totally made it worth paying $1 more for it.
ElaineCunningham Posted - 11 Jul 2011 : 17:03:48
Chapter 6 is online, posted in 2 parts. :)
ElaineCunningham Posted - 28 Jun 2011 : 12:08:04
Originally posted by GRYPHON

Possible hard copy? I'd buy that...

Not at present, GRYPHON.

Honor Among Thieves is the first story in the Starsingers trilogy and, at 35,000 words, the shortest. While I think this length works as an ebook, it's not a length that readers are accustomed to buying. Once the entire trilogy has been e-published, it might make sense to do a printed omnibus.

It'd be nice to have hard copies for conventions and other events, and, of course, for the folks who don't use e-readers and don't like to download Smashword PDF copies to read on-screen.
GRYPHON Posted - 27 Jun 2011 : 15:02:37
Possible hard copy? I'd buy that...
ElaineCunningham Posted - 27 Jun 2011 : 13:56:11
Chapter 5, scene 1 is now online.
ElaineCunningham Posted - 20 Jun 2011 : 14:15:24
Chapter 4 is online. :)
ElaineCunningham Posted - 16 Jun 2011 : 15:11:08
If you're gunpowder-curious, today's Tales of Sevrin post offers a quick overview of what it is and how it was made.

ElaineCunningham Posted - 15 Jun 2011 : 00:06:00
Originally posted by Fellfire

Yes indeed. You are one of the few authors who can sell me a book without my having to read the jacket. Of course I always do because I'm impatient, but that's besides the point.

Are the first two chapters still available online? I couldn't find them on your site. All links brought me to chapter three.

Any chance of a preview of The Serpent's Daughter on the horizon?

On the upper right side of the website is a Category pull-down menu. All the preview chapters, Prelude through chapter 3, can be accessed as Excerpts and Honor Among Thieves.

More news on TSD as soon as I can pass it along.
Fellfire Posted - 14 Jun 2011 : 22:52:20
Yes indeed. You are one of the few authors who can sell me a book without my having to read the jacket. Of course I always do because I'm impatient, but that's besides the point.

Are the first two chapters still available online? I couldn't find them on your site. All links brought me to chapter three.

Any chance of a preview of The Serpent's Daughter on the horizon?
Wooly Rupert Posted - 14 Jun 2011 : 18:27:24
Originally posted by ElaineCunningham

Originally posted by Fellfire

That is either extremely brilliant or somewhat arrogant, foolhardy and needlessly complicated. Either way, props for trying, I couldn't do it.

Sorry for the side-chatter, Elaine. I'm not a big e-book reader, but if you wrote it, I'll read it, eventually.

Side-chatter is no problem.

Informal poll here. I'd be interested to hear from people who aren't e-readers but would read Honor's story in hard copy. Once the trilogy of short e-riginals is finished, I might have all three bundled into a print book.

Yes? No? Maybe?

I'd buy it. I'm enjoying this tale.
Ashe Ravenheart Posted - 14 Jun 2011 : 17:28:15
The Sage Posted - 14 Jun 2011 : 15:42:43
Originally posted by ElaineCunningham

Originally posted by Fellfire

That is either extremely brilliant or somewhat arrogant, foolhardy and needlessly complicated. Either way, props for trying, I couldn't do it.

Sorry for the side-chatter, Elaine. I'm not a big e-book reader, but if you wrote it, I'll read it, eventually.

Side-chatter is no problem.

Informal poll here. I'd be interested to hear from people who aren't e-readers but would read Honor's story in hard copy. Once the trilogy of short e-riginals is finished, I might have all three bundled into a print book.

Yes? No? Maybe?

Myself, the Lady K, and a number of other friends who are new readers of Honor's story all heartily proclaim... "YES!"
Kajehase Posted - 14 Jun 2011 : 15:25:58
ElaineCunningham Posted - 14 Jun 2011 : 12:50:45
Originally posted by Fellfire

That is either extremely brilliant or somewhat arrogant, foolhardy and needlessly complicated. Either way, props for trying, I couldn't do it.

Sorry for the side-chatter, Elaine. I'm not a big e-book reader, but if you wrote it, I'll read it, eventually.

Side-chatter is no problem.

Informal poll here. I'd be interested to hear from people who aren't e-readers but would read Honor's story in hard copy. Once the trilogy of short e-riginals is finished, I might have all three bundled into a print book.

Yes? No? Maybe?
Fellfire Posted - 14 Jun 2011 : 03:37:59
That is either extremely brilliant or somewhat arrogant, foolhardy and needlessly complicated. Either way, props for trying, I couldn't do it.

Sorry for the side-chatter, Elaine. I'm not a big e-book reader, but if you wrote it, I'll read it, eventually.
The Sage Posted - 14 Jun 2011 : 03:07:19
Originally posted by Fellfire

Originally posted by The Sage

I'll have to figure a method for translating to SagePhone, but I'm definitely eager to set my electronic-claws on this.

Sage, are you telling me you couldn't leave well enough alone and now have some crazy homemade concoction OS running on your smartphone?!

Not yet. Though a version of SageOS for smartphones will undoubtedly feature on my "To-Do" list at some point.
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Sage does strange things with all of his SageDevices. Even the SageCar runs by principles not fully understood by its creator... Or by modern science!

When SageCar is working, of course. Currently, its only succeeding in acting as an attractor for dust and other particulate-muck during periods of wintry rain and storms.


And just to note... I stand by the quality and reliability of all of my SageDevices. Or at least I will.


It's on my list too.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 14 Jun 2011 : 02:48:36
Originally posted by Fellfire

Originally posted by The Sage

I'll have to figure a method for translating to SagePhone, but I'm definitely eager to set my electronic-claws on this.

Sage, are you telling me you couldn't leave well enough alone and now have some crazy homemade concoction OS running on your smartphone?!

Sage does strange things with all of his SageDevices. Even the SageCar runs by principles not fully understood by its creator... Or by modern science!
Fellfire Posted - 14 Jun 2011 : 02:14:17
Originally posted by The Sage

I'll have to figure a method for translating to SagePhone, but I'm definitely eager to set my electronic-claws on this.

Sage, are you telling me you couldn't leave well enough alone and now have some crazy homemade concoction OS running on your smartphone?!
GRYPHON Posted - 13 Jun 2011 : 14:50:58
ElaineCunningham Posted - 13 Jun 2011 : 13:29:43
Chapter 3 is now online.
ElaineCunningham Posted - 09 Jun 2011 : 21:54:35
Honor is now listed on the Barnes & Noble Nook store.
Joran Nobleheart Posted - 09 Jun 2011 : 07:59:11
Originally posted by ElaineCunningham

Originally posted by Joran Nobleheart

Hmm... I was just about to check out the artist's site on deviantART from About the Artist on your site, and it tells me Server not found. Mrs. Cunningham, could you take a look at it, please? Thank you, and as always, I'm a huge fan of yours!!

Rain's deviantART site is Thanks for the heads-up on the broken link. I'll mosey on over and see if I can get that working.

Thank you, Mrs. Cunningham! I'll take a closer look later on.
The Sage Posted - 09 Jun 2011 : 01:34:38
Originally posted by ElaineCunningham

Yay! Honor Among Thieves is now available for sale at the Kindle store at br /

I said to myself earlier, that I'd wait until the weekend to purchase the Kindle version, but I can't do it. I'm buying it today!
Thente Thunderspells Posted - 09 Jun 2011 : 00:43:16
I was waiting for that and now I've finished the story.

It was really good and I'm looking forward to the other entries in this series!!!

Thanks for opening up and sharing the world of Sevrin to us Elaine!
ElaineCunningham Posted - 08 Jun 2011 : 17:58:29
Yay! Honor Among Thieves is now available for sale at the Kindle store at br /
Wooly Rupert Posted - 07 Jun 2011 : 18:06:49
I have Honor Among Thieves on me phone, now.

And a friend of mine was way happy about the cover art -- apparently, before you posted that link, he wasn't able to find the artist. Now he's found and contacted her thru Facebook, and proceeded to go into barely-restrained-fan mode.
ElaineCunningham Posted - 07 Jun 2011 : 15:42:06
Originally posted by Joran Nobleheart

Hmm... I was just about to check out the artist's site on deviantART from About the Artist on your site, and it tells me Server not found. Mrs. Cunningham, could you take a look at it, please? Thank you, and as always, I'm a huge fan of yours!!

Rain's deviantART site is Thanks for the heads-up on the broken link. I'll mosey on over and see if I can get that working.
Joran Nobleheart Posted - 07 Jun 2011 : 13:51:16
Hmm... I was just about to check out the artist's site on deviantART from About the Artist on your site, and it tells me Server not found. Mrs. Cunningham, could you take a look at it, please? Thank you, and as always, I'm a huge fan of yours!!
ElaineCunningham Posted - 07 Jun 2011 : 13:45:26
A fantasy world with hot dwarves? Natural leaders who don't play second fiddle to humans and elves? About damn time, if you ask me.

Legends & Lore: Carmot dwarves
The Sage Posted - 07 Jun 2011 : 02:33:35
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by ElaineCunningham

Originally posted by Kajehase

Originally posted by ElaineCunningham

Thank you, Ed and THO! :)

Chapter 2 is now online at HONOR AMONG THIEVES is for sale at Smashwords. Kindle, Nook, Sony, and iTunes editions coming soon.

Silly question perhaps, but... any plans on selling it over on the Paizo-site?

And also, from someone who's a bit behind in the electronic toy race, will this be available in pdf-format?

I hadn't thought of selling it at Paizo. Not sure the folks there would be interested, but I'll give it some thought.

As for PDF, it's available for sale NOW at Smashwords. In fact, you can buy it in a whole bunch of formats through Smashwords. It will take a few days to get it live at Amazon, iTunes and the B&N Nook.

I shall be buying a copy tonight, and then figuring out how to get it onto my phone.


I'll have to figure a method for translating to SagePhone, but I'm definitely eager to set my electronic-claws on this.

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