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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Richard Lee Byers Posted - 30 Sep 2010 : 23:38:32
Seriously, I hope at least some of you will view it as good news. I've signed to write three more Forgotten Realms novels to follow the current trilogy that begins with The Captive Flame (available from fine booksellers everywhere!)
30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Artemas Entreri Posted - 30 Aug 2011 : 03:20:13
Originally posted by Richard Lee Byers

Thank you. I appreciate the kind words.

Undead Legions, Crazy Dragons, Superb Griffon Warriors, etc? No, no...thank you good sir
Richard Lee Byers Posted - 29 Aug 2011 : 16:31:15
Thank you. I appreciate the kind words.
Artemas Entreri Posted - 29 Aug 2011 : 14:16:10
Originally posted by Dennis

Sorry for the obfuscation, Richard. I was actually referring to books 4-6 of the BotG.

By the way, is there any criteria that WotC is looking for before they decide on an “early” release of a sequel? As far as I know, only your series is given this kind of treatment. Most of the books in trilogies by other FR authors have at least one year gap.

Thank the Gods that Byers' work gets released faster! He is one of my favorite Realms authors and waiting a year between books would be tough. I am truly impressed with the diversity of subject matter covered by his various series. Great stuff!
Richard Lee Byers Posted - 28 Aug 2011 : 14:33:57
Hi, Dennis,

Books 4-6 are mostly in Rashemen.

As far as how WotC makes scheduling decisions, you'd have to ask them. They don't tell me what they're thinking when they make decisions about another writer's work. Sometimes I don't hear the reasons for decisions they make about my work.
Dennis Posted - 28 Aug 2011 : 05:55:12

Sorry for the obfuscation, Richard. I was actually referring to books 4-6 of the BotG.

By the way, is there any criteria that WotC is looking for before they decide on an “early” release of a sequel? As far as I know, only your series is given this kind of treatment. Most of the books in trilogies by other FR authors have at least one year gap.
Richard Lee Byers Posted - 28 Aug 2011 : 04:39:17
Hi, Dennis.

Honestly, I don't know. At this point, the publisher hasn't even signed me to do any more after this next set of three, so I haven't locked in any plotting decisions for what would come after, although of course I do have some ideas about what to do and where to go.

I can tell you that Book 7, if there is one, will very likely not to be in Rashemen. But that doesn't mean the saga won't head back that way eventually.
Dennis Posted - 28 Aug 2011 : 03:15:39

[I'm not sure if I already asked this before, of if someone did...]

Richard, will all the three new books of the Brotherhood of the Griffon series be primarily/only set in Rashemen?
GRYPHON Posted - 27 Aug 2011 : 16:38:42
Good news...
Artemas Entreri Posted - 26 Aug 2011 : 15:57:31
can't wait!
Richard Lee Byers Posted - 23 Jan 2011 : 18:11:24
First, thanks to Elsenrall for letting us know the cover is up. I hadn't seen it until now.

Brimstone is not on the cover. I don't want to tell you what dragon the undead-looking one is because it gives away a plot point, and I'm a little OCD about trying to preserve as many surprises in the story as possible. But I'm probably not giving away anything by saying that Dennis is right: the red is Tchazzar.
Dennis Posted - 23 Jan 2011 : 16:38:30
Awesome cover.

The red is definitely Tchazzar. The other one could be Brim. Or mayhap a new character, Richard?
Elsenrail Posted - 23 Jan 2011 : 15:44:39
The cover for "The Spectral Blaze" is on amazon. :)
Is it Brimstone on the cover?

I've not read any of Mr. Byer's books before "Unclean", so I don't know this character well.

Richard Lee Byers Posted - 23 Jan 2011 : 08:00:55
Thank you!
Ecaporaso Posted - 22 Jan 2011 : 22:56:02
That's great news!

The Haunted Lands is my favorite FR trilogy, and the first two installments of the Brotherhood of the Griffon have been great. I'm really looking forward to your upcoming FR novels.
Richard Lee Byers Posted - 13 Oct 2010 : 23:01:44
Thanks, all.
Dart Ambermoon Posted - 13 Oct 2010 : 21:49:00
Tren of Twilight Tower Posted - 13 Oct 2010 : 01:35:19
Originally posted by Richard Lee Byers

Seriously, I hope at least some of you will view it as good news. I've signed to write three more Forgotten Realms novels to follow the current trilogy that begins with The Captive Flame (available from fine booksellers everywhere!)

I do not think that anyone will complain. Congratulations and thanks, Richard.

Alystra Illianniis Posted - 03 Oct 2010 : 22:02:43
I loved Rogue Dragons. I'll have to keep an eye out for these. Great news! And keep up the awesome work!
Tyrant Posted - 03 Oct 2010 : 22:02:30
Originally posted by Richard Lee Byers

Thanks, guys.
Tyrant: Whisper of Venom picks up right where The Captive Flame leaves off, with the same bunch of characters.

I wasn't very clear in what I meant to say. I was meaning the new trilogy you are announcing as far as finding out who's in it and where it takes place, which I know you can't really say much about right now so we must wait.

I don't know if you can comment on this or if this is the place to ask as opposed to the other section meant for questions, but is the publishing schedule with The Brotherhood of the Griffon series a fluke or is there a real possibility of seeing more novels released less than a year apart in the future (obviously barring factors that would normally make it a must to space them out a year)?
GRYPHON Posted - 03 Oct 2010 : 14:47:45
Good news...
Richard Lee Byers Posted - 03 Oct 2010 : 14:41:55
Thanks, guys.
Tyrant: Whisper of Venom picks up right where The Captive Flame leaves off, with the same bunch of characters.
Tyrant Posted - 03 Oct 2010 : 05:48:46
This news is in the "great" column for sure. I've only read a few of your books (Haunted Lands Trilogy, The Captive Flame, Shattered Mask) and they have been among my favorite FR books so I am very much looking forward to these books (and I can't wait for Whisper of Venom). I look forward to finding out who is in it and where it takes place.
Snotlord Posted - 02 Oct 2010 : 22:15:46
Good news indeed.
Richard Lee Byers Posted - 02 Oct 2010 : 21:53:01
Thanks, all.
Dennis Posted - 02 Oct 2010 : 13:16:17
Originally posted by Elfinblade


I just cannot get myself motivated to read spellplague realms fiction.

Mournblade, you should. There are a lot of good novels set in the post spellplague era.

Agreed. You can start with Richard's The Haunted Lands trilogy. Just be prepared to see Thay in its darkest, most sinister image. Guaranteed to give you some sleepless nights, as you'd be compelled to devour them till the very last word.
Saxmilian Posted - 02 Oct 2010 : 13:15:34
"some of you view it as good news"?? Great. Another author (of skill and talent) writes more for our favorite setting. How could any of us NOT consider that good news. The only way to make it better news would to let me know that you'll be sending me a signed copy of these novels (HINT HINT!)and saving me the trouble of going to my local bookstore and nagging the clerk behind the counter as to where the fantasy-adventure section ahs been moved to this week!
Congrats on the work, I personally look forward to reading every printed word.
Elfinblade Posted - 02 Oct 2010 : 09:46:13

I just cannot get myself motivated to read spellplague realms fiction.

Mournblade, you should. There are a lot of good novels set in the post spellplague era.
Mournblade Posted - 02 Oct 2010 : 05:50:35
Originally posted by Richard Lee Byers

Seriously, I hope at least some of you will view it as good news. I've signed to write three more Forgotten Realms novels to follow the current trilogy that begins with The Captive Flame (available from fine booksellers everywhere!)

All your books have been excellent! I have to confess though, the spellplague debacle has caused me to not read FR novels since you wrote the Rogue Dragon trilogy. That trilogy was fantastic!!!!

I just cannot get myself motivated to read spellplague realms fiction.

Richard Lee Byers Posted - 01 Oct 2010 : 17:01:17
Sage: I believe the Pathfinder story will be a freebie, but I'm not absolutely sure.
Ruul Posted - 01 Oct 2010 : 16:33:59
Man, you're just bursting with good news aren't ya?? Whoop! Whoooop!

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