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Uzzy Posted - 11 Jan 2007 : 23:07:43
Right, got these books and loving every moment of them. Half way through the second one now.

My question is this though. The books themselves say they are set in 1333 DR (according to the Family Tree printed in the front of the second one) Yet, looking through my FRCS (and a few other sources) it's saying that Alias didn't release Moander until 1357. Any idea why this changed?
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Ergdusch Posted - 12 Jan 2007 : 10:30:58
For anyo e iterested in buying at least one of the books - The Wyverns spur is on sale on Ebay-Germany for another 2 days and 9 hours from this post onward.

Thought that might interest someone reading this thread....

Edit note: fixed the link.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 12 Jan 2007 : 08:01:00
Originally posted by scererar

Yes I absolutly love this trilogy. Old school Forgotten realms novel and feel.

It's among my favorite FR trilgoies. I wish they'd reprint it, just so that more people could read it. I'd also love to see Jeff Grubb and Kate Novak return to the Realms.

Originally posted by scererar

Additionally, you can't beat the older TSR era artwork. Some of my favorite.

Definitely! Having come aboard when most of the artwork was done by Larry Elmore, Clyde Caldwell (who is referenced in The Wyvern's Spur), and Jeff Easley, I grew accustomed to some fantastic artwork. None of the artists used by WotC over the past several years even compare... Some of the new artwork, I flat out despise.
scererar Posted - 12 Jan 2007 : 06:30:09
Yes I absolutly love this trilogy. Old school Forgotten realms novel and feel. Additionally, you can't beat the older TSR era artwork. Some of my favorite.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 12 Jan 2007 : 03:45:13
Actually, that used to bug me, too. I was just thinking about it the other day when I considered the Cormyr Reckoning angle.
Uzzy Posted - 12 Jan 2007 : 01:39:27
Hmm. Now I see. *smacks forehead*
Wooly Rupert Posted - 12 Jan 2007 : 01:33:35
Actually, it doesn't specify Dale Reckoning. The first journal entry from Giogi says it's the Year of Shadows, and that's 1358. The family tree is likely in Cormyr Reckoning -- CR is off from DR by 25 years.

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