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 Player's Guide to Faerun

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
woodwwad Posted - 01 Jan 2010 : 03:32:57
On page 10 there is an error. The artwork that has the collection of people of different races on it is wrong. The Mulan has the word Illuskan under him. I'm wondering which others are wrong. I'm still trying to get a better handle on the human races and ethnicities in the realms.
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ShepherdGunn Posted - 05 Jan 2010 : 14:34:11
Proper Editing? Continuity? That's requiring more care for the product than WotC is really want to put into it, though.
dwarvenranger Posted - 05 Jan 2010 : 00:53:29
I seem to recall that they got the gold dwarf and the grey dwarf mixed up as well.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 03 Jan 2010 : 03:57:16
Originally posted by Faraer

Another flaw of the 'patched-together anthology' format of latterday D&D books is that it increases the burden on developers and editors to work the multiple authors' writing into a working whole -- one suspects there just weren't enough editorial resources to give all the books what they needed.

I'm inclined to think it was too few editors given too little time to do it. If I can spot these errors on a casual read, then a professional should have been able to catch them. I'm not going to sweat a minor typo here and there, but 3E had a lot of them, and those were the small things. I'm a decent editor-type, but I've never been formally trained/educated in that field -- so I'd expect better from a professional.

Even given the apparent editorial constraints, I do still have to wonder how some of the typos and such slipped by -- a simple spellcheck would have caught a good portion of them, like the repeated instances of the word "Ukta" in the Player's Guide.
Faraer Posted - 02 Jan 2010 : 20:18:03
Another flaw of the 'patched-together anthology' format of latterday D&D books is that it increases the burden on developers and editors to work the multiple authors' writing into a working whole -- one suspects there just weren't enough editorial resources to give all the books what they needed.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 02 Jan 2010 : 00:37:46
Originally posted by SirUrza

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Actually... Having read a lot of 1E and and 2E stuff, and a lot of 3E stuff, 3E seemed to have more errors than the previous two editions combined.

That's because it had people that didn't know the product editing it. It's one thing to be able to write stat blocks, it's another thing to know or even care about continuity when you have your OWN book to start writing, and that's a major problem with WOTC.. too many people doing too many jobs but no one doing one job.

3e wouldn't have been so bad if it had 1 editor who's only job was to check the continuity of ALL products.

Maybe then Year of the Drow and Year of the Dragon would have been more then a nifty catch phrase for "exploiting supplement-x across the realms novel line."

While I'll agree that the importance of continuity seemed to be lessened in 3E, that's not what I was talking about. I was talking about grammatical errors, typos, formatting issues, and mislabeled or incorrect artwork.
SirUrza Posted - 01 Jan 2010 : 23:09:01
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Actually... Having read a lot of 1E and and 2E stuff, and a lot of 3E stuff, 3E seemed to have more errors than the previous two editions combined.

That's because it had people that didn't know the product editing it. It's one thing to be able to write stat blocks, it's another thing to know or even care about continuity when you have your OWN book to start writing, and that's a major problem with WOTC.. too many people doing too many jobs but no one doing one job.

3e wouldn't have been so bad if it had 1 editor who's only job was to check the continuity of ALL products.

Maybe then Year of the Drow and Year of the Dragon would have been more then a nifty catch phrase for "exploiting supplement-x across the realms novel line."
Wooly Rupert Posted - 01 Jan 2010 : 05:54:25
Originally posted by woodwwad

On page 10 there is an error. The artwork that has the collection of people of different races on it is wrong. The Mulan has the word Illuskan under him. I'm wondering which others are wrong. I'm still trying to get a better handle on the human races and ethnicities in the realms.

3E had some issues with artwork. Some of them are just bizarre -- like the warforged artwork in The Grand History of the Realms.

The timeline in the Player's Guide to Faerūn also had one of my favorite Realms-specific typos: multiple events that happened in the month of Ukta.

Actually... Having read a lot of 1E and and 2E stuff, and a lot of 3E stuff, 3E seemed to have more errors than the previous two editions combined.

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