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 Extra Feats?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Ionik Knight Posted - 12 Sep 2010 : 00:21:21
Other than Flaws from UA, is there a way to pick up extra feats?

14   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Erik Scott de Bie Posted - 17 Sep 2010 : 16:42:36
The mechanics are important, but you need to do what's right for your game. If that requires your NPC to have a few extra feats, then so be it--just make sure you take into account that said NPC will be tougher than another NPC of his/her level, and so should award more experience (+10% or +25%, etc). Just whatever you do, DON'T SHOW THE NPC SHEET to your players. They'll get jealous.

The explanation for *how* the NPC got these additional powers might be training, or it might be investiture by some potent magic or an item s/he's holding onto. The players might have a way to weaken the NPC before fighting him/her, which can create interesting challenges in your game. PCs often get this sense of entitlement, like they *should* be able to defeat any comers, but it might be that they aren't supposed to defeat the empowered NPC--at least not right away.

In this case, you'll need two versions of the NPC: one empowered with cool stuff, one weakened to normal status.

Dalor Darden Posted - 17 Sep 2010 : 15:29:32
Originally posted by Matt James

I let my players 'Train' like in the old SSI Forgotten Realms games for PC. They can spend money and time training to gain access to cool new feats, powers, spells, etc...

I like that is similar to my "bank loan" idea...but I haven't been charging money! I should have remembered that the bank gets something out of it! LOL
Matt James Posted - 17 Sep 2010 : 07:34:06
I let my players 'Train' like in the old SSI Forgotten Realms games for PC. They can spend money and time training to gain access to cool new feats, powers, spells, etc...
Diffan Posted - 12 Sep 2010 : 11:29:19
Originally posted by Ionik Knight

Thanks Dalor, this is actually for an NPC. I am striving to stay within the rules for all NPC builds...I can get carried away and make them too tough otherwise. I had hoped to see some sort xp point buy system for extra feats. But I guess I'll just stick to the core feats with this NPC and leave off the item creation feats.

In my games, I've given some classes extra feats like the sorcerer and cleric but they're restrictive. The sorcerer can only take a Metamagic feat or Bloodline/Heritage feat at specific levels and the Cleric can only take metamagic or divine feats at specific levels.
Ionik Knight Posted - 12 Sep 2010 : 10:41:07
Thanks Dalor, this is actually for an NPC. I am striving to stay within the rules for all NPC builds...I can get carried away and make them too tough otherwise. I had hoped to see some sort xp point buy system for extra feats. But I guess I'll just stick to the core feats with this NPC and leave off the item creation feats.
Dalor Darden Posted - 12 Sep 2010 : 06:32:13
I think that a DM could be talked with to add in the effect of role-play in a game.

Mechanics are only a guide. Now, your character having more feats might not be allowed if you wanted to take your character somewhere else; but if you and your DM worked it out that you could get an extra feat somehow, then that sounds good to me. I mean, if your character takes a full year to learn the fighting style of the Sembians...then perhaps you should be allowed to take some sort of feat to reflect this...all up to who is playing the game.

For me, I've allowed players to "borrow" against future feats if they both qualify for them and have a good in game reason why they would have them. Essentially they get a feat after they have done something that should reflect some sort of change to their character...but they aren't high enough level...then when they DO get high enough to get another feat...they don't get one because they borrowed against it already.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 12 Sep 2010 : 05:08:25
Originally posted by Kajehase

I thought it was because you kept stealing Alaundo's underwear and put them on marmots so you could organise illegal races in the basement. But if you say so.

Dude, he didn't know that was me! *looks around nervously* I mean, uh, what are you talking about?
Kajehase Posted - 12 Sep 2010 : 03:48:48
I thought it was because you kept stealing Alaundo's underwear and put them on marmots so you could organise illegal races in the basement. But if you say so.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 12 Sep 2010 : 03:26:52
Originally posted by Ionik Knight

Twenty thousand Vegas comics out of work and all of you want to be comedians (facepalm)

It's what's expected from me. How do you think I first earned my title?
Kajehase Posted - 12 Sep 2010 : 03:20:01
As we say where I live: As you ask, so are you answered."
Ionik Knight Posted - 12 Sep 2010 : 01:01:43
Twenty thousand Vegas comics out of work and all of you want to be comedians (facepalm)
Joran Nobleheart Posted - 12 Sep 2010 : 00:55:15
If you play 3.5, switch to Pathfinder.
Kajehase Posted - 12 Sep 2010 : 00:47:31
Bribe the GM.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 12 Sep 2010 : 00:39:16
Gain levels.

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