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 earthmotes in dead magic zones?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Benjamin Posted - 08 May 2014 : 13:45:02
So, learned sages, please give me your wise counsel on this.

Can earthmotes exist is dead magic zones?

5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Benjamin Posted - 12 May 2014 : 14:39:29
Many thanks, oh learned sages! This gave me new ideas on how to explain things for my campaign.
Dalor Darden Posted - 09 May 2014 : 01:03:41
Earthmotes don't require magic to hold them aloft.

All it takes is that they are drifting within areas heavy in Dark Matter/Energy that keep them aloft.

sleyvas Posted - 08 May 2014 : 23:51:38
Originally posted by Benjamin

So, learned sages, please give me your wise counsel on this.

Can earthmotes exist is dead magic zones?


Basically, earthmotes would appear to be similar to a construct in an anti-magic field. The magic is instilled within the "device" and it is no longer calling upon the weave to maintain itself. That being said, if some form of magic were used to actively drain this contained magic from the earthmote, it would likely fall. This notedly makes earthmotes decidedly different from the Netherese cities.

Markustay Posted - 08 May 2014 : 16:31:45
I'm with Brian on this one: There appears to be two different (but related) types of 'Dead Magic Zones'.

The standard one is an Arcane Dead Magic Zone, and is a region where the weave itself has been torn/obliterated.

The second type is a True Dead Magic Zone, which means all magical energies are not present, which would include wild magic (arcane energy sans The Weave) AND umbral (shadow) energy. Other types - Rune, Pluma, etc - may or may not be effected, dependent upon the author/DM. This type is MUCH rarer.

Thus, Earth-motes should have no problem floating through the more common Dead Magic Zones.

If I were to guess, I would say that normal Weave-based items are affected by the first type (which are most magical items in the world), but a Blue Flame (Pure magic) item would only be affected by the second type. Furthermore, whereas the first type will sicken a magical being that enters it, the second type would probably kill such a creature in a short amount of time, especially if the creature was HIGHLY magical in nature (ie, a dragon).

Theoretically, Shadow-Dead regions (areas where only the shadow-Weave is absent) should also exist, but there have been none documented (to date).

Brian R. James Posted - 08 May 2014 : 15:50:13
This one is tricky since we know that floating Earthmotes can exist within areas where the Weave is absent (as the 4E landscape was littered with them). But clearly they require *some* type of magic to remain aloft. So if your dead magic zone refers to the absence of the Weave (as the term was defined in early editions), then yes they can exist. If your dead magic zone nullifies all magic of any kind, then no, the earthmote would come crashing to the ground. That's my take anyway.

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