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 Favored Deity, Devil, etc.

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Alruane Posted - 07 Dec 2013 : 13:04:07
I've been quite curious, with all the greater deities, lesser deities, devils, primordials, etc. I wanted to know, which one(s) were or ARE your favorite? Why are they your favorite? Does your character you play worship or revere them? It would be good to get some new and exciting opinions on your favorites. And maybe I can learn a little more of the Realms from my fellow sages.
30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
eeorey Posted - 28 May 2014 : 14:58:47
My favorite deities are Auppenser Because I love psionics, and his dogma is pretty cool, hurray for enlightenment and personal autonomy while mind blasting people in the name of imperialism.

The Dark/Dead Three - nothing says bad*** for evil characters like ascending to godhood.

Ilmater as a god of perseverance.

Irennan Posted - 27 May 2014 : 16:08:59
My favorite deity is definitely Eilistraee. She's the underdog, the romantic and idealistic rebel who fights against tyranny, never giving up no matter what hardships she has to face. She stands for a people whose spirit has been broken and twisted, so that they could find the joy and freedom that were taken away from their life. She is a symbol of all that is beautiful and just, a gleaming light in a sea of darkness, teaching that even there one can find hope and something worth fighting for.

Her MO is all about freedom of choice and self-expression, about forging her own path and working to achieve acceptance, coexistence and cooperation among races, while valuing each individual (as shown by her followers' duty to offer aid and protection to the ones in need).

I can't help but love this character (even tho I'd prefer her as a mortal, because that would allow her to be ''to her people's side'', which she can't do as a god, but that I see as very fitting for her MO).

Other deities I particularly like are: Vhaeraun, Shaundakul, Mask, Lliira, Hoar, Lathander, Erevan Ilesere and Shar*.

*Not the 'I wanna destroy the world' version, but the one closer to her title of Lady of Loss, as there is something wickedly cool about her manipulating people's emotions. She offers them false comfort in her cold embrace, distorts their perception of the world as an unredeemably unjust and cruel system using their suffering as leverage, so that they can find relief in lashing their anger and pain in an insane 'revenge against the world', thus furthering her goal. All of this while her victims probably don't even realize what they're falling into, sometimes attributing their choices to a thought process/change they underwent after a great pain (when in some cases it may actually have been the sharran themselves to cause it...).
Delandil Aenar Posted - 27 May 2014 : 14:37:46
My favorite deity is without doubt Lathander for the concept of sun, rebirth and hope. I also like Chauntea, Bane, Eilistraee, Yondalla and Helm!
Regcod Posted - 27 May 2014 : 07:40:03
Eilistraee, Mystra, Selune, Tyr, Mielikki, Sune, Sharess and Kelemvor.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 30 Dec 2013 : 05:10:18
Originally posted by Alystra Illianniis

My personal favorite deit(ies) of the Realms are Eilistraee, Vaerhaun and Lolth. Yes, I love the drow pantheon. I'm also fond of Corellon, Lurue, Mystra, Selune, Sharess, Sune, Kelemvor (I like a neutral death god) and Zinzerenna.

Demons/Devils/Fiends/Others? Graz'zt, Asmodeus (Rock me, Asmodeus!) Belial, Mephistophales(cause I just love his name, LOL!) Glasya, and Orcus. Oberon, Tytania, Tiamat, and Bahamut, and for some reason, the vampire god whose name I keep forgetting.


It's a sure sign that you love a deity when you can't remember his name... Of course, that's still better than this guy I used to work with, who got a tattoo of Heimdall on his arm and then forgot that deity's name!
Alystra Illianniis Posted - 30 Dec 2013 : 04:09:24
My personal favorite deit(ies) of the Realms are Eilistraee, Vaerhaun and Lolth. Yes, I love the drow pantheon. I'm also fond of Corellon, Lurue, Mystra, Selune, Sharess, Sune, Kelemvor (I like a neutral death god) and Zinzerenna.

Demons/Devils/Fiends/Others? Graz'zt, Asmodeus (Rock me, Asmodeus!) Belial, Mephistophales(cause I just love his name, LOL!) Glasya, and Orcus. Oberon, Tytania, Tiamat, and Bahamut, and for some reason, the vampire god whose name I keep forgetting.
CorellonsDevout Posted - 29 Dec 2013 : 21:31:18

Corellon (I like the whole Seldarine, really)

I just like the gods
Alruane Posted - 24 Dec 2013 : 07:48:06
Mystra seems to be a favored of many people, I do enjoy her as well. As most my characters are magic related, she would be extremely important to them.
Eldacar Posted - 11 Dec 2013 : 11:35:27
Mystra would be my favourite, I think. I also like Shaundakul (the wanderer eternal) and Kelemvor, the latter especially with his 3E personification from Faiths & Pantheons.
Demzer Posted - 11 Dec 2013 : 09:44:57
Originally posted by Lord Bane

What Wooly said.

Shar is overrated, got way too much spotlight in 4e contrary to her dogma of secrecy it was right in your face and besides that "I want all gone" and "Let everyone feel loss" does not make her a "emo-chick" it also does not offer really any urge for me to go about and declaring her "best in the evil camp" as there is no real "evil camp" and other gods are way more interesting in my opinion. The only thing that made Shar get "hyped" was Netheril and people are on the fence about them since they reappeared. Yes she is powerfull, but not the ultimate answer in favor of evil.

Uh-oh ... i think you misinterpreted my "best the evil camp has to offer" ...
I mean of course you can try to date Sune or Sharess but it's unlikely they would respond to your sendings while Shar is the beauty-of-the-next-door for you.

I was suggesting that you could become more intimate, you know like with Iyachtu's mom ...
Lord Bane Posted - 11 Dec 2013 : 09:35:43
What Wooly said.

Shar is overrated, got way too much spotlight in 4e contrary to her dogma of secrecy it was right in your face and besides that "I want all gone" and "Let everyone feel loss" does not make her a "emo-chick" it also does not offer really any urge for me to go about and declaring her "best in the evil camp" as there is no real "evil camp" and other gods are way more interesting in my opinion. The only thing that made Shar get "hyped" was Netheril and people are on the fence about them since they reappeared. Yes she is powerfull, but not the ultimate answer in favor of evil.
charger_ss24 Posted - 11 Dec 2013 : 07:02:13
Mask is my favorite deity.

I've always been intrigued by the Obyrith demon lords such as Pazuzu and Pale Night to name a few.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 10 Dec 2013 : 19:55:51
Originally posted by Demzer

Originally posted by Lord Bane

Hoar is in service to Bane, not Shar.

Oh come on Bane!
We all know the Mistress of the Night is the best the house has to offer in the evil camp, you two should be hanging out together more often.

Think about it: Talos has got the young sweetie Auril and the experienced Bitch Queen, Beshaba it's good looking but it's just a psycho, Loviatar would want to dominate *you* (and you can't have that, right?) and Talona is just out of the beauty contest. This leaves Tiamat, if you're into inter-pantheon things but she's scaly and her breath isn't really the best thing in the morning, and Shar, the emo-chick with three (!!!) good looking avatars and something like six hunderd years worth of experience with Sharess (!!!!!). I mean, it's looking like a no contest.

Except for the whole thing about her wanting to utterly destroy you and every single person or thing that you have ever known or cared for. A minor detail, I'm sure.
Chosen of Asmodeus Posted - 10 Dec 2013 : 19:44:52
God? Asmodeus, followed by Gruumsh.

Archfiends? Glaysa, Bel, and Geryon are my favorite arch devils. Pazuzu is my favorite demon prince, though I'm also fond of Dagon, Pale Night, and Orcus.

Demigods, Obould's the favorite. Also a fan of Red Knight.
Demzer Posted - 10 Dec 2013 : 17:23:35
Originally posted by Lord Bane

Hoar is in service to Bane, not Shar.

Oh come on Bane!
We all know the Mistress of the Night is the best the house has to offer in the evil camp, you two should be hanging out together more often.

Think about it: Talos has got the young sweetie Auril and the experienced Bitch Queen, Beshaba it's good looking but it's just a psycho, Loviatar would want to dominate *you* (and you can't have that, right?) and Talona is just out of the beauty contest. This leaves Tiamat, if you're into inter-pantheon things but she's scaly and her breath isn't really the best thing in the morning, and Shar, the emo-chick with three (!!!) good looking avatars and something like six hunderd years worth of experience with Sharess (!!!!!). I mean, it's looking like a no contest.

So she wants Hoar? Who cares (you've got Kurtulmak!!!), earning points with her may very well be worth the loss of the depressed vengeance seeking kiddo.
Alruane Posted - 10 Dec 2013 : 17:09:53
Originally posted by Arcanus

Originally posted by Alruane

I'm not as experienced and knowledgeable about the realms as most here. But I am curious about what happened with magic after Mystra's death? I mean, I know about the spellplague and everything, but without the weave and is there STILL magic in the realms?

Mystra is not the source of magic, merely the caretaker. The weave is a construct if you will, it allows magic users easier access to magic. I think that ed said that there has always been other magic in the realms aside from the weave. That's what we got in 4e.

Oh okay! Thank you for the info, Arcanus!
Arcanus Posted - 10 Dec 2013 : 17:02:11
Originally posted by Alruane

I'm not as experienced and knowledgeable about the realms as most here. But I am curious about what happened with magic after Mystra's death? I mean, I know about the spellplague and everything, but without the weave and is there STILL magic in the realms?

Mystra is not the source of magic, merely the caretaker. The weave is a construct if you will, it allows magic users easier access to magic. I think that ed said that there has always been other magic in the realms aside from the weave. That's what we got in 4e.
Alruane Posted - 10 Dec 2013 : 13:28:37
I'm not as experienced and knowledgeable about the realms as most here. But I am curious about what happened with magic after Mystra's death? I mean, I know about the spellplague and everything, but without the weave and is there STILL magic in the realms?
sleyvas Posted - 10 Dec 2013 : 13:25:41
Originally posted by Lord Bane

Hoar is in service to Bane, not Shar.

Whichever. The point was he wasn't evil before.
Lord Bane Posted - 10 Dec 2013 : 10:34:49
Hoar is in service to Bane, not Shar.
sleyvas Posted - 10 Dec 2013 : 00:06:19
Originally posted by Bladewind

Hoar is my favorite deity, ever since I played an aspiring rogue champion of his faith on a NWN roleplay server for a few years strait. Achieving bitter sweet vengeance drove that character nearly to the brink of madness. He had such an interesting relationship with both the Tyrran and Sharran faiths in that game, and it really pulled on my personal strings.

My personal second favorite is Eilistraee, for all her tenaciousness, her wise huntsman skills and swordmanship. Her looks help.

For evil deities Shar takes the first spot, she's definately the one goddes that should be feared the most. I love the fact her longterm machinations are incomprehensibly evil, but her short term actions can easily be misunderstood to be motherly compassionate.

I give mad props to Cyric, for scaring the bejeebuz out of the faerunian pantheon while being only a fledgling godling of mad schemes. Like his infiltrator type clerics alot.

I also like Helm, the Triad (Torm, Tyr and Ilmater), Shaundakul, Selune, Sune, Mystryl (the broken human version), Lurue, Lathander, Silvanus, Nobanion, Kelemvor, Garagos, Tymora, Mask and Finder Wyvernspur.

Of the racial pantheons I like Vhaeraun, Selvetarm, Ilneval, Erevan Ilesere, Fenmarel Mestarine, Sehanine Moonbow, Urdlen, Diinkarazan (god of Derro), Berronar, and Sseth.

I like Mephistopholes, Dispater and Bel of the devil lords, with Gargauth as my favorite.

Lolth is a pretty bad ass amongst the daemonlords, but the topspot amongst them is Pazrael for me.

Yeah, I was rather pissed when they turned Hoar entirely full evil. He had a really good role where he was. Now he's just Shar's second fiddle.
Bladewind Posted - 09 Dec 2013 : 23:21:07
Hoar is my favorite deity, ever since I played an aspiring rogue champion of his faith on a NWN roleplay server for a few years strait. Achieving bitter sweet vengeance drove that character nearly to the brink of madness. He had such an interesting relationship with both the Tyrran and Sharran faiths in that game, and it really pulled on my personal strings.

My personal second favorite is Eilistraee, for all her tenaciousness, her wise huntsman skills and swordmanship. Her looks help.

For evil deities Shar takes the first spot, she's definately the one goddes that should be feared the most. I love the fact her longterm machinations are incomprehensibly evil, but her short term actions can easily be misunderstood to be motherly compassionate.

I give mad props to Cyric, for scaring the bejeebuz out of the faerunian pantheon while being only a fledgling godling of mad schemes. Like his infiltrator type clerics alot.

I also like Helm, the Triad (Torm, Tyr and Ilmater), Shaundakul, Selune, Sune, Mystryl (the broken human version), Lurue, Lathander, Silvanus, Nobanion, Kelemvor, Garagos, Tymora, Mask and Finder Wyvernspur.

Of the racial pantheons I like Vhaeraun, Selvetarm, Ilneval, Erevan Ilesere, Fenmarel Mestarine, Sehanine Moonbow, Urdlen, Diinkarazan (god of Derro), Berronar, and Sseth.

I like Mephistopholes, Dispater and Bel of the devil lords, with Gargauth as my favorite.

Lolth is a pretty bad ass amongst the daemonlords, but the topspot amongst them is Pazrael for me.
Alruane Posted - 09 Dec 2013 : 22:50:46
Mask was always interesting to me for more than one reason, obviously.
Jergals Spare Scythe Posted - 09 Dec 2013 : 22:11:54
Favorite devil: Levistus. I've long been amused by the 2nd coldest place in the Hells, and it's ruler's predicament.

Favorite demon: Graz'zt. Truly he is the Sean Connery-Pan-hustler-type of the Abyss. What's not to like?

Favorite elemental god: Grumbar. A priest trying to convince people not to fly or take ship voyages makes me chuckle for some reason.

Favorite demigod: Jergal, of course. He's outlasted most greater deities, and I hope he will be prominently featured in 5th ed.

Favorite lesser deity: Gorm Gulthyn. A dying god who refused to quit defending his people fascinates me to this day.

Favorite intermediate deity: Helm. My outlook on life mirrored Helm's when I was younger, but as I've grown older and more cynical...

Favorite former intermediate deity: Mask. Not for thievery, but his emphasis on shadows and intrigue.

Favorite greater deity: Corellon Larethian. My first character in 3rd edition was a half-elf cleric of same.
The Arcanamach Posted - 09 Dec 2013 : 02:00:52
Mystra was always my favorite because I love magic (especially as put forth in the Realmslore) although I must admit she has lost some of her luster for me as being less interesting than other deities. I think her humanity and good alignment is what through me off the most. I prefer a deity of magic to be of neutral alignment to better reflect all uses/aspects of magic (and Mystra is N in my campaign).

Helm is one of my favorites because he most closely resembles my own beliefs/attitude.

I also like Lathander, Chauntea, Bane, Mask, Shaundakul, Azuth, Torm, Gruumsh, Moradin, Selune, Eilistraee, Vhaeraun, Yondalla, Tempus, Clangedding, Dumathoin, Berronar, Lurue, and even Eldath.

Deities that I'm not overly fond of include Tyr and Ilmater (replaced by Mishakal from DL in my homebrew). I'm pretty much neutral towards most others.

I like Asmodeus, Mephistopholes, Grazzt, Orcus, Demogorgon and pretty much all of the daemonlords.
sleyvas Posted - 08 Dec 2013 : 15:45:58
Velsharoon, because I was glad to see

A) a god who advanced to deity status from mortal by his own achievements (granted, he had help, but he put in the work)
B) a god who was a red wizard, to the point of being one of the original red wizards from Halruaa
C) a god who was over necromancy, and yet was the mortal enemy of Szass Tam
Alruane Posted - 07 Dec 2013 : 22:04:55
Well Drustan, aside from your impressive list, you have spun quite a tale about this character. Such an interesting tale, I'd most likely read about this person.
Drustan Dwnhaedan Posted - 07 Dec 2013 : 21:53:06
My personal favorite is, and shall always be, Eilistraee. But I also like several other deities;

Angharradh/Aerdrie Faenya/Hanali Celanil/Sehanine Moonbow
Corellon Larethian

Erevan Ilesere
The Elemental Lords (Akadi, Grumbar, Istishia, Kossuth)

Zinzerena (a deceased drow goddess of assassins)
Sseth/Set/Zehir (I consider all three to be the same deity)
Laogzed (god of troglodytes; don't quite know why I like him, though it might be because my sister thinks he's disgusting)

My current (due to the fact I'm still writing stories about him) character, Drustan Dwnhaedan (hmm... maybe I should have chosen a different username), worships and serves EIlistraee (as a ranger), Selune (as a cleric), and Mystra (as a sort of contact between all three temples).

...At least, he did, until the events of the Lady Penitent trilogy and Cyric killed off two of the three; now Drustan refuses to worship ANY deities* (he convinced himself Selune betrayed Eilistraee and Mystra). Of course, since he managed to transform himself into a quasi-deity (during one of his early attempts to resurrect Eilistraee... it's kind of a long story), I'm not sure he needs to worship deities anymore.

*This isn't entirely true; he still worships Eilistraee and Mystra, in spite of the fact their dead. (...and, deep down, he knows Selune isn't really responsible for what happened to the Dark Maiden and the Lady of Mysteries.)
Ayrik Posted - 07 Dec 2013 : 20:22:15
Azuth had some appeal, provided one could look beyond his total dependence upon incompetent Mystra and, of course, the fact that WotC kinda killed him off in 4E. Azuth in my campaign managed to become a self-reliant deity during one of Mystra‘s little interregna, and he was never idiotic enough to take a little stroll down in the bottom of the Nine Hells (instead, he just did a lot of scrying there, and made an interesting Faustian bargain with old Asmodeus which benefits and costs them both dearly).

I must admit I have always been partial to Selune, strangley.

But Gruumsh is where it‘s at for me. Canon be damned, the blood of my orcs has never been polluted by the filthy modern humanistic weaknesses presented in official lore.

Charon, as depicted in D&D and earliest Greek mythologies, is a being who has long fascinated me.

And Moander. I have long speculated on his originally being a nature god sort who was corrupted by a sort of Far Realms Lovecraftian “disease“ ... sort of like a meme/theme/virus with divine rank, if you will. In this capacity, I view Moander as being sort of beyond the “normal“ cycles of (super)nature. Bashaba (Tyche) and perhaps Cyric (through one of the godlings he subsumed) also possess aspects of this contagion.
Alruane Posted - 07 Dec 2013 : 19:16:06
By the gods...a party of the Chosen!? Putting them in one area together, I don't think anything would get done. And if it did, every viewing it would be on the floor dying of laughter.

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