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 The Wan Hag

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Kris the Grey Posted - 03 Oct 2012 : 21:57:30
Fellow Scribes,

Does anyone know if the 'Wan Hag' (from the first book of the WotSQ series) was a creation of Richard Lee Byers or existed somewhere else in the materials on Menzoberranzan prior to her appearance in Dissolution?

She has a brief entry in 'Menzoberranzan: City of Intrigue', but I'm trying to find a bit more information about her.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Kris the Grey Posted - 04 Oct 2012 : 18:34:13

Thanks very much for the information. I had a feeling Smylla might be Richard's creation. I had a devil of a time trying to find her in any of the 2E materials!

I enjoyed your entry on her in the Menzo book. She did seem like a really complex and interesting character and I'm hoping to use her (a bit earlier in the timeframe so she's not quite in as sorry a state as she was when Pharaun and Ryld encounter her) creatively in my game while my players are visiting the city!

Any thoughts on her class and level?
Brian R. James Posted - 04 Oct 2012 : 06:42:41
She is the creation of Richard Lee Byers. Though she dies is the novel, I was really intrigued by Smylla and wanted to showcase her in the new sourcebook.
Xar Zarath Posted - 04 Oct 2012 : 05:56:18
She dies in Dissolution, but if i recall correctly she was skilled in divination and Pharaun may have thought she wielded psionics as well...

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