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 Chessenta and Threskel

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MalariaMoon Posted - 13 Dec 2010 : 04:24:35
Hi All,

I'm creating a campaign set in Threskel and Chessenta. Initially it will be focused on episodic 'gold and glory' adventures but ultimately the adventurers will be drawn into the struggle for supremacy between Tchazzar and Alaskarsomethingorther, the Great Bone Wyrm (as detailed in Dragons of Faerun, 3rd Edition).

I've got the aforementioned Dragons of Faerun and also Old Empires (2nd ed.) but can the scribes here direct me to any other crucial sources of Realmslore (novels or sourcebooks) for this area? I hope to keep the campaign more or less in line with canon without underlining the storytelling potential too much.

I intend for the campaign to begin before the Time of Troubles and hopefully conclude it before the Spellplague comes along and ruins the Realms.

13   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
MalariaMoon Posted - 25 Dec 2010 : 16:22:41
Thanks from me too, there seems to be some pretty juicy stuff in this article - I'll certainly be including a few of those prestige classes, although the papyrus style background hurts my eyes!
Brimstone Posted - 22 Dec 2010 : 14:49:03
Originally posted by Asharak

Originally posted by Erdrick Stormedge

I require a link to the aforementioned article.

There's a lot of good stuff, the timeline is at the end of the pdf.

Nice. Thanks for the link.
Asharak Posted - 22 Dec 2010 : 11:27:55
Originally posted by Erdrick Stormedge

I require a link to the aforementioned article.

There's a lot of good stuff, the timeline is at the end of the pdf.
Erdrick Stormedge Posted - 21 Dec 2010 : 16:45:06
I require a link to the aforementioned article.

Originally posted by Asharak

There's also an alternate timeline by Scott Bennie "What Might Have Been...".
That's an update for Old Empires never officially published...

Asharak Posted - 20 Dec 2010 : 17:05:35
There's also an alternate timeline by Scott Bennie "What Might Have Been...".
That's an update for Old Empires never officially published...
MalariaMoon Posted - 19 Dec 2010 : 09:52:39
Thanks everyone for the help. I've been exploring some old threads here on Candlekeep and finding some stuff out. It seems 'The Cult of the Dragon' sourcebook might have some info on Threskel, although perhaps it is much the same as that presented in 3rd edition Dragons of Faerun.

I think I will have to ignore Richard Lee Biers new novel series, as it will probably throw a ladder in the works of what I have planned for the campaign.

I'm particularly interested in building up a better picture of Tchazzar, particularly his status just prior to the Time of Troubles. What's the best source for this? Powers and Pantheons? I'd like the Cult of Tchazzar to have a role in the campaign, I'd be interested to know how it works, especially as the Cult is based around the legend of Tchazzar the War Hero rather than the reality of Tchazzar the power hungry red dragon.

Thanks again for the suggestions
Brimstone Posted - 18 Dec 2010 : 01:01:43
RLB's new series is set in Chessenta, and I won't spoil it for people...
Christopher_Rowe Posted - 18 Dec 2010 : 00:36:18
Seems like Richard Lee Byars has dropped some hints about Tchazzar figuring in some of his upcoming work, but don't quote me on that, I can't put my hands on the source right now.
Markustay Posted - 18 Dec 2010 : 00:10:43
I think Swords of the Iron Legion is set partially in Chondath - its close, but not exactly what you are looking for.

There was also a novel featuring 'the Blade kingdoms', which exist around the Arkanamere.
Ayrik Posted - 17 Dec 2010 : 16:12:43
Malaria - do a CK search for Tchazzar ... you'll find about 50 scrolls wherein he is mentioned, and you may find much Realmslore of some use to you.

Are you looking for anything in particular?
MalariaMoon Posted - 14 Dec 2010 : 05:56:32
Thanks guys ... I imagine the Dragon article would be difficult to track down, there's seems to be plenty of material to play with in the sourcebooks I'm using!
Brimstone Posted - 13 Dec 2010 : 05:39:17
A late issue print Dragon had an article on the area IIRC...
Fellfire Posted - 13 Dec 2010 : 04:49:04
Alaskarbarbantos, I think....

I don't see anything in any of Volo's Guides, I'll keep looking.

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