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 Firefall Vale

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Lord Rad Posted - 29 Jan 2004 : 13:54:34
Can anybody provide any information on Firefall Vale and Firefall Keep in Cormyr.

Also, is anything detailed in any offical FR product (other than Stormlight novel) and are any maps available?
10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
SiriusBlack Posted - 13 Feb 2004 : 04:49:09
Originally posted by Rad

Also, is anything detailed in any offical FR product (other than Stormlight novel) and are any maps available?

As everyone else reported, I don't recall seeing it outside of the Stormlight novel. Perhaps this might be something to bring up in the ask Ed Greenwood thread? Maybe he'd be willing to share a few tidbits that he recalls about the area that haven't been published.
Lord Rad Posted - 12 Feb 2004 : 18:30:54
Originally posted by Kitira Gildragon

Sorry Rad, no dice here either. I did do quite a search for it in my little library, but nothing came up. Not even a slight mention of the place.

And in response to your second question, yes I have been lurking. ^^ When do I do anything else?

Thanks for checking, Kitira
Shirkin' your duties as a Realmslore gatherer eh? Alaundo will have you strung up if he hears youre just lurking
Kitira Gildragon Posted - 12 Feb 2004 : 16:53:34
Sorry Rad, no dice here either. I did do quite a search for it in my little library, but nothing came up. Not even a slight mention of the place.

And in response to your second question, yes I have been lurking. ^^ When do I do anything else?
The Sage Posted - 30 Jan 2004 : 16:05:30
As I said, in the Cormyr accessory, there was only a sentence that mentions where Firefall Vale is located...nothing more...

Oh well...
Hymn Posted - 30 Jan 2004 : 12:31:08
hmm, no info here either, all that I could find is the info found in Stormlight, and something about 'The Realm of Wailing Fog', which only
appears on the map from that accessory. This area lies deep within the
'V' of land that forms the fire fall vale and has not been detailed
in the Cormyr accessory or anywhere else further.
The Sage Posted - 30 Jan 2004 : 03:19:55
Originally posted by Rad


Wow, Kitira! Sure has been a long time, have you been lurking around the library or been away from this place totally?

Well I guess if YOU dont know of anything on Firefall, Faraer, then thats good enough for me

Shame though, sounds like a nice place.....apart from the stuffy nobles!

Faraer's definitely right about that Rad. I've found nothing, except a 'name' reference in the Volo's Guide to Cormyr. There's no other outside information, other than what is presented in the novels. It's a shame really, I actually liked the 'Firefall Vale' location...
Dracandos the Spellsage Posted - 29 Jan 2004 : 22:59:42
never heard of it actually
Lord Rad Posted - 29 Jan 2004 : 15:00:16

Wow, Kitira! Sure has been a long time, have you been lurking around the library or been away from this place totally?

Well I guess if YOU dont know of anything on Firefall, Faraer, then thats good enough for me

Shame though, sounds like a nice place.....apart from the stuffy nobles!
Faraer Posted - 29 Jan 2004 : 14:16:10
I don't think Firefall Vale is referred to outside Stormlight.
Kitira Gildragon Posted - 29 Jan 2004 : 14:13:52
Hello Rad. Long time no see, eh?

Well, I haven't heard of this yet, but I guess I'll do a bit of research tonight. ^^ I should have any findings by tomorrow. Til then- "Sweet water and light laughter".

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