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 Second Edition Spells that Never Made It

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
KnightErrantJR Posted - 13 Oct 2007 : 18:22:37
I was thinking of 2nd edition spells that never quite made it into any conversion of 3rd edition material. Are there any that you can think of that really seemed like a cool concept that no one pick up on and ran with in 3rd edition?

I know some things that were spells (like spells that increase the duration and power of other spells) are now handled with feats and the like, but there must still have been some concepts that haven't made it over yet (and probably won't now that magic is changing).
28   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Alystra Illianniis Posted - 09 Aug 2010 : 21:34:54
Sadly, I've also noticed a few out of the Spell Compendiums that never made the conversion- like Nature Call and Bigby's Bookworm Bane!!
althen artren Posted - 09 Aug 2010 : 20:51:52
Nap was the ultimate spell in the RPGA, allowing u to
recover all your spells in the same game session.
Knight of the Gate Posted - 09 Aug 2010 : 20:27:35
Originally posted by Dalor Darden

Originally posted by Knight of the Gate

I've converted a few of the unconverted spells from The Seven Sisters, and one of my BBEGs in my current campaign uses a spell from that book called Gnostic Chain that the party (who are all spellcasters) absolutely HATES. The spell forces you (no saving throw) to only cast spells of the same level as the last spell you cast. No more spells of that level left? Too bad, so sad. Did the 18th level Cleric cast Implosion last? Good for him, unless he needs to cast a Heal. Did the 19th level Loremaster decide to protect himself with Mirror Image before the big fight? Oops. The party's Wizard *really* wants to get his hands on this spell.

YEAH! Good ol' Galather's Gnostic Chain! I love using that spell!

The best part is that with 3rd edition Metamagic, he often casts it *twinned*, meaning he hits both the Cleric and the Loremaster, then with a second casting hits the Paladin and the Ranger. 2 8th level spells and the entire party is down to about 20% effectiveness for at least 2 rounds. He often does this while hiding behind servitors, flings a few more (often Quickened) slaying or hindering spells, then teleports away, leaving the party as easy meat for his thugs.
Sill Alias Posted - 09 Aug 2010 : 17:48:42
Were the special cleric cult spells included or they were lost forever?
Dalor Darden Posted - 09 Aug 2010 : 17:25:59
Originally posted by Knight of the Gate

I've converted a few of the unconverted spells from The Seven Sisters, and one of my BBEGs in my current campaign uses a spell from that book called Gnostic Chain that the party (who are all spellcasters) absolutely HATES. The spell forces you (no saving throw) to only cast spells of the same level as the last spell you cast. No more spells of that level left? Too bad, so sad. Did the 18th level Cleric cast Implosion last? Good for him, unless he needs to cast a Heal. Did the 19th level Loremaster decide to protect himself with Mirror Image before the big fight? Oops. The party's Wizard *really* wants to get his hands on this spell.

YEAH! Good ol' Galather's Gnostic Chain! I love using that spell!
Knight of the Gate Posted - 09 Aug 2010 : 16:26:22
I've converted a few of the unconverted spells from The Seven Sisters, and one of my BBEGs in my current campaign uses a spell from that book called Gnostic Chain that the party (who are all spellcasters) absolutely HATES. The spell forces you (no saving throw) to only cast spells of the same level as the last spell you cast. No more spells of that level left? Too bad, so sad. Did the 18th level Cleric cast Implosion last? Good for him, unless he needs to cast a Heal. Did the 19th level Loremaster decide to protect himself with Mirror Image before the big fight? Oops. The party's Wizard *really* wants to get his hands on this spell.
Zanan Posted - 09 Aug 2010 : 13:34:01
Loved my good old Wyvern Watch spell ...
Dalor Darden Posted - 09 Aug 2010 : 07:38:58
Originally posted by Dalor Darden

My favorite spell was "Rainbow Shield" which allowed you to place a 4th or lower level spell into it that would then be visited on anyone that struck you. The broken aspect of the spell was that the spell wasn't discharged then, but continued to work as long as the Rainbow Shield's duration held out. I'm sure that wasn't the intent, but it was nice to place Rainbow Shield/Vampiric Touch on my wizard and let enemies beat themselves to death on me while I gained godlike numbers of hitpoints. That only happened once though...

Kinda silly to quote myself here...BUT!

I've lost track of exactly where the Rainbow Shield spell is printed...does anyone know?
Beirnadri Magranth Posted - 03 Nov 2007 : 15:24:46
Is Larloch's Minor Drain in the new edition I can't remember. I loved that spell.
Kuje Posted - 19 Oct 2007 : 17:59:24
However, since I'm working on a spellbook for someone, I recall what I miss, the spells that were reversible!

And cure spells that were necromantic. Yeah, I still have debates with people about this for the current rules. :)
Kuje Posted - 18 Oct 2007 : 01:39:06
Originally posted by Skeptic

Originally posted by Kuje
Chariot of Susterre.

Why I can remember this? I have no idea.

It's the signature spell of Alustriel in RAS' books ?

Hmm, might be or cause I played a lot of druids in 2e. :)
Skeptic Posted - 17 Oct 2007 : 23:41:36
Originally posted by Kuje
Chariot of Susterre.

Why I can remember this? I have no idea.

It's the signature spell of Alustriel in RAS' books ?
Bladewind Posted - 17 Oct 2007 : 23:37:21
Duo Dimension and Duo Dimensional Hand never made it. They become psionic powers I think.
I made some conversions of the Lifeblend and Evolve spells from Volo's guide to Magic. Tried to create a biomancer mage.
Faraer Posted - 17 Oct 2007 : 04:51:31
In the general case of 'metamagic' (Realms term escapes me), mages are evidently able by their Art to manipulate their spells in ways some of which are fairly well modelled by 3E feats. Other more involved creative castings require more than one spell, and like KEJr, all the ones published strike me as real Realms spells, though some of their details will be off due to ruleset limitations.
Faraer Posted - 16 Oct 2007 : 23:19:22
Originally posted by Kuje
Chariot of Susterre.
Chariot of Sustarre, named after Dennis Sustare.
Originally posted by KnightErrantJR
Yeah, I was thinking about that, there are several spells that are now represented by feats, or magic item properties, instead of being spells in and of themselves.
And either or both or neither the spell treatment and the feat treatment are rules artefacts, thus not Realmslore.

Then there's the many spells that have never had game writeups at all.
Wenin Posted - 16 Oct 2007 : 18:35:33
Wasn't there a 2nd edition spell called Dimensional Folding?

We had a cleric of Mystra that could cast it, and that is how we travelled to Myth Drannor as we had the Dimensional Fold open up in the middle of a Dead Magic area that we had found in Myth Drannor on our first visit.
Hawkins Posted - 16 Oct 2007 : 17:35:47
Originally posted by Penknight

And one of my favorites, chromatic orb. I really enjoyed that one in 2nd Edition.

I was first introduced to chromatic orb in Baludr's Gate. It was one of the best spells in the game. I think I am glad they did not convert it to 3.x though, because they probably would have nerfed it.
Gelcur Posted - 16 Oct 2007 : 17:26:49
I don't think Age Dragon ever made it to 3E and clerics had access to a spell called Reverse Time I think. Both very cool spells from Tome of Magic 2E. Age Dragon let you increase or decrease the age category of a dragon and Reverse Time let you undo the last 4 or 5 turns a target took. The example for Reverse Time was priceless, a cleric casts it to bring back the 4 party members the dragon just killed.
Ranak Posted - 16 Oct 2007 : 05:54:42
Originally posted by dalor_darden

My favorite spell was "Rainbow Shield" which allowed you to place a 4th or lower level spell into it that would then be visited on anyone that struck you. The broken aspect of the spell was that the spell wasn't discharged then, but continued to work as long as the Rainbow Shield's duration held out. I'm sure that wasn't the intent, but it was nice to place Rainbow Shield/Vampiric Touch on my wizard and let enemies beat themselves to death on me while I gained godlike numbers of hitpoints. That only happened once though...

I believe there was also a spell called Temporal Folding, which came from the cleric's Time Sphere in the Tome of Magic 2nd Edition. It made clerics almost unstoppable, providing cover, reflecting back spells, and a few other things, although it did age them each use.
Dalor Darden Posted - 16 Oct 2007 : 05:35:14
My favorite spell was "Rainbow Shield" which allowed you to place a 4th or lower level spell into it that would then be visited on anyone that struck you. The broken aspect of the spell was that the spell wasn't discharged then, but continued to work as long as the Rainbow Shield's duration held out. I'm sure that wasn't the intent, but it was nice to place Rainbow Shield/Vampiric Touch on my wizard and let enemies beat themselves to death on me while I gained godlike numbers of hitpoints. That only happened once though...
Penknight Posted - 16 Oct 2007 : 04:02:57
And one of my favorites, chromatic orb. I really enjoyed that one in 2nd Edition.
Drunken Master Posted - 15 Oct 2007 : 15:21:57
I always liked the phaerimm lifedrain spell from the Ruins of Myth Drannor box set. I was surprised to not see it reprinted in Lost Empires of Faerun.
KnightErrantJR Posted - 15 Oct 2007 : 02:56:06
Yeah, I was thinking about that, there are several spells that are now represented by feats, or magic item properties, instead of being spells in and of themselves.

I was thinking that the "Volo's Guide to All Things Magical" spells still exist, for example, but they are spells that are used "off screen" and that the individual spellcaster learns automatically when they learn the feats in question . . .

Kind of off topic, but it was just a thought I had.
Kuje Posted - 15 Oct 2007 : 02:37:11
Originally posted by Ranak

Am I imagining this, or was there a spell where a druid could summon a flaming chariot and fly over his or her enemies, inflicting them with fire damage?

I seem to remember this, but couldn't find it. I also remember a glass steel spell, but that also could be my imagination.

Chariot of Susterre.

Why I can remember this? I have no idea.

Glassteel has made it into 3/3.5e but now it's a magical item property, not a spell.
Ranak Posted - 15 Oct 2007 : 02:26:33
Am I imagining this, or was there a spell where a druid could summon a flaming chariot and fly over his or her enemies, inflicting them with fire damage?

I seem to remember this, but couldn't find it. I also remember a glass steel spell, but that also could be my imagination.

Pasta Fzoul Posted - 14 Oct 2007 : 04:40:45
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

I don't think Stasis Clone came over...

Au contraire: it's in 3ed Lords of Darkness.
Zanan Posted - 13 Oct 2007 : 23:02:58
I'd guess that much of the Faiths & Avatars - series spells never made it either.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 13 Oct 2007 : 19:06:35
I don't think Stasis Clone came over... Ditto for a lot of the wild magic spells.

And I don't think that Bigby's Crushing Tactical Nuke was ever properly described in any game supplement.

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