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 Beshaba and the Hamster

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Wooly Rupert Posted - 29 Jul 2007 : 06:14:56
Well... It's not certain yet, but it appears that I just lost about 95% of everything I have ever owned -- including all of my game stuff, which was a rather extensive collection.

I am not a happy camper, right now.
30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Wooly Rupert Posted - 28 Sep 2007 : 21:56:26
Originally posted by ijkay

Let me know privately if any of this interests you.

Ian Franks

Check your PMs.
ijkay Posted - 28 Sep 2007 : 19:17:18

I had noticed your tale of loss some time ago, but am now just getting around to some thinning of my RPG stuff. In an effort to appease my better half I am converting a lot to electronic format.

What I have to offer is a ton of Dragon magazines from about 89 to 260ish inclusive and then a scattering of the issues from that point to present. They are mostly in good shape. Some of the earlier bunch may be missing the centre pull out stuff (posters, cardbourd figures etc.). These i can give you for free if you can handle the shipping. (They are HEAVY!) I also have a handful of Dungeon magazines.

I'm also interested in selling some of my FR/Spelljammer/Zakara collection (1e and 2e). At one point I had almost everything, but have been selling it off in little bits and pieces. Let me know if you have any holes and I'll see if I can fill them. I'm not looking for heaps of money for these things, just something fair and reasonable for both of us.

Let me know privately if any of this interests you.

Ian Franks

The Red Walker Posted - 23 Sep 2007 : 03:48:18
Glad this eventually worked out for you Wooly.

Looks like those dastards will do anything to usher in the switch to 4th ed.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 22 Sep 2007 : 14:25:14
Originally posted by Lady Kazandra

Great news Wooly!

With regard to the "other subsequent matter" I mentioned earlier . . . were there any updates about that?

No joy. But my female discovered one in a store that she fell in love with, so a portion of the insurance money will go to that.
Lady Kazandra Posted - 22 Sep 2007 : 10:01:42
Great news Wooly!

With regard to the "other subsequent matter" I mentioned earlier . . . were there any updates about that?
Erik Scott de Bie Posted - 18 Sep 2007 : 19:53:36
I must have missed this somehow back in July--damned busyness.

Good gods, Wooly--that's just a disaster! It's like the godswar in your storage unit.

Wish there was something I could do to help. I'll just offer my sympathies--and I'm glad no one was hurt and the insurance deal is working out.

Fillow Posted - 18 Sep 2007 : 19:52:33
sincerely happy to read that Wooly.
the good side of this story is that you discover -again- the sourcebooks hunting ! I'm sure you feel younger !
sirreus Posted - 18 Sep 2007 : 17:22:59
i'm glad the insurance worked for you (this time). amazon has a lot of used books cheap, and most i see are in good or better condition. need anything, holla'
Wooly Rupert Posted - 18 Sep 2007 : 16:52:00
Originally posted by sleyvas

Wooly, make sure to check Amazon, a friend of mine says that since they announced 4e, he's finding a lot of 3rd edition stuff cheap.

I shall do that. Thanks for the tip!
sleyvas Posted - 18 Sep 2007 : 16:27:46
Wooly, make sure to check Amazon, a friend of mine says that since they announced 4e, he's finding a lot of 3rd edition stuff cheap.
Alaundo Posted - 18 Sep 2007 : 08:57:22
Well met

Fantastic news, Wooly, on all fronts So glad to hear you are getting your material replaced as well as having a good insurance payout.

That photo is certainly depressing and makes you realise just how fragile valued possessions can be
Ergdusch Posted - 18 Sep 2007 : 07:49:00
You know Wooly, it all becomes perfectly clear to me now. It's no wonder Tymora turns a blind eye on you with her marriage arrangement getting out of hand (slighty). I would be a mess in such a situation too. Who is to blame her...
Be that as it may, at least Waukeen is watching over you. I am glad that some of your wounds are healing through her blessing.

Great to hear those news, Wooly.
Jorkens Posted - 18 Sep 2007 : 07:35:57
Nothing can replace memories and the feelings tied to items from ones life, but it is good to now that there are some good news in this case. Great to hear this Wooly.
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 18 Sep 2007 : 00:29:42
I'm so happy to hear the news.
Victor_ograygor Posted - 18 Sep 2007 : 00:26:26
That’s really great… You know after reading your post I made sure that all my stuff was a safe place…

Really glad that it ended out great

The Sage Posted - 18 Sep 2007 : 00:20:04
That's great!

And depending upon what you still may be missing in terms of Realms resources... let me know. There may be a way I can still hook you up with a couple of double copies I have of certain 2e Realms tomes.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 18 Sep 2007 : 00:14:21
An update...

Last week, we were allowed to hire salvagers to go sift thru the ash. Some people did recover some stuff. We didn't. All that was surviving in the unit where my books were was some broken ceramics. And that was worse than losing them totally, I think: when I saw these things, I was looking at the remnants of items surrounded by happy memories. They didn't remind me of the good times, they reminded me of what was lost.

One of the guys used my cell phone to snap a picture of the unit. See the link below for the sad remains of 20 years worth of novels, manga, comics, magazines, game books, and assorted action figures.

However... One who wishes to remain nameless has made a generous replacement offer. And another scribe had chosen to offload his extensive collection; he and I are in negotiations for a very sizable chunk of it.

The best news is the news I just got: we're getting a very sizable amount of money from insurance. Not enough to cover everything, but enough that I should be able to replace damn near everything I intend to replace, and still have money left over for other concerns. This makes me a very happy hamster, indeed!
Lady Kazandra Posted - 07 Aug 2007 : 16:59:34
Though I've known about this for some time now, this is the first opportunity I have had to express my sympathy for your unfortunate situation Wooly. I was sorry to hear about the subsequent other matter also.

We're still here for you.
Marquant Volker Posted - 07 Aug 2007 : 00:43:37
Sorry to hear this, my sympathy to you Wooly
Iliana N-letur Posted - 06 Aug 2007 : 15:12:00
... This was not what I was expecting.
I can just mirror the feelings above.
Asgetrion Posted - 04 Aug 2007 : 14:41:58
I am really sorry to hear about your loss, Wooly! I, too, thought that this topic would be about something more light-hearted (such as your conversion to Beshaba's faith).
Halidan Posted - 01 Aug 2007 : 16:55:28
That's horrible news Wooly. If there is anything I can do to ease the loss (gaming or non-gaming wise) just say the word.
sleyvas Posted - 31 Jul 2007 : 21:51:48
Oh, and if there's anything else that might help you(appliances like a TV, toaster, microwave, clothes if you wear big stuff, etc....), I'm betting I have some things cluttering the attic. Just PM me and I'll see what I can do.
Oh, and one thing comes to mind... do you paint minis? I have so many unpainted minis that I'll never do them in my lifetime (or my son's lifetime if I develop the ability to magic jar <g>).
sleyvas Posted - 31 Jul 2007 : 21:45:37
Man, with a subject like "Beshaba and the Hamster", I had a totally different idea in mind (think tube and many urban myths that end up in a hospital). This is not what I expected to hear, and it really sucks. What version of the game are you still using (2nd edition, 3.0, 3.5?), as I may have a few duplicates of some books?
Vanidariaen Posted - 31 Jul 2007 : 21:33:49
Truly, Wooly, I am very, very sorry!!
Xysma Posted - 31 Jul 2007 : 16:07:13
I am so sorry to hear this Wooly, I hope you are able to salvage something.
Ergdusch Posted - 31 Jul 2007 : 10:58:46
Ach du scheiße!

Wolly, such a misfurtune! All my sympathy........

Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 31 Jul 2007 : 02:02:36
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Well... It's not certain yet, but it appears that I just lost about 95% of everything I have ever owned -- including all of my game stuff, which was a rather extensive collection.

I am not a happy camper, right now.

I'm so sorry to hear that. And yes, let us know if there's anything we can do.
freyar Posted - 31 Jul 2007 : 01:45:02
Wow, terrible news. I hope something made it through for you.
Valaxaxath Posted - 31 Jul 2007 : 01:35:14
I remember seeing that on news 13. As a fellow resident of brevard county, I'm very sorry for your loss man. Hopefully the place was insured and you can at least replace some of what you lost(although, sadly much of it is probably irreplaceable :*( ).

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