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 Elven Netbook Project

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Marc Posted - 03 Nov 2006 : 11:44:28
Fellow FR scribes, loremasters and enthusiasts, what do you think about this, also I'm asking how much of the book should be homebrew, and how much from official sources, we're trying not to break any © rules (considering your great experience with Candlekeep Compendiums)?

What are your opinions?
26   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Markustay Posted - 26 Jan 2012 : 15:42:03
I'd like to see a LOT of it canonized (and not just because I contributed).

If they take stuff like this, and the CkC's (and a couple of other peoples Netbooks around here), they could have a lot of their work done for them, allow part of the fanbase to actively contribute to the setting (as the RPGA were), and also toss a little money our way for our efforts (not much - it wouldn't even have to be 'the going rate' - more like a token of their appreciation).

Unlike what was going on with the RPGA, they could pick and choose what they want - single-out specific articles (or entire netbooks), and either give the author directives on what needs to be 'fixed', or do the re-writes themselves (giving 'based on' credit to the original author).

The sponsorship models appears to work (people pay to contribute! ), and if they take something like that, and make it more accessible (like I said, don't charge, but also don't necessarily give anything away, either), I think this would be a win-win. In fact, they have already done this on a smaller scale, with Brian and others (harvesting both scribes and lore from us).

And more contests like Eriks - that's pure win. Paizo (not to keep bringing them up, but their business model seems to be working) does this. Instead of 'customers', they have established more of a 'co-contributors' relationship with their fans.

Anyhow, there were quite a few projects going on over at the WotC boards, and it would be a damn shame to just let all of that go to waste. I know I wouldn't mind doing an Utter East netbook (finally!) if I had a little incentive. The research part of it is all done (and fortunately still there, on the web, and not on my burned-up hard drive.
Diffan Posted - 26 Jan 2012 : 14:20:40
Having attributed a few things into this project a while back, I'd like to see it all combined into one PDF (if it hasn't already been done).
Thauranil Posted - 26 Jan 2012 : 08:55:37
Well the more knowledge on Elves there is the better. Blessings of the Seldarine be upon you.
Elestar Posted - 19 Jul 2008 : 20:52:22
We need something like that, good luck! :)
Lord Karsus Posted - 29 Apr 2008 : 16:09:02
Originally posted by Maruluthu Mistrivvin

old thread, haven't contributed much ...

and we thought this is only temporary until they release the official book in the Year of the Risen Elfkin, silly us

-I knew from the start that there would never be an actual, official book...I don't think I ever claimed otherwise.
Marc Posted - 28 Apr 2008 : 20:15:07
old thread, haven't contributed much ...

and we thought this is only temporary until they release the official book in the Year of the Risen Elfkin, silly us
Markustay Posted - 27 Apr 2008 : 17:26:35
To add my two cents - this offers you the unique opportunity to add to the body of 'unofficial' FR lore, Maruluthu.

You figure out all the details, and then post them here, and whatever you come up with gets added to the Netbook project - its a win-win situation.
Lord Karsus Posted - 27 Apr 2008 : 16:39:56
Originally posted by Alemorikec

Um, can someone or many someones help me, I'm planning on celebrating Lateu'quor,the Forest Communion of the Crescent Moon.
Yup... I play a Sun Elf Priest of Corellon, big shoes to fill, and not much known knowlege.

-On the actual celebrations and services and whatnot, there is nothing written that I know of. So, concerning this, you are on your own.

-But, whatever you do, let me know, and I'll see if I can incorporate it into things, since there is a big 'ol gap in information here, and one of the goals, asides for compiling as much as possible, is to fill in gaps.
GRYPHON Posted - 26 Apr 2008 : 02:52:35
Sounds like a good idea...
The Sage Posted - 26 Apr 2008 : 01:16:51
Originally posted by Alemorikec

Um, can someone or many someones help me, I'm planning on celebrating Lateu'quor,the Forest Communion of the Crescent Moon.
Yup... I play a Sun Elf Priest of Corellon, big shoes to fill, and not much known knowlege.
There's a brief bit in Corellon's entry of Demihuman Deities. Though, aside from that, I don't immediately recall too much detail being published for the Communion.
BARDOBARBAROS Posted - 25 Apr 2008 : 22:33:37
Out of time.. but i voted We need something like that, good luck
Alemorikec Posted - 25 Apr 2008 : 20:04:17
Um, can someone or many someones help me, I'm planning on celebrating Lateu'quor,the Forest Communion of the Crescent Moon.
Yup... I play a Sun Elf Priest of Corellon, big shoes to fill, and not much known knowlege.
Alisttair Posted - 13 Dec 2006 : 15:51:53
Sounds good to me.
Marc Posted - 03 Dec 2006 : 14:49:42
I'm aware, it's a classic after all
tauster Posted - 03 Dec 2006 : 12:53:35
Originally posted by Maruluthu Mistrivvin

Originally posted by Sian

minor question ... do you remember all the 8 actknowlegded elven races (wheras Races of Faerun forgets Starelf)?

Yes we cover all existing sources, even the desert type

Are you aware of the Rockseer Elves from the boxed set "Night Below"?
Lord Karsus Posted - 03 Dec 2006 : 01:02:53
Originally posted by Zimme

I would like to make a contribution, the more knowedge the better.

-Send me a PM, either here, or at the WotC Boards (Preferable). There, I'm Lord Karsus. I'm looking forward to having you aboard! Tell your friends...
Marc Posted - 24 Nov 2006 : 23:01:55
Great, then sign up and check available issues here (or you can suggest your own)

I'm currently adapting some NPCs and writing about wild elves
Zimme Posted - 24 Nov 2006 : 22:45:56
I would like to make a contribution, the more knowedge the better.
Alediran Posted - 20 Nov 2006 : 20:57:25
Originally posted by Dagnirion

-Come on...Anyone want to join the cause?

There are plenty of things to cover yet
Lord Karsus Posted - 20 Nov 2006 : 20:34:55
-Come on...Anyone want to join the cause?
Marc Posted - 15 Nov 2006 : 11:26:44
Originally posted by Sian

minor question ... do you remember all the 8 actknowlegded elven races (wheras Races of Faerun forgets Starelf)?

Yes we cover all existing sources, even the desert type
Wooly Rupert Posted - 15 Nov 2006 : 06:19:12
Originally posted by Sian

minor question ... do you remember all the 8 actknowlegded elven races (wheras Races of Faerun forgets Starelf)?

Races of Faerūn doesn't forget the Star Elves. The Star Elves were invented after that tome was printed.
Sian Posted - 15 Nov 2006 : 05:57:56
minor question ... do you remember all the 8 actknowlegded elven races (wheras Races of Faerun forgets Starelf)?
Lord Karsus Posted - 15 Nov 2006 : 05:42:06
-Thanks, Jiggawha. Yes, anyone who wants to join the project can:

E-Mail me (
Send me a message, over here at the 'Keep
Send me a PM over at the WotC Boards (Lord Karsus)
Alediran Posted - 03 Nov 2006 : 12:55:40
I voted other optiones since I'm already a member :P
Ergdusch Posted - 03 Nov 2006 : 12:27:24
I was tempted to choose the 'I don't care about "tree-huggers"' option being a half-orcan brute n all but then I noticed the bigger image of this product - no more flippin through cart loads of books for some info on elves - just one book containing all I need.

Good luck and the blessing of the Seldarin!

I would like to help but I do not have time or the proper knowledge of elves, so I leave this to the willing and knowledgeable out there, and I am sure there are more than a few.

Make sure to let me know how you fare.


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