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 Fflar( spoiler inside )

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Corran Horn Posted - 09 Aug 2006 : 09:23:39
I know that Captain Fflar was resurrected. But what happened to him in Last Mythal series? Did he died?

Sorry for my english.
28   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 12 Aug 2006 : 05:41:46
Originally posted by GothicDan

I've never seen such amazing stats, Rino! :)

Thank you, I take great pride in my work.
GothicDan Posted - 12 Aug 2006 : 05:39:03
I've never seen such amazing stats, Rino! :)
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 12 Aug 2006 : 04:56:13
Originally posted by Aes Tryl

The impression given to most people, especially those who read the Fall of Myth Drannor supplement, was that Fflar was actually someone of the other races, a human or a maybe a half-elf

I agree, because it drives home the point that those fighting for Myth Drannor were holding fast to it's ideal of all the goodly races working together.

As for myself, I have stats for Fflar. They are as follows:

Race: Unknown
Status: Deceased.
Aes Tryl Posted - 11 Aug 2006 : 10:44:42
The impression given to most people, especially those who read the Fall of Myth Drannor supplement, was that Fflar was actually someone of the other races, a human or a maybe a half-elf
GothicDan Posted - 10 Aug 2006 : 20:17:01
Same here, Wooly. :)

I mean - it made the most sense to me if he had been a half-elf.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 10 Aug 2006 : 17:18:55
Originally posted by Wandering_mage

Is the remark about him being a halfling hero true? I could have sworn he was always a sun elf...

Until the Last Mythal trilogy, his race wasn't given anywhere. Myself, I'd always thought he was a half-elf.
Aes Tryl Posted - 10 Aug 2006 : 14:13:41
Haha depends on who's your DM and no officially if u have the LM series read forsaken house. . . i think i provided the page
Wandering_mage Posted - 10 Aug 2006 : 14:04:29
Is the remark about him being a halfling hero true? I could have sworn he was always a sun elf...
GothicDan Posted - 10 Aug 2006 : 10:22:07
I am pretty sure that Rich mentioned that he was a low-Epic fighter.
Aes Tryl Posted - 10 Aug 2006 : 10:05:32
Well you should really ask Mr Baker in the Ask Rich forum on candlekeep
Corran Horn Posted - 10 Aug 2006 : 10:02:41
OK thanks for replies. I have another question. Will be Fflar stated somewhere? I mean in some new sourcebook or something like that.
GothicDan Posted - 10 Aug 2006 : 10:01:11
Okay, cool. Thanks for the info.
Aes Tryl Posted - 10 Aug 2006 : 09:32:11
Nope he's a moon elf, hmm where's that quote. . . ahh found it

"becoming a tall, broad-shouldered moon elf with russet hair" from the Forsaken House, pg 187
GothicDan Posted - 10 Aug 2006 : 09:27:06
I thought he was identified in LM as a Sun Elf?
Aes Tryl Posted - 10 Aug 2006 : 09:13:35
But in the Last Mythal series, he is identified as a moon elf so i really wouldn't know. . . since LM was written after 3E right?
GothicDan Posted - 10 Aug 2006 : 09:06:06
Originally, his race was left completely up in the air.

3E decided to make him a Sun Elf for a reason I can't quite tell.
Corran Horn Posted - 10 Aug 2006 : 08:57:26
Thanks for all answers but I have one more question. Fflar is moon or gold elf?
Aes Tryl Posted - 10 Aug 2006 : 03:47:16
No apparently Fflar was a halfling hero who got metamorphosised into a human and then went on to kick Aulmpuliter's butt, died and went to the halfling heaven Gromph went to. . . butterfly wings and all ;P
GothicDan Posted - 10 Aug 2006 : 00:12:54

He wasn't even an Elf...


Was he!?
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 09 Aug 2006 : 23:59:42
Fflar? Resurrected? That never happened...

*goes on happily pretending the LM series never existed*
GothicDan Posted - 09 Aug 2006 : 22:27:36

(I am NOT flooding, darn you!)
Reefy Posted - 09 Aug 2006 : 13:29:46
Mace Hammerhand Posted - 09 Aug 2006 : 12:21:43
Originally posted by Kiaransalyn

doing stuff


I thought she had a name?


Kiaransalyn Posted - 09 Aug 2006 : 11:58:27
doing stuff


I thought she had a name?

Aes Tryl Posted - 09 Aug 2006 : 11:45:47
Lots of it by the looks of things, Don't worry he's very. . . well. . .alive
Mace Hammerhand Posted - 09 Aug 2006 : 11:32:15
Basically, he is alive and ... well, doing stuff
Aes Tryl Posted - 09 Aug 2006 : 10:17:38
Haha more like his new best friend's daughter :P
Kiaransalyn Posted - 09 Aug 2006 : 09:27:46
He ended up in bed with his new best friend's girlfriend.

After that, things got a little tense.

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