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 Candlekeep Site Update (02-August-2011)

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Alaundo Posted - 02 Aug 2011 : 14:02:41
Well met

Aye, thine eyes see the truth! After considerable time, the Candlekeep site is active again... herein are a number of items of lore which have been gathering dust within my study for far too long. As well as up to date product and novel pages, we have some truly outstanding pieces of lore submitted by fellow scribes. I hope ye enjoy this latest's good to be back

1) New product information pages for: Eye of Justice, The Masked Witches, Neverwinter (novel), Neverwinter Fortune Cards, The Spectral Blaze, Brimstone Angels, Transitions Gift Set, The Last Mythal Omnibus, The Haunted Lands Omnibus, Bury Elminster Deep, Unbroken Chain: The Darker Road, Ed Greenwood presents Waterdeep, Book 2, The Legend of Drizzt Board Game, Neverwinter (PC game).

2) Updated the Forgotten Realms Bibliography, and 2011 FR Release Schedule.

3) An article by George Krashos on the alternative magic researched by the Netherese; The Magic of Mantles. Located in Traveler's Notebooks.

4) An extensive document of historical information on the ancient land of Aryvandaar, by Paul Simpson. Located in Traveler's Notebooks.

5) A wonderful collection of lore and information on the elven Realm of Eaerlann, by Paul Simpson. Additional tomes of lore for Eaerlann locations also by Paul Simpson are: the elven port of Teu'tel'Alu, Mhilamniir and Ascalhorn, The Secrets of Aryvandaar.

6) More wonderful elven lore by Paul Simpson; Glaurachyndaar, City of Scrolls and The City of Rystalmyth. Located in Traveler's Notebooks.

7) Two netbooks for the Maztica Alive! project, submitted by T J Hild for the 'Maztica Alive team': Book I: Monsters of the True World (Maztica and Lopango) and Book II: The Great Skyhome (Maztica and Spelljammer). Located in Forgotten Realms Netbooks.

8) Details on various areas of the ancient elven city, by Randy Neighbors: Myth Drannor's sites: Past, Present and Future. Located in Traveler's Notebooks.

9) Prayers, blessings and religious lore (author unknown) in Writings on Sharess. Located in Traveler's Notebooks.

10) Laerakond (Returned Abeir) beautifully mapped, (artist unknown) in the Map Room. Also in the Map Room, a keyed map of Harrowdale.

11) Recordings by Paul Jordan of Ed Greenwood seminars in 2006. Recordings are spread over numerous parts and can be downloaded from the Realmslore section.

12) New artwork in the Gallery of Faerūn; a mixture of pencil sketches and digital art by Laerrigan (J.L. Cordell), and 'Velenor', by Gustav Nieto.

As always, these items can be viewed directly via links on the Home Page and News page.

Also please join us on Facebook and follow our feeds on Twitter.
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Alaundo Posted - 04 Aug 2011 : 07:45:46
Well met

Thanks all for the feedback; it's always good to hear if fellow scribes are enjoying the new material. Thanks too, of course, to those who have submitted this latest batch of work (and apologies for the delay on getting this out).

From now on (and in particular for Candlekeep v2), updates will be provided more dynamically as and when they arrive, rather than having lengthy periods between releases. So keep an eye out on our social networking sites for quick bursts of information on new novels, items of lore etc.
Daviot Posted - 04 Aug 2011 : 05:13:28
Much appreciated. The forums are fun, interesting, and useful, but updates to the main site itself are always glad news.
Dennis Posted - 03 Aug 2011 : 11:35:54

It's nice to see the new updates. Thanks, Al.
Thieran Posted - 02 Aug 2011 : 16:33:42
Thank you for the great update, Alaundo!
Thelonius Posted - 02 Aug 2011 : 15:36:18
Ah ok, didn't know about some Fan policy by WotC, thanks for the headsup
Alaundo Posted - 02 Aug 2011 : 14:59:02
Originally posted by Thelonius

Wow good to see the main page active and full of new content once again. This is indeed a fine adition. BTW is there any new compendium planned? Eager to take a look at some new content in that matter

Well met, Thelonius

Glad ye like the new content

Regarding the Candlekeep this space Part of the issue which halted the release of Volume 10 was the constraints enforced by WotC with the Fan Site Policy.
Thelonius Posted - 02 Aug 2011 : 14:16:44
Wow good to see the main page active and full of new content once again. This is indeed a fine adition. BTW is there any new compendium planned? Eager to take a look at some new content in that matter

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