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 Help wanted - encounter with Sammaster

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Ergdusch Posted - 29 Sep 2006 : 10:05:58
Sorry for the length of this post, but it is necessary to introduce you to the problem:

I have played a campaign for several years now which shall come to an end soon. The groups major enemy is the Cult of the Dragon and the head villian is of course none other than Sammaster himself.

However, the group concists out of a fighter/ranger/harper agent, a wizard, a cleric of Moradin and a monk. Unfortunatelly they are all around lvl 15 and will not be able to confront Sammaster alone.

Now to my request:

What I need help with is to think of challanges before they meet and great with Sammaster, rigfht before the final encounter!!!

So I ask you:
Where would Sammaster hide or have his "head quarter"? Who would be guarding him? How would you be able to enter his place of refuge? and so forth....
Remember the groups lvl - I am looking for encounters around CR 15.

One more thing: the faster you come up with ideas the better.....

Thanks in advance for your creative input.


3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Kalin Agrivar Posted - 29 Sep 2006 : 16:15:55
Originally posted by Mazrim_Taim

Well, if they are only level 15 they may need quite a few encounters to go through before actually meeting Sammaster.

I agree...CR 15 is awefully low...even if Sammaster isn't epic level to confront Sammaster would be an epic undertaking...

does it have to be THE real sammaster? what about an apprentice lich posing as Sammaster?

I'd stick it in the Desertmouth Mountains...sammaster has a history there..
Ergdusch Posted - 29 Sep 2006 : 15:59:48
I know! But as it was in the Rogue Dragon trilogy - it is not ment for them to kill sammaster, more to stop his evil plan.

Besides, they do have some powerful allies in the backhand (a gold dragon, Storm Silverhand and the Harpers)

So the question is really - where would Sammaster hide and what would be guarding him?

Whatever you come to think of helps more than no comment at all.

Mazrim_Taim Posted - 29 Sep 2006 : 13:04:07
Well, if they are only level 15 they may need quite a few encounters to go through before actually meeting Sammaster.

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