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 Monastic Orders: Clothing

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ShadowKing Posted - 02 Nov 2011 : 21:43:49
In the old Faiths & Avatars, Powers & Pantheons and Demihuman Deities, were present pictures and accurate descriptions of the priestly vestments and adventuring garbs for the clergy of each god of the Realms.
The more recent Faiths & Pantheons and its Web Enhancements did not contain anything similar, so where can I find informations about what monks of organized orders wear? Has every order strict rules about how a member must dress? Or is each monk free to wear what he prefers?
I suppose a monastic order, given its lawful nature, should impose some sort of uniform to its members, like western and eastern monastic orders do in the real world. Surely orders with secret or wicked goals might allow their members to wear clothes useful to hide their affiliation. However I have not found sources that provide official informations about this.
In particular, I am interested in any possible rule on clothing in force in the Monastery of the Sun in Waterdeep, because one of my players is going to play a Sun Soul Monk.
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Farrel Posted - 03 Nov 2011 : 15:17:51
Yep, i'd look forward to seeing a reply from Mr Greenwood
ShadowKing Posted - 03 Nov 2011 : 15:12:12
Originally posted by Farrel

[quote]Originally posted by ShadowKing

Maybe direct a question towards the Chamber of Sages to gain the clarification you require?

In the "Questions for Ed Greenwood (2011)" topic?
Farrel Posted - 03 Nov 2011 : 08:36:43
Originally posted by ShadowKing

I have doubts about the style of dress (and have already looked at that web enhancement for ideas about the colouration).

I have also found the following image portraying Kadila adh Vitendi, a Sun Soul Monk of the Monastery of the Sun in Waterdeep (taken from City of Splendors):
She was born in Calimshan but trained as a monk in Waterdeep. However she still wears dresses in calishite style, but stained with the colours of the Sun Soul Order.
So it seems the Sun Soul Monks living in Waterdeep are free to choose how to dress but have to wear the colours of their deity.
Do you agree?

After looking at the City of Splendors (I didn't remember seeing the image before... told you about my memory) yep, I do agree... up to a point. My agreement is tempered by only having one example available to us so far, I think it's a good start though.

I do think the colouration from the Faith's and Avatars books from 2e, and the Web enhancement you've already seen, is a good thing to have, as it seems that the colour code has been adhered to by Kadila.

The only reason I mentioned plants and animals is due to the martial training they receive and that they often take inspiration from the real world... animals feature quite widely. They may have devices or icons on their clothing... like I said, it was just an idea.

Originally posted by The Sage

I do sometimes follow the Jedi method here, in that most monks in my Realms often adopt clothing styles that are reminiscent of the common man. Usually, an individual monk's city/state/country of birth [and its associated cultural aspects] and their faith, as well as the monk's own unique physiology would tend to influence the design of the robe or vestment. As such, no two robes could ever be considered completely identical.

Kadila seems to have taken this approach and I think The Sage makes a good point.

Maybe direct a question towards the Chamber of Sages to gain the clarification you require?
Nilus Reynard Posted - 03 Nov 2011 : 04:37:50
I have always pictured those of monastic orders wearing the type of garb that priests of Ilmater wear, with a change to whatever color suits the character/npc.
ShadowKing Posted - 03 Nov 2011 : 02:36:52
Originally posted by Farrel

Hi Shadowking Is it the colouration, or style of dress, that you are after?

If it's colouration you could have a look at Deity Do's & Don'ts, a web enhancement by Sean K Reynolds, it gives specific colours by deity and certain animals/plants that are associated to them.

I have doubts about the style of dress (and have already looked at that web enhancement for ideas about the colouration).

I have also found the following image portraying Kadila adh Vitendi, a Sun Soul Monk of the Monastery of the Sun in Waterdeep (taken from City of Splendors):
She was born in Calimshan but trained as a monk in Waterdeep. However she still wears dresses in calishite style, but stained with the colours of the Sun Soul Order.
So it seems the Sun Soul Monks living in Waterdeep are free to choose how to dress but have to wear the colours of their deity.
Do you agree?
Ayrik Posted - 03 Nov 2011 : 01:01:10
Some gods are more vain or demanding than others, and this would be reflected by their followers. I would expect the official and unofficial vestments worn would vary from church to church and region to region; Tymorans in Cormyr would like dress differently than Tymorans in Tethyr. Note the religious garb worn in our world, from current and defunct religions, and note how it varies by region.

The best reference I can advise would be the artwork originally seen in 2E Forgotten Realms Adventures, although it does (and does not) represent some of the deities who've been replaced.
The Sage Posted - 03 Nov 2011 : 00:23:57
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

I would have the monk orders wear simple vestments similar in style (where appropriate) and color to what the priests wear.

I do sometimes follow the Jedi method here, in that most monks in my Realms often adopt clothing styles that are reminiscent of the common man. Usually, an individual monk's city/state/country of birth [and its associated cultural aspects] and their faith, as well as the monk's own unique physiology would tend to influence the design of the robe or vestment. As such, no two robes could ever be considered completely identical.
Farrel Posted - 02 Nov 2011 : 23:18:31
Hi Shadowking

I can't think of any sourcebook that i've got (although my memory is awful tbh) that details the Monk's code of dress, by deity, in the Realms, someone else might know?

You've already mentioned the first books that I would've headed to (Faiths & Avatars, Powers & Pantheons and Demihuman Deities) as a source of potential inspiration.

Is it the colouration, or style of dress, that you are after?

If it's colouration you could have a look at Deity Do's & Don'ts, a web enhancement by Sean K Reynolds, it gives specific colours by deity and certain animals/plants that are associated to them.

Not sure about style though, you could maybe draw inspiration from real world sources and adapt it to what you think is best? Maybe a set for within the temple, or monastery, and one for travel?
Wooly Rupert Posted - 02 Nov 2011 : 22:59:05
I would have the monk orders wear simple vestments similar in style (where appropriate) and color to what the priests wear.

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