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Learned Scribe
131 Posts |
Posted - 21 May 2006 : 22:14:23
Great sages of Candlekeep, I need your help to find as much information on Cormyrean noble families as possible (and I don't mean the general lore about being a noble in Cormyr but about particular families like Bleths, Cormaerils, Crownsilvers and so on). I am aware of the fact that there are some pages on this topic in the 2nd edition Cormyr supplement. Are there any other sources besides the one I mentioned?
Great Reader
7915 Posts |
Posted - 21 May 2006 : 22:22:11
1E and 2e box sets. The FRCS. Volo's Guide to Cormyr FR Adventures. Four from Cormyr Into the Dragons Lair Dragon 276 and 278 to 281 and Annual #5. The Cormyr novel. The Death of a Dragon novel. The Wyvernspur novels for Geogi and company. Elminster's Daughter novel has some info.
Ed's replies from 2004 to present. See the sig and use the TOC/Index.
Hells, there's probably more. :) |
For some of us, books are as important as almost anything else on earth. What a miracle it is that out of these small, flat, rigid squares of paper unfolds world after world, worlds that sing to you, comfort and quiet and excite you... Books are full of the things that you don't get in real life - wonderful, lyrical language, for instance, right off the bat. - Anne Lamott, Bird by Bird
Scribe for the Candlekeep Compendium |
Edited by - Kuje on 21 May 2006 22:31:10 |
The Sage
Procrastinator Most High
31799 Posts |
The Sage
Procrastinator Most High
31799 Posts |
Posted - 22 May 2006 : 01:41:06
And George's old listing -
"Here is a list of Cormyr noble families that George Krashos and I have compiled. The following key is provided to reference notations detailing where information or mentions of these familes can be found.
BHR = the novel Beyond the High Road C = the Cormyr accessory CAN = Cormyr: A Novel ST = the novel Stormlight V = Volo's Guide to Cormyr accessory Families marked with an '*' are considered defunct/banished/exiled etc.
Ambershield: Darlutheene (1369) (CAN/303) Ammaeth (Myrton 1198-1271 DR (reign of Palaghard II c1227 DR)) Auantiver -("extinct") Volo's Guide to Cormyr, p.78. (V/78)* Aunkspear (V/127) Aurubaen - ("extinct") Volo's Guide to Cormyr, p.38. (CAN/343)* Battlestar (ST/28) Belorgan (CAN/385) Blacksilver? (Maethe 1335-? DR) Bleth Bogbrook - ("extinct") Volo's Guide to Cormyr, p.81. (V/81)* Cormaeril Creth - (CAN/385) Crownsilver - 245 DR (reign of Draxius 629 DR (Of Silver, by marriage of Rhiiman Obarskyr, brother of first king) 1st of noble families) (CAN/184)(C/47) Dauntinghorn (reign of Draxius 629 DR) (CAN/247)(C/47) Dawninghunt - ("extinct") Volo's Guide to Cormyr, p.226. Delzuld (Sulaspra 1241-1276 DR (reign of Azoun III c1227 DR)) Dheolur - 376 DR (reign of and ennobled by Anglond 376 DR) this noble house has been banished from Cormyr and/or had its lands/titles stripped from it (CAN/184)(V/135)* Dracohorn - 245 DR: Sacrast (245) ; Ondrin (1369) ; Keolan (?) (reign of Anglond 376 DR) (CAN/157) Dragonarl - Volo's Guide to Cormyr, p.63. (V/63)* Eldroon: Blundebel (1369) (CAN/145) Emmarask Erdusking (ennobled by Rhigaerd II) Evenhand? (Torst 244-286 DR) Garthhawk (outlawed by Azoun III) Goldfeather (reign of Draxius 629 DR, stripped of lands and title in 1069) (CAN/247)* Greatgaunt Hawklin Hiloar - Earl Hiloar (pg80 Beyond the High Road) Hornshield Huntcrown Hunterown? (is this really Huntcrown?) (reign of Barander c1139 DR) Huntingcrown Huntsilver - 245 DR: Hundilavatar (1369) (reign of Barander c1139 DR (Of Huntyn and Silver, by Gavrund Huntyn, brother-in-law of second king) 3rd of noble families) (CAN/125)(C/48) Illance - Martin Frayault (1369) ; Dagh (1369) (reign of Draxius 629 DR) (CAN/15)(C/48)(V/38) Imbranneth: Threldryn (1369) (CAN/95) Immerdusk - (ST/115) Indesm (ST/267) Indimber (CAN/386) Janthrin - ("extinct") Volo's Guide to Cormyr, p.38. (CAN/343)(V/38)* Kirinar - ("extinct") Volo's Guide to Cormyr, p.93. (V/93)* Marliir - Cormyr: A Novel -see the chapter on the reconquest of Marsember and the death of Dhalmass. House Marliir was the former ruling family of Marsember. As part of the deal, House Marliir was given land around Arabel, and gave up its claim to the Marsember area. You'll note that in modern products, House Marliir is always listed as the most prominent house of Arabel. Also, one of the Marliir scions is deeply involved in the resolution of Cormyr: A Novel. Duke Raynar Marliir (pg83 Beyond the High Road) (CAN/199)(C/48) Merendil - 26 DR (reign of Anglond 376 DR) (CAN/135) Misrim - Count Bhela Misrim of the powerful Misrim merchant family (pg78 Beyond the High Road) (V/59) Muscalian - 245 DR: (CAN/164) Narboot - Volo's Guide to Cormyr, p.63. (V/63)* Obarskyr - The Royal Family of Cormyr Rallyhorn - (CAN/386) Rayburton - 16 DR: (CAN/119) Roaringhorn: Blaerla (1369) (CAN/125) Rowanmantle - Kortyl (1369) (reign of Barander c1139 DR) (ST/11)(C/49) Scatterhawk (reign of Barander c1139 DR) Scoril Selazair? - (Queen Filaeril, wife of Azoun IV, current day) Silver - 16 DR: Jaquor (16) ; Tristan (16) Silversword (reign of Barander c1139 DR) (CAN/305)(C/49) Skatterhawk: Brace (1369) (CAN/95) Spurbright - Volo's Guide to Cormyr, p.141 (description of arms) (V/141) Summerstar - (ST/2) Thomdor Thundersword(s) - Harandil (1369) Volo's Guide to Cormyr, p.38 and p.153. (CAN/275)(V/38) Truesilver - 245 DR: Warden (1369) ; Beldred (1369) ; Taldeth (1369) (reign of Barander c1139 DR (Of Silver, by second marriage of Villiam Obarskyr, father of first king) 2nd of noble families) (CAN/95)(C/49) Turcassan - 26 DR (Melineth 364-432 DR; Daverna 389-432 DR) (reign of Anglond 376 DR) this noble house has ben banished from Cormyr and/or had its lands/titles stripped from it (CAN/135) Wintersun - (CAN/230) Wyrvar (Alendue 1219-1246 DR (reign of Palaghard II c1227 DR)) Wyvernspur Yellander - (ST/267) Royal Obarskyr Gondegal "the Old Wolf", "The Lost King" of Cormyr. [device: gray wolf's head with red eyes, face on] "
Candlekeep Forums Moderator
Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore -- Candlekeep Forum Code of Conduct
Scribe for the Candlekeep Compendium -- Volume IX now available (Oct 2007)
"So Saith Ed" -- the collected Candlekeep replies of Ed Greenwood
Zhoth'ilam Folio -- The Electronic Misadventures of a Rambling Sage |
The Hooded One
Lady Herald of Realmslore
5056 Posts |
Posted - 22 May 2006 : 02:11:56
That list shows us a little under two-thirds of them, from what I can recall. And yes, "Hunterown" IS a typo for Huntcrown. Unfortunately, the nobles of Cormyr are NDA'd right now, so I can't ask Ed. Sorry. Love, THO |
Edited by - The Hooded One on 22 May 2006 02:13:07 |
Learned Scribe
131 Posts |
Posted - 22 May 2006 : 06:43:27
Wow! Now that's something! Thank you very much 
Oh, one more thing. Do you possibly know how do the most important families' coats of arms look like? |
The Sage
Procrastinator Most High
31799 Posts |
Posted - 22 May 2006 : 07:09:24
Some of them are covered in the sources listed above. And Ed's mentioned one or two -- that weren't covered by NDA -- in his Candlekeep replies (check Kuje's compiled reply files).
The HERALDRY section of used to provide the canon-references for Corymrian noble family heraldry also but the site is currently off-line.
I can send you the write-ups themselves from the website if you wish?
Candlekeep Forums Moderator
Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore -- Candlekeep Forum Code of Conduct
Scribe for the Candlekeep Compendium -- Volume IX now available (Oct 2007)
"So Saith Ed" -- the collected Candlekeep replies of Ed Greenwood
Zhoth'ilam Folio -- The Electronic Misadventures of a Rambling Sage |
Edited by - The Sage on 22 May 2006 07:11:26 |
Learned Scribe
131 Posts |
Posted - 22 May 2006 : 07:53:11
quote: Originally posted by The Sage I can send you the write-ups themselves from the website if you wish?
That would be lovely  |
Edited by - Verghityax on 22 May 2006 07:53:42 |
The Sage
Procrastinator Most High
31799 Posts |
Learned Scribe
131 Posts |
Posted - 22 May 2006 : 08:25:40
Indeed, kind sir It is current  |
Senior Scribe
United Kingdom
731 Posts |
Posted - 22 May 2006 : 20:34:38
Jerry Davis did a very extensive listing of the noble houses of Cormyr on the Realms-L mailing list. I copy-pasted it into a Word document (still needs editing, though). If you like, I can send it to you? |
Head Moderator

United Kingdom
5696 Posts |
Learned Scribe
131 Posts |
Posted - 23 May 2006 : 12:31:13
quote: Originally posted by Thauramarth
Jerry Davis did a very extensive listing of the noble houses of Cormyr on the Realms-L mailing list. I copy-pasted it into a Word document (still needs editing, though). If you like, I can send it to you?
That would be very kind of ye :) |
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