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 Forgotten Realms Fan Art for your Attention

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Ormson Posted - 19 Oct 2017 : 03:50:47
Hello All,
I am new to this forum.
Guys I am a big fan Forgotten Realms and a 3D Artist.
Just finished my Forgotten realms Bruenor fan art tribute.
Please have a look and let me know how you feel about this project.

Thank you all!)
14   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Ormson Posted - 25 Oct 2017 : 02:08:31
Originally posted by Martinsky

Awesone I thinked it was a miniatures at first! It can make a good one or a virtual one, as virtual table top is the future. Even an holographic one!
You said 3 month but you put how many hour?

Hi Martinsky,
thank you for your feedback:)
I think I was done sculpting in about 1 month working a few hours a day here and there.
re-topology, baking maps, texturing and animation took the rest.
Martinsky Posted - 25 Oct 2017 : 01:05:31
Awesone I thinked it was a miniatures at first! It can make a good one or a virtual one, as virtual table top is the future. Even an holographic one!
You said 3 month but you put how many hour?
Ormson Posted - 21 Oct 2017 : 19:53:52
Originally posted by froglegg

Thanks for posting this.


Thank you John :)
froglegg Posted - 21 Oct 2017 : 17:39:42
Thanks for posting this.

Ormson Posted - 20 Oct 2017 : 17:47:28
Originally posted by Markustay

Originally posted by Artemas Entreri

Amazing, it actually looks like a figure as is. Print that bad boy out! Plans on doing the same for Artemis Entreri??
I was actually thinking the exact same thing.

I usually hate 3D art, which is why I wasn't commenting, but I have to admit, even though this style isn't 'my thing', its an insanely impressive piece of work (because it looks like a photograph of a miniature, and not 3D art). Well done.

Thank you :)
I was aiming for realism rather than cartoony-fairytal'ish style.I naturally gravitate towards realism even in Fantasy.
Dont you agree that Robert Salvatore in his books, describes violence in a very realistic way..

Thank you once again Markustay:)
Ormson Posted - 20 Oct 2017 : 17:37:13
Originally posted by idilippy

Wow, that is seriously impressive work.

Thank you so much:)
Ormson Posted - 20 Oct 2017 : 17:35:53
Originally posted by Artemas Entreri

Amazing, it actually looks like a figure as is. Print that bad boy out! Plans on doing the same for Artemis Entreri??

Ha ha,Thank you!
I think I might.
For the next one I though of sculpting Drizzt Do'Urden because of you know..dual weld sabers and and sword stand posture could look dramatic in sculpture. But there all I need is a good and creative concept.
Artemis Entreri why not)

Markustay Posted - 20 Oct 2017 : 17:30:14
Originally posted by Artemas Entreri

Amazing, it actually looks like a figure as is. Print that bad boy out! Plans on doing the same for Artemis Entreri??
I was actually thinking the exact same thing.

I usually hate 3D art, which is why I wasn't commenting, but I have to admit, even though this style isn't 'my thing', its an insanely impressive piece of work (because it looks like a photograph of a miniature, and not 3D art). Well done.

idilippy Posted - 20 Oct 2017 : 15:17:59
Wow, that is seriously impressive work.
Artemas Entreri Posted - 20 Oct 2017 : 12:08:15
Amazing, it actually looks like a figure as is. Print that bad boy out! Plans on doing the same for Artemis Entreri??
Ormson Posted - 19 Oct 2017 : 16:35:24
Thank you all guys for your kind feedback!
I am thinking about printing it out on 3D printer maybe ~7 IN tall and painting.
It would be nice to make a series of Characters dedicated to Forgotten Realms, but it takes a lot of time.(This one took on and off about 3 months to compete)
Thank you all once again!

Adhriva Posted - 19 Oct 2017 : 15:25:04
Very nicely done and welcome to the forum :)
Irennan Posted - 19 Oct 2017 : 13:44:10
That's impressive, thank you for sharing your work!
sleyvas Posted - 19 Oct 2017 : 12:20:40
wow, that is amazing looking. I particularly like the bumps in the shield, as its an added detail one doesn't normally think about, but would probably exist.

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