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 Any famous powerful gnomes in the realm?

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MaginX Posted - 26 Mar 2013 : 05:54:42
I m working on my character background for a Gnome Illusionist character i am playing in Forgotten Realm setting. His family is currently worshipers of Cyric. He found a magical book that becomes his spellbook that talks and guides him towards Mystra (Midnight). He broke away from his family and found out they have been tricked by Cyric into following him.

I thought about mixing the warlock class with my Wizard illusionist and play it off as his family was special and had closer ties with the fey or something else that can explain the power he gets from the warlock class. After all his family was a rare line of Rock gnomes which caught Cyric's eye and caused him to manipulate them for his own gain.

Any further ideas would be nice or what I can use to explain the power he gets from warlocks. if you want more info just ask I am currently shaping his persona.
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The Red Walker Posted - 27 Mar 2013 : 15:44:59
Originally posted by The Sage

Originally posted by The Red Walker

Originally posted by The Sage

There's also a few ideas you might glean from the gnomes of the Friendly Arm Inn, as featured in Elaine Cunningham's "Speaking with the Dead" -- originally printed in Realms of Mystery and included in The Best of Elaine Cunningham -- and "Stolen Dreams" as well, originally printed in DRAGON #259 and also included in The Best of Elaine Cunningham.

And, also, the gnome priest of Baravar Cloakshadow in Steven Schend's Blackstaff Tower, who was an old pal of Khelben Arunsun, to give you an idea of his age... and *power* level.

dont forget Khelben's Gnomish confidant.... Ompahr Daergech.

one of Steven Schends finest creations!

And one of the few published NPCs that I've dropped wholesale into my Realms.

Steven certainly builds 'em to last!

I wish that novel on The Warrens Steven would have liked to written, could have gotten done.
The Sage Posted - 27 Mar 2013 : 05:53:15
Originally posted by The Red Walker

Originally posted by The Sage

There's also a few ideas you might glean from the gnomes of the Friendly Arm Inn, as featured in Elaine Cunningham's "Speaking with the Dead" -- originally printed in Realms of Mystery and included in The Best of Elaine Cunningham -- and "Stolen Dreams" as well, originally printed in DRAGON #259 and also included in The Best of Elaine Cunningham.

And, also, the gnome priest of Baravar Cloakshadow in Steven Schend's Blackstaff Tower, who was an old pal of Khelben Arunsun, to give you an idea of his age... and *power* level.

dont forget Khelben's Gnomish confidant.... Ompahr Daergech.

one of Steven Schends finest creations!

And one of the few published NPCs that I've dropped wholesale into my Realms.

Steven certainly builds 'em to last!
TBeholder Posted - 27 Mar 2013 : 05:44:42
Skoradin Thinskin?
The Sage Posted - 27 Mar 2013 : 05:40:49
Originally posted by MrHedgehog

The Laughing Mime of Songfarla is supposed to be important...but his/her kingdom is hidden so I don't know how famous that would be. I don't think there are any statistics about him/her either.
Well, Songafarla appears on the "Faerūn of -626 DR Map" on pg. 49 in Lost Empires of Faerūn.

Make of that what you will.
Markustay Posted - 27 Mar 2013 : 05:11:26
Originally posted by MaginX

Are the gnomes in forgotten realm associated with fey? I m looking for a creative reason to have warlock powers. Gonna come from a rare bloodline of rock gnomes.
YES, retroactively.

Originally, no, but with the 4e rules.....

I actually don't mind that - I'm running a slightly modified version of Pathfinder's take on them.
MrHedgehog Posted - 27 Mar 2013 : 04:38:28
The Laughing Mime of Songfarla is supposed to be important...but his/her kingdom is hidden so I don't know how famous that would be. I don't think there are any statistics about him/her either.

I think Gnomes in FR are only associated with fey in 4th edition
The Red Walker Posted - 27 Mar 2013 : 00:03:06
Originally posted by The Sage

There's also a few ideas you might glean from the gnomes of the Friendly Arm Inn, as featured in Elaine Cunningham's "Speaking with the Dead" -- originally printed in Realms of Mystery and included in The Best of Elaine Cunningham -- and "Stolen Dreams" as well, originally printed in DRAGON #259 and also included in The Best of Elaine Cunningham.

And, also, the gnome priest of Baravar Cloakshadow in Steven Schend's Blackstaff Tower, who was an old pal of Khelben Arunsun, to give you an idea of his age... and *power* level.

dont forget Khelben's Gnomish confidant.... Ompahr Daergech.

one of Steven Schends finest creations!
MaginX Posted - 26 Mar 2013 : 20:53:09
Are the gnomes in forgotten realm associated with fey? I m looking for a creative reason to have warlock powers. Gonna come from a rare bloodline of rock gnomes.
Barastir Posted - 26 Mar 2013 : 14:38:06
This excerpt is from the 2e boxed set The North: Guide to the Savage Frontier, in the Frost Hills entry:

Castle of Illusion
When Ascalhorn was in its prime, Fhzmilliyun Sparkledrim, a powerful gnome illusionist from Shinglefell Gnome Burrow, built the Castle of Illusion.
sleyvas Posted - 26 Mar 2013 : 13:45:08
from 2nd edition Bloodstone Lands

Bistro Battenrooj
Wanders (Impiltur)
4th level fighter/4th level illusionist
NG, Garl Glittergold
Gnome male
INT 16, DEX 16
One of the few surface gnomes in the
region, Bistro Battenrooj is possibly the
most colorful character PCs will ever
encounter. He is a fighter/illusionist by
trade, but proclaims himself a monk. He
does manage to look the part, despite his
diminutive stature and his outrageous
hat#151;yellow and green, wide-brimmed,
and feathered. He wears plain clothing
and travels light, thanks to a belt pouch
that is really a bag of holding. For weapons,
he uses only a dagger, a crossbow, or
his walking stick (jo stick), all suitable for
a monk.
But under Bistro#146;s plain robe and cape is
a form-fitting, custom-made suit of fine elven
chain mail (+ 3). Bistro is quick to cast
a phantasmal force if the armor is in danger
of being discovered. Thus he explains
his incredibly hard skin as #147;a testament to
his deep levels of concentration.#148;
Typically, Bistro utilizes all his illusionist
tricks to support his disguise. In battle,
he will try to slip in on the enemy#146;s flank
and launch a color spray. Then he will
wade in among his stunned and unconscious
opponents, punching and running
about. His allies get the impression that he
took down his opponents with his deadly
open hand combat style, as Bistro camouflages
this maneuver with phantasmal
force spells. If his allies are also engaged
in combat, they have very little chance of
discovering his tricks.
When Bistro first encounters adventurers,
he will play his other favorite game,
especially if the party shows any doubt of
his claims to be a monk. Casting a phantasmal
force, Bistro goes through an open
hand and jo stick attack routine. The spell
makes him appear as if he had six arms,
all moving in a coordinated blur.
Whether Bistro really believes his claim,
or whether he just enjoys the challenge of
maintaining the disguise has never been
determined. Insiders suspect the latter. After
all, Bistro is responsible for the hypnosis
spells that delude his halfling traveling
companion, Bahooha Shortsleeves
The Sage Posted - 26 Mar 2013 : 13:03:31
There's also a few ideas you might glean from the gnomes of the Friendly Arm Inn, as featured in Elaine Cunningham's "Speaking with the Dead" -- originally printed in Realms of Mystery and included in The Best of Elaine Cunningham -- and "Stolen Dreams" as well, originally printed in DRAGON #259 and also included in The Best of Elaine Cunningham.

And, also, the gnome priest of Baravar Cloakshadow in Steven Schend's Blackstaff Tower, who was an old pal of Khelben Arunsun, to give you an idea of his age... and *power* level.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 26 Mar 2013 : 12:10:00
Nadul DaRoni, of Aurora's Whole Realms Catalog fame (the DaRoni's Workshop section).
BEAST Posted - 26 Mar 2013 : 11:49:44
Nanfoodle Buswilligan - M alchemist - Mirabar & Mithral Hall - "The Hunter's Blades Trilogy" - *BOOM*
Jeremy Grenemyer Posted - 26 Mar 2013 : 06:06:38
Hello MaginX,

This might not answer your question directly, but there's a pretty good article about gnomes in the Forgotten Realms that was published recently on the Wizard's of the Coast website.

The article is called Melve's Plan.

Hope this is of use to you.

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