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 Sages of Realmslore
 Descriptions of the Aquatic Relay?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Aysen Posted - 02 Dec 2008 : 10:54:58
The existence of this undersea network of informants has been mentioned in a few novels (Elaine Cunningham's Liriel novels for one I think), but do any sourcebooks explain it in detail? Such as the rough geographical extent of the network, which aquatic races utilize it, and how messages are "posted" and "received" through it?
I'm also curious as to how it intersects with other undersea clandestine groups like the Kraken Society or the aboleths.

If sourcebooks are lacking, I'd welcome some pointers as to which Author's thread I should go to "cast a line" in the hope something bites
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Lord Karsus Posted - 03 Dec 2008 : 04:57:21
-I've never really likened it to a very organized "postal route" type thing. I've always seen it as an "info-net" of sorts, with travelers passing on information and such.

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