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 Tethtoril in 5e?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
BlueHero45 Posted - 20 Jan 2016 : 10:33:24
Does anyone know any information on the fate of First Reader Tehtoril or Ulraunt after the spellplague and the more recent Sundering. The new "Sword Coat Adventures's Guide" tells candlekeep is still standing, functioning, and accepting books but leaves the fate of many named characters open. Of course old age is certainly a possible fate, however considering how protected by the gods Tehoril was it's hard to say.
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
hashimashadoo Posted - 20 Jan 2016 : 18:08:57
According to the module Confrontation at Candlekeep, the First Reader is, by the time of 5e, a man named Quinlapp.

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