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 Can you Download FR eBooks?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Erik Scott de Bie Posted - 25 Nov 2012 : 17:52:09
An open invitation: If you want to download a FR novel and can't because of where you live, please email me the name(s) of the novel(s) you want to download and your general location (as specific as city, country), and I will pass the information along to WotC. They may not even be aware that people can't download the book in a particular locale.

If you aren't looking for a specific novel (i.e., you just want to be able to look at "the catalog" and aren't sure what novels should or shouldn't be available) look for these novels: Shadowbane, Shadowbane: Eye of Justice, Sword of the Gods: Spinner of Lies, Prince of Ravens, and Spider and Stone. Let me know which of these novels is available (if any), and which don't seem to show up.

Either post this information here in this thread (your general location and which novels you can and can't download), or email me directly through Candlekeep or at my email addy: erikscottdebie AT yahoo DOT com


P.S. Please don't clutter up the thread with "I wouldn't download a FR ebook anyway!" sorts of posts. This is strictly a fact-finding mission. I want to know who can and can't get the ebooks, so that I can let WotC know.
29   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Seravin Posted - 22 Oct 2013 : 14:43:31
Hmm I thought I posted this but many books that were available in Canada on the "Kobo" website bookstore for Forgotten Realms are now removed. So frustrating! Some books I purchased have been taken away (still on my device at least, but if I need ro reload?I don't know).

Hoping someone from WotC can fix this problem. eg Shadow of the Avatar trilogy, Pools of Radiance/Darkness/Twighlight trilogy, etc. gone as of October 2013.
SirUrza Posted - 22 Oct 2013 : 14:39:28
Originally posted by The Masked Mage

Elaine - just have him download/install calibre E-book manager. Its a program that works as a ebook database and conversion tool. You can convert pretty much anything into pretty much anything else with it. Its a very useful program.

I've been doing this myself. I have a kobo I picked up on-the-cheap when Borders was closing up and I've been using Amazon to purchase my ebooks (I'll purchase them else where if there's a great sale running though.)

Getting them to run through calibre was a bit of a task at first, but nothing I'm not used to. I was listening to mp2s before mp3s were a thing! In any case, it's also nice because I can insert the missing Sundering map into the books and then change the resolution so it fits the screen. ;)

Now if I could just find a way to sync my ebook reader on my iphone with my kobo so I don't have to manually find where I've left off. :)
Lily M Green Posted - 22 May 2013 : 07:10:01
It looks like the full list is available on Amazon UK now and very please I am about this too. I'm in Australia but still have access to my UK account so no problems here. Looking into it further I am assuming as there's no regional Amazon site for Australia, buyers without access to alternative regional sites can order and download via the .com site.
Avix Posted - 16 Mar 2013 : 20:56:13
Update: The newer FR ebooks (The Last Threshold for example) can also be bought on Amazon's Kindle store so I'm a very happy camper! :)
Avix Posted - 16 Mar 2013 : 20:47:11
I am from Poland and as far as I know most of the older FR books (Moonshae trilogy, Legend of Drizzt etc.) can be bought without any problems. Haven't checked any of the newer books though. Will post back ASAP

Edit: Forgot to add that all abovementioned books can be bought on via the Kindle store
Ergont Posted - 07 Feb 2013 : 13:34:06
I bought e-version of Spider & Stone from Amazon on January without any problems. Suppose, there are no restrictions for Russian readers. (=
The Masked Mage Posted - 29 Jan 2013 : 22:17:33
Originally posted by ElaineCunningham

Originally posted by Magnificat17

Confirmed. I can now buy many titles from in Kindle format. Kobo too. No availability on the iBookstore though.

Yeah, that drives my husband nuts. He and his iPad are inseparable, and he gets all his media--books, music, movies--through iTunes. He knows that he CAN get the books in ePUB format elsewhere, but he assumes they'll become available in his preferred format and awaits that time.

I'm guessing he's not unique in this, which is why it's important to have eBooks available in as many formats as possible. Uploading to Apple isn't easy--the system demands are picky and the upload takes longer than any other provider--but when you consider the number of iPads and iPhones out there, it seems worth the time and effort.

Elaine - just have him download/install calibre E-book manager. Its a program that works as a ebook database and conversion tool. You can convert pretty much anything into pretty much anything else with it. Its a very useful program.
Clad In Shadows Posted - 29 Jan 2013 : 22:08:15
Originally posted by ElaineCunningham

Originally posted by Magnificat17

Confirmed. I can now buy many titles from in Kindle format. Kobo too. No availability on the iBookstore though.

Yeah, that drives my husband nuts. He and his iPad are inseparable, and he gets all his media--books, music, movies--through iTunes. He knows that he CAN get the books in ePUB format elsewhere, but he assumes they'll become available in his preferred format and awaits that time.

I'm guessing he's not unique in this, which is why it's important to have eBooks available in as many formats as possible. Uploading to Apple isn't easy--the system demands are picky and the upload takes longer than any other provider--but when you consider the number of iPads and iPhones out there, it seems worth the time and effort.

I have the same issue, but with Google Books. I do have the option to get them via Kindle/Kobo apps, but Google Books is the most flexible and eye-pleasing reading app for my Nexus 7. Not a huge NEED, but it would be a nice to have.
skychrome Posted - 08 Jan 2013 : 02:20:46
I cannot remember when it felt so good last time to spend my money on something. After Prince of Ravens, now reading my second international purchase Shadowbane.
Mirtek Posted - 02 Jan 2013 : 19:43:26
Seems like every e-book is now available at German amazon.

Thanks a lot
Rosemary Jones Posted - 24 Dec 2012 : 20:29:09
Originally posted by ElaineCunningham

Uploading to Apple isn't easy--the system demands are picky and the upload takes longer than any other provider--but when you consider the number of iPads and iPhones out there, it seems worth the time and effort.

Having struggled with iBooks for another publishing project, I can confirm it's not a quick fix. The best route right now, if you don't mind working with Amazon, is to use the Kindle App for iPhone and iPad. I do, and it syncs nicely between all my devices (old Kindle Keyboard, iPad, and iPhone 4).

One thing that I want to applaud is WOTC's willingness to list the ebooks for check out via the public library system in the States. A lot of large publishers have opted out.

ElaineCunningham Posted - 13 Dec 2012 : 14:47:24
Originally posted by Magnificat17

Confirmed. I can now buy many titles from in Kindle format. Kobo too. No availability on the iBookstore though.

Yeah, that drives my husband nuts. He and his iPad are inseparable, and he gets all his media--books, music, movies--through iTunes. He knows that he CAN get the books in ePUB format elsewhere, but he assumes they'll become available in his preferred format and awaits that time.

I'm guessing he's not unique in this, which is why it's important to have eBooks available in as many formats as possible. Uploading to Apple isn't easy--the system demands are picky and the upload takes longer than any other provider--but when you consider the number of iPads and iPhones out there, it seems worth the time and effort.

Magnificat17 Posted - 09 Dec 2012 : 09:01:59
Confirmed. I can now buy many titles from in Kindle format. Kobo too. No availability on the iBookstore though.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 07 Dec 2012 : 11:02:52
Originally posted by Zireael

Somebody gimme a link, googling variations of "wotc bookstore online" gives me nothing relevant.

I'll believe you'll need to consult the appropriate bookstore for your device.
Zireael Posted - 07 Dec 2012 : 08:36:15
Somebody gimme a link, googling variations of "wotc bookstore online" gives me nothing relevant.
ElaineCunningham Posted - 06 Dec 2012 : 19:34:22
Yep, about an hour ago Nina Hess posted confirmation on the WotC forums that the problem with international purchases of English-language books has been resolved.
Tanthalas Posted - 06 Dec 2012 : 11:21:49
Yes! I can finally buy a lot of other e-Books now both through amazon and kobo. I finally got Shadowbane!

I'm glad that they finally solved these issues.
skychrome Posted - 06 Dec 2012 : 02:39:21

Important update: it appears WoTC managed to solve the international download issues! Looks like I have all eBook stuff available for download outside the US now! Even the old TSR novels!

I already downloaded Prince of Ravens and searching for "Forgotten Realms" on the Kindle Store gives me 38 pages with hits vs. the 4 or 5 books that showed up until a few days ago!

Check it out and let's see if this applies to all countries outside the US!

Tanthalas Posted - 30 Nov 2012 : 22:34:36
Just a little update:

It seems that I can pre-order Brimstone Angels: Lesser Evils for the kindle.
skychrome Posted - 30 Nov 2012 : 01:08:49
Originally posted by Tanthalas

Well, I've sent you this e-mail before, but here in Portugal we can still only buy the same 5 books as last time:

- Shadowbane: Eye of Justice
- The Spectral Blaze
- Unbroken Chain: The Darker Road
- Dawnbringer
- Under the Crimson Sun

As to which novels I'd like to download. Well, everything that doesn't have an easily accessible hardcopy available. This includes all the newer e-book only novels but also the old out of print books.

I'm not saying that I'd buy them all at once as soon as they become available, but I probably would buy them all given a couple years worth of time.

There's a lot of out of print novels that I'd like to read. Sure, I prefer physical books, but I'll buy the e-book version if I have to to read them. The current situation just sucks though.

Hi Erik, we already mailed on this and nothing has changed so far. Only the very same books which Tanthalas states above are available for download in Germany and South America.
offlineagain Posted - 29 Nov 2012 : 08:43:51
(the below goes for europe in general i believe)

Shadowbane book 3 is available

but imho that is no good, because shadowbane book 2 is not...
that is especially sad, as shadowbane book 2 and 3 are ebook only!!!
Zireael Posted - 28 Nov 2012 : 20:17:57
A link to the store would come in handy - I'd like to check if it's possible for me to get Spider and the Stone in Poland.
Tanthalas Posted - 26 Nov 2012 : 19:04:58
Well, I've sent you this e-mail before, but here in Portugal we can still only buy the same 5 books as last time:

- Shadowbane: Eye of Justice
- The Spectral Blaze
- Unbroken Chain: The Darker Road
- Dawnbringer
- Under the Crimson Sun

As to which novels I'd like to download. Well, everything that doesn't have an easily accessible hardcopy available. This includes all the newer e-book only novels but also the old out of print books.

I'm not saying that I'd buy them all at once as soon as they become available, but I probably would buy them all given a couple years worth of time.

There's a lot of out of print novels that I'd like to read. Sure, I prefer physical books, but I'll buy the e-book version if I have to to read them. The current situation just sucks though.
The Sage Posted - 26 Nov 2012 : 02:06:01
I applaud this move, Erik. It'll provide a handy reference for those of us who like to keep up on the latest developments concerning Wizards international e-book distribution policy.
Originally posted by Erik Scott de Bie

I think the anthologies don't exist as ebooks, indeed. Maybe that'll change.


That would be neat.

In my long years of compiling novel Realmslore, I've often found the anthologies contain some of the most interesting little tidbits that usually haven't been featured elsewhere. So having easy access to search-able e-books would make finding these Realmslore nuggets very welcome indeed.
Erik Scott de Bie Posted - 25 Nov 2012 : 20:28:55
I think the anthologies don't exist as ebooks, indeed. Maybe that'll change.

Seravin Posted - 25 Nov 2012 : 19:43:37
So far, none of the "Realms of XXX" where XXX = valor, infamy, magic, dragons, etc. anthologies is available in Canada- but I just checked and don't see them for sale in the US Kindle site either so that's likely a different problem.

Erik Scott de Bie Posted - 25 Nov 2012 : 19:05:51
Thanks Seravin! I appreciate the perspective.

This is research I can't do myself, stateside. I'm relying on international voices.

Seravin Posted - 25 Nov 2012 : 18:57:31
When I first got an eReader, I returned it because none of the titles I wanted were available (a lot of them old FR novels). BUT in the last year, here in Canada, they have almost all become available so I bought a Kobo eReader a month ago and its been AMAZING. I seem to recall a few I wanted were missing though last I checked, I went on a spree and bought 10 faves (Finder's Stone trilogy, Spellfire, Pool of Radiance, The Crystal Shard, The Ring of Winter, etc).

I'll do some digging and repost here, Erik. Thanks for the help as always.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 25 Nov 2012 : 18:18:32
Originally posted by Erik Scott de Bie

P.S. Please don't clutter up the thread with "I wouldn't download a FR ebook anyway!" sorts of posts. This is strictly a fact-finding mission. I want to know who can and can't get the ebooks, so that I can let WotC know.

I'm going to echo this. Erik is trying to take a proactive approach to legally get eBooks to those who want them, and it'd be best if those who are not interested in eBooks discuss it in the appropriate threads.

I'm also going to sticky this one.

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