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 Ed Greenwood from Greenwood's Grotto

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
questing gm Posted - 05 Nov 2023 : 14:05:37
Since starting up his own Discord server (, Ed Greenwood has been answering Realms-related questions in the #q4ed channel. Although it's free to join the Discord and view his answers, but I believe it requires a subscription to Ed's Patreon ( to be given access to ask him questions there.

So since his answers are free to view by anyone on his Discord and for the benefit of those who are not on Discord, I'm starting and updating my compilation of his answers in this scroll. I'll leave it to the wisdom of moderating scribes if anything should be changed or removed.

I won't be able to put down everything (I already have 300+ answered questions to put down), so consider updates here will be intermittent, and will take a while before it catches up to the latest questions answered. (Or just join the Discord if you want the latest )

30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
questing gm Posted - 02 Jun 2024 : 00:34:10
On the final fates of the Rangers Three

Cdawg — 05/30/2024 9:11 PM

Hi Ed! Are you able to share the final fates of the Rangers Three? Also, in Shadows of Doom, you wrote briefly about a young girl named Jhaleen who begged Elminster to conjure a little dragon. Elminster foresaw she would one day truly ride a dragon. Do you recall if you ever wove lore regarding her life’s tale and final fate?

Ed Greenwood — 05/31/2024 10:51 PM

There's written but unreleased lore regarding the Rangers Three; I will start the process of dodging NDAs so I can share it here or in vids. Jhaleen's lore is three paragraphs jotted on a page; when I find it, I'll share it!
questing gm Posted - 31 May 2024 : 02:52:08
On the Eminence of Araunt in Abeir

Nyluenatha#10024; #127767;#10024; Stareyes — 05/29/2024 3:38 AM

Hello @Ed Greenwood I have a query regarding the Eminence of Araunt - they are noted as being ascendant in Abeir. Would it be safe to assume they are present across all the continents of Toril’s twin world? Understandable if this is NDA tied info tho!

Ed Greenwood — 05/29/2024 9:55 PM

It would be safe to assume that, yes. ;}
questing gm Posted - 31 May 2024 : 02:48:56
On using scrolls in the "Trifane" ritual

Lucio — 05/29/2024 1:21 AM

@Ed Greenwood I just watched the latest episode of "Realms of Gabbin" abotu the Ritual "Trifane" can the caster use spells from scrolls in the ritual?

Ed Greenwood — 05/29/2024 9:53 PM

Yes, if they are of a class and level to successfully cast the scroll spell(s).
questing gm Posted - 25 May 2024 : 02:49:09
On recent contradiction of drow prosthetics

Kokopelli — 05/23/2024 7:43 AM

Friend @Ed Greenwood, I find myself a bit confused. The Drow Mechanicals lore drop says "they don’t make use of adamantite" but the earlier Drow of the Underdark book says "These wonders are almost all fashioned of adamantine alloy"

Is this apparent contradiction some recent change in how drow do things, or a regional thing?

Ed Greenwood — 05/23/2024 11:14 PM

It's a recent change due to friction with dwarves (to get adamantite ore, you have to deal with the dwarves who mine it, and if you frequently make war on them, getting them to sell you metal ores that can be made into weapons won't go well) and to advances in the skills of drow smiths (alternative alloys now possible).
questing gm Posted - 24 May 2024 : 11:12:21
On current "hot" pies in Waterdeep in the 1490s DR

Reedhalloran Duskfellow — 05/14/2024 8:09 AM

Esteemed Saer @Ed Greenwood, I understand that tarts, fingertarts and hand pies are a staple food in cities across Faerun. I'm wondering if you can provide us with any insight from Elminster on what the current "hot" pies (haha get it?) are in Waterdeep in the 1490s DR. Is there a trend on what goes well with all the Kaethe that seems to be making its way to the Sword Coast again?

Along those lines, I'm wondering if there's a particular name or difference for buttery biscuits and croissant equivalents? Since we know there's pastry dough, I imagine similar techniques have found their way into other baked goods?

Steven E Schend — 05/16/2024 12:13 AM

Any entrepreneurial baker in Waterdeep will tell you “all pies are hand pies if you’ve bravery enow…”

Ed Greenwood — 05/16/2024 8:21 AM

Ahem. ;}
questing gm Posted - 24 May 2024 : 06:22:59
On Patreon lore for Selgaunt

Juniper Churlgo — 05/11/2024 11:53 AM

Patreon lore dump suggestion - Selgaunt! look how scantly covered this city is! More yummy yummy lore!

Ed Greenwood — 05/12/2024 8:18 AM

Heh. Just you wait!
questing gm Posted - 24 May 2024 : 05:58:35
On bladesingers of Eilsitraeen drow

CaptainRelyk the Brass Dragon — 05/09/2024 4:45 AM

@Ed Greenwood so there are deathsinger which are the evil drow sect of bladesingers

But what about eilsitraeen drow? Do they have their own bladesingers sect or practice?

Ed Greenwood — 05/11/2024 2:24 AM

Yes. The Dancers of the Sword (colloquially "swordswingers").
questing gm Posted - 24 May 2024 : 05:04:17
On name given to the bay of Luskan

Juniper Churlgo — 05/10/2024 1:47 AM

Is there a name given to the bay of Luskan?

Ed Greenwood — 05/11/2024 2:22 AM

Mirar Bay (shortened from Mirarmouth Bay, which of course is derived from the River Mirar, that flows into the Trackless Sea through Luskan).
questing gm Posted - 24 May 2024 : 04:39:08
On calling the sun Amaunator or Lathander

Faust — 05/09/2024 3:28 AM

Well met @Ed Greenwood!

So, as far as I understand it, most people in the Realms refer to the celestial body of "the moon" as Selune. Is the same thing true for "the sun"? Do they call it Amaunator or Lathander or something like that?

Ed Greenwood — 05/11/2024 2:17 AM

This has varied from time to time and place to place, but in the post-Spellplague 1300s DR, “Amaunator’s Eye” was a commonplace term for the sun, used in full only by clergy, bards, and sages, and shortened by nigh everyone else to “the Eye.”

Before that, most folk called it “the Smile,” as in “Lathander’s Smile” (again, used in full only by clergy, bards, and sages). The origin of such sayings as “the warmth of Lathander’s Smile” and “When the waxing rosy Glow becomes the full light of His Smile.”
questing gm Posted - 24 May 2024 : 04:22:23
On the Shadovar after their city crashed and burned

The Donut Wizard of Shadowdale — 05/07/2024 9:58 PM

Hey @Ed Greenwood! My question is about the Shadovar. I'm aware that their city crashed and burned, but are there any left now? Where could you find them or their remnants? Who might be in charge? Did they go back to the shadowfell?

Ed Greenwood — 05/08/2024 8:51 AM

The same novel of mine that covers the fate of Thultanthar has a scene with the young rebels among them, who departed the city and so weren't there at the destruction. So, yes, there are some left now. Whereabouts and doings To Be Revealed. ;}
questing gm Posted - 24 May 2024 : 04:00:30
On a Knights of Myth Drannor story on Patreon

Joe Chang — 05/06/2024 7:29 PM

Hi @Ed Greenwood what are our chances of a Knights of Myth Drannor story on Patreon in our near future?

Ed Greenwood — 05/07/2024 7:17 AM

Near future? Zero. Not only are there legal problems with my writing something like that, I am still BURIED under promised writing assignments this month. CRAZY busy.
questing gm Posted - 24 May 2024 : 03:55:59
On Zulkir Baastat

Juniper Churlgo — 05/02/2024 4:12 AM

Zulkir Baastat that was mentioned in War in Tethyr - 1366 DR, Ed, do you have his dates of office and the school?

Ed Greenwood — 05/04/2024 1:51 AM

George Krashos is our reigning expert on zulkirs, and provided me this lore: Baastat Thalamarn, the 15th zulkir of abjuration, was born in 1222 DR, attained the zulkirate in 1343 DR, and died in office (of old age/natural causes) in 1367 DR.

Lucio — 05/05/2024 9:50 PM

@George Krashos Since Ed himself considers you the zulkir expert can you provide some information about the first zulkirs, more importantly the Zulkir of Abjuration?

George Krashos — 05/07/2024 9:35 PM

The first Zulkir of Abjuration was Hahlomede Teeos, who was in office from 1030 DR to 1056 DR. He was succeeded by Inarthar Borolt, who was in office from 1056 DR to 1068 DR. After Inarthar's death at the hands of the assassins of the White Hawk, Balanar Ithrilin took office until his death in 1079 DR, strangled by his most favored concubine. A list of the first zulkirs to hold office can be found in my "Tyrants in Scarlet" article at the DMs Guild:
questing gm Posted - 24 May 2024 : 03:53:24
On Midnight Mystra and mortals' memories

Cdawg — 04/23/2024 8:39 PM

Hi Ed! In Cloak of Shadows, you showed Midnight 'downloading' memories from Elminster to get a grasp on her powers as the rising goddess of magic. Elminster freely shared with her, but when she became a full goddess, would she need permission or could she simply see all of a mortal's memories? Similarly, when she ascended as the goddess of magic, would she then have been able to locate objects with stored memories (like selu'kiira) and simply 'download' the collected memories and lore therein?

Ed Greenwood — 04/24/2024 2:17 AM

As a full goddess, Mystra has the power to read thoughts, and send visions and thoughts so as to goad a mind into remembering things (e.g. send thoughts of a past battle, and the mind pulls up its own memories). However, doing so into a hostile, deliberately resisting mind can wreck that mind, so there's an ethical matter here. As a "novice" goddess, Mystra would very much be in the "overwhelmed, unable to remember certain small things in the big Rush To Do Important Foreground Things Right Now" state, which wrecks weak minds (such as the mind of Cyric). So she might not recall, if she ever knew, or know where to go look, for specific memories and magical knowledge, in all of the millions upon millions of mortal minds whose magic-related thoughts and castings and experiences under active enchantments create a constant "wall of noise" in Mystra's mind. It truly is a needle in a haystack situation.
questing gm Posted - 24 May 2024 : 03:50:09
On aquatic vampires that are rumored to dwell in Sembia

The Donut Wizard of Shadowdale — 04/23/2024 7:54 AM

Hail @Ed Greenwood, as with the The Kobold Bard above I’m new and not totally sure what the rules for lore requests are, but I’m looking for some lore on Sembia, Selgaunt in particular. I’d especially love to know more about the aquatic vampires that are rumored to dwell in the sewers, are they veyla, or do they have different origins? What are they up to in 1497 DR? That being said, any and all interesting happenings in and around Selgaunt around that time frame are appreciated.

Ed Greenwood — 04/24/2024 2:13 AM

There's a video upcoming that should really help with your lore requests. In the meantime, I'll delve into some more lore...
questing gm Posted - 24 May 2024 : 03:47:00
On the people who worked with Neverember to purchase titles in order to be ennobled in Waterdeep

The Kobold Bard — 04/22/2024 1:09 PM

Howdy @Ed Greenwood, my fellow Canuck. I just joined so I'm not 100% on the rules for inquiry but I thought I'd ask about something I've been digging into lately without a decisive answer.

What happened to the people who worked with Neverember to purchase titles in order to be ennobled in Waterdeep? Hypothetical here based off of character concept from my table: Say there was an elven family who lived there for a few centuries and fit the criteria but couldn't get it because they were elven and the titles were specifically for humans. So when Neverember is in charge they take advantage of the opportunity presented and buy the title from a struggling noble family.

What happened to those newly ennobled noblepeople when Laeral comes in and revokes that edict?

Does the newly minted noble keep the title? Get a refund? Lose both their money and the title? Could they take that decision to court (where they'd presumably lose)?

Ed Greenwood — 04/23/2024 3:58 AM

Well met, and welcome! Unless a "new" (purchased title) title holder does something that gives the Open Lord (or Masked Lords, in a majority vote) a pretext for exiling them and stripping them of the title, they get to keep it, and all rights and privileges. Otherwise, chaos (of the sedition and treason variety) would ensue.
questing gm Posted - 24 May 2024 : 03:42:32
On a creative choice made playing Elminster in the first Imaria stream

Cdawg — 04/18/2024 8:39 AM

Hi Ed! I was wondering about a creative choice you made playing Elminster in the first Imaria stream. At some point Elminster encounters an illusion of Undarl torturing his very long departed friend, Farl. He didn't waste any time, just casually psionically bashed Undarl away like a mote and went about his business. Did the scene affect Elminster in any way? Considering his many enemies and long lifespan, has this, or similar psychological attacks been deployed on him so often that he is untroubled? Has he simply moved on so much, considering the vast stretchs of time that the visage of Undarl and Farl are inconsequential to him now? Or was Elminster just concealing his emotional reaction.

Ed Greenwood — 04/18/2024 10:37 AM

He was concealing his emotional reaction, in case someone else was scrying him, and saw this vulnerability and intended to exploit it later. He's hardened himself centuries ago, and had all that time to become a very good actor–when he sees the need to be.
questing gm Posted - 24 May 2024 : 03:38:18
On hockey or Maple Leaf Easter eggs in FR lore

Black Rabbit (coinín dubh) — 04/17/2024 9:17 PM

Saer @Ed Greenwood I believe you have mentioned in the past that you are a Maple Leafs fan. (?) Congrats on them making the playoffs and hope they make a deep run in the coming weeks. Hope you aren’t so busy and can catch watching a few games. As the only original six Canadian team, I’ll be rooting for them as long as they do not face my Caps (Washington Capitals), I know it’s been a long wait to hoist the Stanley Cup but you all have good fast, young core and Austion Matthews is a generational talent.

Curious if any hockey or Maple Leaf Easter eggs have made it into FR lore?

Ed Greenwood — 04/18/2024 10:33 AM

No, aside from the saying “keep your stick on the ice” put into an early Realms short story (set up with an in-Realms meaning, of course) and my mentally casting certain guards in the Realms by putting Maple Leafs of the time (Bob Pulford, Johnny Bower, Dave Keon, Ron Ellis) into those characters as I was writing about them.

Black Rabbit (coinín dubh) — 04/19/2024 7:16 AM

Thank you, Mr. Greenwood! Those are some pretty legendary names in the game and it’s cool you had the opportunity of seeing them play. & as regular “beer league” rec hockey myself, I’ve heard “Keep your stick on the ice” far too often. I know you have a very busy schedule but would be curious to hear one day what the Realms meaning of “Keep your stick on the ice” that you mentioned above. Thank you again!

Ed Greenwood — 04/21/2024 3:43 PM

Heh. I didn't just see them play. They were all neighbors, growing up in Don Mills. Johnny Bower taught me to poke check (in street hockey; I was the goalie as he came walking past). And Ron Ellis had a cottage just along the shore from my best friend's cottage.

Black Rabbit (coinín dubh) — 04/22/2024 1:08 AM

All I can say is wow! Wasn’t Johnny Bower the ones who popularized the poke cheek at the NHL level?

Ed Greenwood — 04/22/2024 12:24 PM

Yep. He was a very small man, by today's standards, so he was the sort of goalie that rushed out of the net to cut down angles for shooters. So when they deked around him, he had to poke check them, or easy goal.
questing gm Posted - 23 May 2024 : 11:53:11
On how to manage it all

FatherFantastix — 04/12/2024 9:20 PM

Hello @Ed Greenwood, question not about the lore per se, but how do you manage it all? Is it all up in the noggin or do you have a vault full of notebooks containing all the existing knowledge of the Realms? What do you want to happen to the Realms and the Lore when it's time to join Mystra on a more permanent basis?

Ed Greenwood — 04/13/2024 10:23 AM

It's all in the noggin...and the noggins of Eric Boyd, George Krashos, Brian Cortijo, Jeff Grubb, Steven Schend, Erik Scott de Bie, Erin Evans, and many others who love the Realms. I have plans, so my trustee (executrix) legally gets it all but also gets a letter from me telling her who to no one gets it (my literal shipping containers full of stuff) thrust upon them if they don't want it, but gets it if they do.

AJA — 04/13/2024 3:39 PM

Ed, I adore the first part (and totally agree). I am happy (from someone who has previously been tasked with similar things) of the second part. And, considering the depth of unpublished lore IP Corporate Control involved in this day and age...words fail,

...well, except for a few: Long Live The Realms

Ed Greenwood — 04/14/2024 11:03 AM

Indeed! Long Live The Realms! I still work on it every day of my life. Today saw the creation of a new spell, a new substance, new magic items, and we just might get to a new monster before I hit the sack in the wee hours of the morning. Or not; can't tell yet.
questing gm Posted - 23 May 2024 : 11:50:06
On what we don't know about dopplegangers

Joe Chang — 03/16/2024 8:02 AM

Patreon video suggestion: what we don't know about dopplegangers could fill a hefty sourcebook. Their society, culture and organizations must be mind-boggling. Could you show us a few individuals, the good, bad and ugly, like you did in your talk on vampires?

Ed Greenwood — 04/05/2024 12:37 PM

Video forthcoming! Great idea! Changelings later, as there are two NDAs I must skate around, first…
questing gm Posted - 23 May 2024 : 11:07:26
On the proper name for Suzail's Promenade

Juniper Churlgo — 04/05/2024 1:05 AM

A short Q. What is the proper name for Suzail's Promenade? If it is "Promenade"? or "The Promenade"? also are there any nicknames or aliases for it?

Ed Greenwood — 04/05/2024 1:32 AM

The Promenade is its full and proper name. Long ago, when some Cormyrean kings mustered for war, it was briefly nicknamed "the March" because soldiers would march along it, in formation, as a show of strength for the populace, but the nickname didn't stick.
questing gm Posted - 23 May 2024 : 11:04:26
On Ott Steeltoes's prosthetics

Sundered_Ant — 02/29/2024 2:49 AM

Alright, here's a Waterdeep question that was floating around back when I wrote up most of the wiki's article on Prosthetics. We have Ott Steeltoes, a dwarf member of the Xanathar's Thieves' Guild, who is depicted in older art as having a pegleg, most famously on the cover of Waterdeep and the North. And in the book Cloak & Dagger, it's explained that "Steeltoes" is actually a nickname derived from his enchanted metal pegleg. But someone must have missed all this, since in his most recent depiction in Waterdeep: Dragon Heist he has two whole legs in what look like metal shoes. So what's the deal here - did he trade in his pegleg for a full leg prosthetic? Like one of those made by the Clockwork Wonders in Skullport (they are close by after all) or even the Gondsmen?

Ed Greenwood — 04/04/2024 2:22 PM

A video on Ott Steeltoes is forthcoming, and will Answer All (I hope).
questing gm Posted - 23 May 2024 : 10:50:16
On Waterdeep fashion in 1372

Lucio — 02/17/2024 10:00 PM

@Ed Greenwood What is the fashion in Waterdeep 1372? Like the wiki suggests silk dress and jewelry but like , what colours? What are the most fashionable gems, or cut of the dress?

Ed Greenwood — 04/04/2024 2:00 PM

Ah, Lucio, you have spurred me to do a fashion video. So in our collective futures, there will be flamboyant clothing galore—or at least words about it!
questing gm Posted - 23 May 2024 : 10:46:32
On to exploit Laeral's vigil over Waterdeep

Robotwolf23 — 04/04/2024 11:22 AM

@Ed Greenwood First of all I am new here and it is quite the honor to have even a chance to speak with you regarding anything to do with the realms. I did have a question about Laeral Silverhand, my players will be visiting waterdeep in the future and part of my campaigns story involves some infiltration of the government of waterdeep by fiends of the devilish variety. In your realms lore video you described Laeral as this ever vigilant protector of the city always on the lookout for any fell powers that have machinations within its walls. So my question to you are there any blind spots in Laeral's vigil over the city that I could exploit to give my villain an in to influence the policy of the city. While I know as a dm I am capable of just coming up with reasons to why something works or not, but at the same time Laeral is such an interesting character and I want to have my portrayal of her to be true to her character. Thank you Sir Greenwood and Thank you for the wonderful world you created!

Ed Greenwood — 04/04/2024 1:59 PM

Well met, and welcome!

Laeral would likely soon spot anything fishy among the Palace staff (courtiers), but not among the Masked Lords (unless some of them started behaving VERY oddly) or the City Watch or lowlier city workers (those who clean the streets, dredge the harbor, fix cobbles and city gates, and the like), because she’s just so blamed BUSY.

And anyone clever would easily be able to distract her by subtly, through intermediaries, fomenting minor diplomatic concerns, so Laeral’s time would be taken up meeting with envoys or genuine city residents who want to, say, erect new buildings (with the clever distracters just sponsoring them or nudging the right guilds into backing them). A dispute within the Watchful Order would distract Laeral, as she would want to end it without irking Vajra the Blackstaff. So would rival noble families backing rival guilds or merchant cabals or building projects.

What would NOT work is criminal stuff, because then Elminster (Laeral’s chief of secret agents) and Mirt (one of those agents) would step in, and they can smell fiends half of Toril away.

Also, what happened recently with the Cassalanters has made Laeral VERY watchful for direct fiendish influence over Waterdhavian nobles, so…no blackmail or impersonations or direct control; if nobles are involved, they have to be manipulated through intermediaries.

And don’t forget how many shapeshifted dragons dwell in the city; duping or manipulating or even directly working with one or more of them, or goading some of them into being loose-cannon Laeral distractions, might work very well.

The key to getting past Laeral’s scrutiny is to overwork her, so she has to watch too many folk at once.
questing gm Posted - 22 May 2024 : 08:16:03
On Malar's origins to his followers

Malarite — 03/15/2024 12:38 AM

@Ed Greenwood What has Malar told his own followers about his origins? (And if nothing, where do many of them believe he came from?) Does he claim to be ancient? Claim to have been anything specific before becoming a god?

Ed Greenwood — 04/03/2024 10:27 AM

A future video will reveal more about Malar. :}
questing gm Posted - 22 May 2024 : 08:13:57
On cook books in noble’s homes in Suzail during Azoun IV’s reign

Jeremy Grenemyer — 03/26/2024 10:25 AM

Well again @Ed Greenwood #128075;

I’m reading Anthony Bourdain’s KITCHEN CONFIDENTIAL and it has left me wondering if there were any books on cooking that the cooks working in noble’s homes in Suzail during Azoun IV’s reign swore by? How about in the High and Low Kitchens of the Royal Palace?

Also, were there any known or (in)famous chefs of that era based in Cormyr? Or cooks noteworthy for their feuds with each other?

Thank you Ed, as always. #128512;

Ed Greenwood — 03/31/2024 10:04 AM

Heh. Lore video upcoming. ;}
questing gm Posted - 22 May 2024 : 08:09:11
On the rarest diamond tints in Toril

Arya Kitty, Goth Elf Librarian — 03/17/2024 5:13 AM

@Ed Greenwood , I have a curiosity.

Diamonds in Earth comes in many shades. However, red, followed by purple and pink are the rarest shades. You can see the rarity of diamonds based on their costs per carat, or jewellery sites, etc. Wikipedia entries sometimes reference rarity.

What diamond tints are the rarest in Toril? Are there any rarer diamonds at all? Do the different mortal groups have cultural associations with these diamonds? I am curious what our dwarf friends have mined over the millennia and how often!


Best wishes, Arya

Ed Greenwood — 03/31/2024 10:00 AM

Blue diamonds, followed by green and then red, are the rarest and most expensive diamonds on Toril, and they always appear as clear, unflawed crystals (even before cutting and polishing).

Arya Kitty, Goth Elf Librarian — 03/31/2024 10:25 AM

Thank you for this information!

Ed Greenwood — 03/31/2024 10:27 AM

My pleasure!
questing gm Posted - 22 May 2024 : 08:06:50
On noblewomen carrying etui during the reign of the fourth Azoun

Jeremy Grenemyer — 03/24/2024 2:27 AM

Hello @Ed Greenwood and good morning from sunny California!

Can you please tell me if noblewomen carried etui on their person in the reign of the fourth Azoun? If they did, did the etui contain anything unique to the Realms in terms of unusual bodkins or other personal tools? Also, are there unique Realms words (in any language) for things like thimbles or needles or bodkins or toothpicks and the like?

Thank you, as always. #128578;

Ed Greenwood — 03/31/2024 9:59 AM

It depends on the noblewoman. Some rely on servants to carry such things for them, especially when clad in revealing gowns at “high” feasts and revels.

However, it is common practise for women of means to carry spare hairpins (which usually had ornamented heads at one end, and pointed other ends, like knitting needles) and slender knives (more often for eating use than personal defense) down inside-of-boot sheaths).

In addition, they carry spare red breechclouts for menstrual use, spare “handcloths” (handkerchiefs), and spare pins (for wardrobe repair; think real-world safety pins or kilt pins) in small murvaer (“personal pouches”) worn under clothing on slender thongs hung from belts or knotted around waists or even depending down cleavages from neck-loops (often hidden under pectoral jeweley and chokers).

Outerwear carry-pouches favored by Cormyrean noblewomen are usually attached to belts or baldrics, rather than having their own belts or cords (as most real-world etui did).

Toothpicks (“fang spears” to Cormyreans) are usually double-ended and of certain flexible bladed plant leaves; in cormyr, usually of tarldagger plants (think very tiny mother-in-law’s-tongue, a little taller versions of the succulent plants we sometimes call “hens-and-chickens;” waxy and sharp and very strong and supple).

Bodkins are also “bodkins” to Cormyreans, and for-work thimbles (“fingershields” to Cormyreans) are always of metal, and sometimes have tiny side blade-edges with clefts for slicing threads or thongs, or holding an end of a thread or thong at the ready. Collectors sometimes have art-adorned porcelain ones for ornamental display, but not for “real use.”

“Sarp” look like miniature bills (the polearms), and are used to cut or scrape down broken, jagged, or overlong fingernails and toenails.

I’m saying “are” rather than “were” because none of these personal fashions have changed in Cormyr since the time of Azoun IV. Garments, yes, but pouches, etc., no.
questing gm Posted - 22 May 2024 : 08:04:50
On the High Autharch

Juniper Churlgo — 02/13/2024 10:55 AM

Thay lore Q for Ed. What does High Autharch do? Is it like a secretary of state? High Autharch Blaze Mythalanir was also a cleric of Kossuth / fire mage, so I assume clergy Autharch assignments are a normal thing? and a Q from the same source: Aglarond Blood Wine and Thayan Bloodwine - same thing? is it like hummus where everyone claims it's theirs? or different beverages?

Ed Greenwood — 03/29/2024 10:56 AM

The High Autharch settles disputes over policy (how government officials should interpret rulings/act) and disputes among government officials. Yes, clerics often serve as High Autharch (the post is rarely held for more than half a dozen years, as incumbents burn out or are assassinated), but what Szass Tam wants is a strong enforcer to keep the peace.

Aglarondan Blood Wine and Thayan Bloodwine look similar, but are very different in making and taste. VERY dark red, almost black, with the Thayan vintage being heavier/oilier, and saltier, and the Aglarondan tangy and tart and more peppery. They “sit in the same culinary role.”
questing gm Posted - 22 May 2024 : 08:02:50
On the symbolism of the Harper Symbol itself

Dudeling — 02/21/2024 1:54 PM

@Ed Greenwood wondering if you might be able to go into the symbolism of the Harper Symbol itself - is there a deeper significance to the moon and the harp themselves?

George Krashos — 02/21/2024 2:26 PM

It was the symbol of House Mistwinter of Cormanthyr. An elder house, dying out. Dathlue Mistwinter, the “Lady Steel”, founded the Harpers at Twilight - the first incarnation of the Harpers and they adopted the Mistwinter emblem as their symbol.

Ed Greenwood — 03/29/2024 10:44 AM

And to the Mistwinters, it has to do with their founding; a “moon maiden” or “moondancer” female elf who achieved ever greater magical power unwittingly when she danced to the harping of her elder female relatives. And so attracted an elven male mate whom she bore many strong-in-magic-and-wits-and-artistic-talents children, that made the Mistwinters great (and on the path of eventual nobility). This family lore is so old that no one alive today can be certain how much of it is embellished/legendary.
questing gm Posted - 22 May 2024 : 07:58:13
On becoming a god without drawing the attention of other deities

Jace Walker, Planar Traveler — 02/25/2024 3:32 PM

Currently watching your December Legends Q&A on Patreon and listened to the question about gods receiving power even if not actively worshipped. Are there any obscure areas of the arts (ie culinary, music, dance, etc) that someone could become the god of to gain a level of power, without drawing the attention of other deities?

Ed Greenwood — 03/29/2024 10:41 AM

No, no one can rise to godhood in the Realms by stealth, not noticed by other deities. The new “tug” of their divinity draining some measure of power will be felt. Whether or not specific other deities will care enough to immediately or promptly investigate is another matter.

Moreover, most mortals can’t achieve godhood without the use of an artifact (that contains divine power) or by directly dealing with a deity (slaying a deity, draining part of the power of a deity, etc.) because they just don’t know how.

The Realmslore I and others have crafted over the years carries a clear message: trying to seize enough power to become a god is perilous at best, folly for most, and doomed to utter disaster at the worst (Karsus, for example: failure plus punishment/torment to serve as an example to others).

Some see the endless pursuit of power as a desired career path or even their destiny, but it’s clear the Realms universe doesn’t share that view.

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