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 War between Turmish and Thay?

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Wendolyn Posted - 08 Mar 2021 : 11:58:36
Greetings sages,

I was reading the Extra Life adventure module, "Locathah Rising," and it mentions an ongoing war between Turmish and Thay. Has anyone heard of such a war in other sources? Presumably it would be around 1490. And have there been any prior wars between Turmish and Thay?
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The Arcanamach Posted - 12 Mar 2021 : 12:21:53
The factions are were put together for organized play so they have to follow the same rules. One thing 3x did was create organizational systems that made sense in terms of requirements to join, rankings, perks, etc. But in the simplified version of 5e they just aren't doing that anymore. But I actually like that because it really should be the DMs purview anyway.

As to the OP I've never heard of an ongoing war between those two nations. It stands to reason there would be a 'trade' war of sorts but open conflict? Not to my knowledge.
sleyvas Posted - 08 Mar 2021 : 16:48:48
Originally posted by Wendolyn

Were it up to me, I don't think I would have the exact same faction systems that WoTC does now. It makes sense why they are doing it, I imagine it helps new players connect with the Forgotten Realms. I admire that purpose as its always great to draw new people into the setting. What perhaps bothers me the most is the uniformity of the faction's structure, where they all seem to have the same number of ranks, etc.

But I see that is part of our task -- to take the new stuff being produced by Wizards and try to "make it cool" and also to try and connect it with preexisting realmslore, whenever possible. In the case of the Emerald Enclave being a world-spanning organization, there is some precedent for that. They had quite a few portals and a foothold in the High Forest and other regions, in addition to their seat of power in the Vilhon Reach. I wasn't aware of a base in the Moonsea, but it makes sense that they could establish a Moonsea base in years between 1372 and 1490, if they didn't have one already.

But I'm curious about what you say about the "non-canon" adventurer's league modules. I have spent so long with the old books I feel a bit out of my element with the newer stuff. What modules are or are not canon these days? Is this 'Locathah Rising' extra life module canon?

So, there is the Adventurer's League ... and I was never involved with it... so I'm kind of speaking as an outsider trying to interpret what they were doing. If you talk to different people, you get different stories on their canonicity. There was some discussion of taking results from groups playing at game stores and making it "official", but to say they ever did anything.... not sure. The modules were, as I understand it, created by WotC and used at conventions.

During the time of the elemental evil releases in 2015, they did a series of modules based around Mulmaster. They are kind of interesting reads.

One of them is DDEX2-14 Sword of Selfaril, but that's near the end, another is DDAL00-01 Window to the Past, though that's more in vaasa. I think most of them started with DDEX2 if you want to search for them.

Some notes on the changes in Mulmaster can be found in this
that detail some elemental portals opening into the city and the idea that Thay is working to help rebuild the city.

As far as this Locathah Rising module... its up on DM's Guild and released by WotC, so that does at least say "its not third party". Whether whatever in it has anything approaching a lasting effect on the world, I wouldn't bet on it. Then again, maybe something's been happening within adventurer's league play and it will be adopted. I say all this, but I don't read dragon+ issues.. I don't play in league play... when I play d&d its in my home games, and I usually only use what I create or what's found in a physical book that was released at some point.
Wendolyn Posted - 08 Mar 2021 : 15:26:47
Were it up to me, I don't think I would have the exact same faction systems that WoTC does now. It makes sense why they are doing it, I imagine it helps new players connect with the Forgotten Realms. I admire that purpose as its always great to draw new people into the setting. What perhaps bothers me the most is the uniformity of the faction's structure, where they all seem to have the same number of ranks, etc.

But I see that is part of our task -- to take the new stuff being produced by Wizards and try to "make it cool" and also to try and connect it with preexisting realmslore, whenever possible. In the case of the Emerald Enclave being a world-spanning organization, there is some precedent for that. They had quite a few portals and a foothold in the High Forest and other regions, in addition to their seat of power in the Vilhon Reach. I wasn't aware of a base in the Moonsea, but it makes sense that they could establish a Moonsea base in years between 1372 and 1490, if they didn't have one already.

But I'm curious about what you say about the "non-canon" adventurer's league modules. I have spent so long with the old books I feel a bit out of my element with the newer stuff. What modules are or are not canon these days? Is this 'Locathah Rising' extra life module canon?
Wooly Rupert Posted - 08 Mar 2021 : 14:47:28
Originally posted by sleyvas

It felt very much at odds to me though, as the emerald enclave isn't supposed to be a world spanning organization, but then their faction seems to be all over the world now.

All the factions that they're pushing cover a much larger geographical area than one would expect. It's part of the reason I'm very much not a fan of the faction system.

I get why they're doing it, I just don't think the Realms is a good fit for it. Eberron, with the dragonmarked houses, is practically designed for such an approach -- the Realms is designed for smaller, more localized factions, some not consisting of more than a dozen members or so in one city.
sleyvas Posted - 08 Mar 2021 : 13:36:10
None that I can recall. The only real documented interaction I can think of is in the novel "the reaver" where a couple red wizards are looking into the chosen of Lathander, but that was individuals and not a nation, and ultimately in that the red wizard Umara ends up turning to help the heroes.

The emerald enclave and thay however haven't been on good terms prior to the spellplague, and some of the "non-canon" adventures put out by adventure league or whatever they're called were based in Mulmaster. In those the emerald enclave and the thayans were very much at odds. It felt very much at odds to me though, as the emerald enclave isn't supposed to be a world spanning organization, but then their faction seems to be all over the world now.

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