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 G1-Q1 in the Forgotten Realms

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Dargoth Posted - 15 Jun 2004 : 03:27:43

One of the guys over at Enworld forums asked about converting the G1 to 3ed and shoe horning it into the Realms which got me thinking about the Old D and Q series and how you could fit them into the Realms

I came up with th following ideas for Realmifying the series

Replace the Frost Giant Jarl with Gerti from the Silver Marches

If youve read RAS latest Drizzt novels you'll know that the Drow are involved with the Frost Giants (in G3 The drow are involved with the Fire Giants)

Vault of the Drow could be converted to Menzoberranzan or Ched Nesad (Pre its destruction).

Queen of the Demon pits could be tied into the WOSQ series of novels "Why isnt Lolth answering the Drows prayers?" (Makes a good opertunity to drop the WOSQ characters into your campaign, after all thanks to Dragon weve even got stats for them)
27   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Mystery_Man Posted - 23 Jun 2004 : 13:55:36
Originally posted by Elf_Friend

Well I have Steading and Jarl converted over and I think I'm going to put Fire just south of Hartsvale in an volcanic area called "The Sisters" and modify the heck out of it.

Which begs the question..

Who are the fire giants led by currently?
Mystery_Man Posted - 23 Jun 2004 : 13:13:41
Well I have Steading and Jarl converted over and I think I'm going to put Fire just south of Hartsvale in an volcanic area called "The Sisters" and modify the heck out of it.
Crust Posted - 22 Jun 2004 : 20:21:55
That's a great idea, Dargoth.

There's something special about turning an old-school module into a contemporary campaign hook or adventure. I've been fortunate enough to convert White Plume Mountain, The Tomb of Horrors, the old Ravenloft module, and Vault of the Drow into past campaigns. In fact, the final fall of my 2E campaign happened in the inner chambers of The Fane of Lolth.

Using Vault as another drow city is a wonderful idea. Those resources should be tapped if you have them! I must say, and I don't know if this has been said before, but the Vault and Ched Nassad seem to be very different in geography. The Vault certainly isn't a chasm connected by huge, calcified spider webs like Ched Nassad.

Keep converting those old modules! By the way, nice tidbit of info on Kurgoth. I didn't know he had a history like that. I'm glad I made use of him now. He was a mighty foe.

As far as WOTSQ goes, you might have PCs quest to ensure Lolth's safety. Why? Because Lolth's chaotic nature makes it nearly impossible for the drow to unite as one force. Her chaotic rule keeps the drow population down. An interesting possibility for an adventure, perhaps.

Halidan Posted - 19 Jun 2004 : 19:24:44
I'd completely forgotten about the possibilities of using Tethymar. Thanks Dargoth - that should work nicely.
Mystery_Man Posted - 19 Jun 2004 : 14:47:53
Originally posted by Halidan

However, I'm stuck as to where to put G3. I want to keep all the action in/around the Moonsea/Dales area, and I can't figure out where the fire giants would lair. Any suggestions?

Underdark, near lots of lava.
Dargoth Posted - 19 Jun 2004 : 08:34:37
The Mines of Tethymar

Theres a Fire giant Half Fiend called Kurgoth who appears in City of the Spider queen who came from the mines
Halidan Posted - 19 Jun 2004 : 03:04:37
I've also started laying the groundwork for the G1 module in my current campaign set in the northwestern Dales. My characters are currently 7-8th level, so the campaign is still a ways in the future.

The G1 module will be set in the Dagger Hills, were I've already established a reasonable sized hill giant community. They'll raid Daggerdale (where my players are stationed), Northern Shadowdale, and Voonlar. The G1 module will run almost verbatium, but there will be a several clues to the drow involvement even at this stage.

G2 will take place in the Dragonspine Mountains, with the Frost Giants who live near the town of New Verdgris. Some of these giants will be survivors of the army that attack on Zhentil Keep during the Cyrinishad debacle, and they will still have a fair bit of loot from there. This will help tie up some loose ends from earlier in my campaign.

However, I'm stuck as to where to put G3. I want to keep all the action in/around the Moonsea/Dales area, and I can't figure out where the fire giants would lair. Any suggestions?
SiriusBlack Posted - 18 Jun 2004 : 15:52:50
Originally posted by Elf_Friend
I am going to go broke with this set. It's like WoTC has a window into my soul regarding my campaign.
Serpent Kindoms, Frostburn, MMIII.

My wife is so going to divorce me.

Make sure you get custody of the minis. Thanks for the link although I still wish they'd make some of the images larger.

I believe FRPGames online is now offering this set for sale.
Mystery_Man Posted - 18 Jun 2004 : 15:38:56
Originally posted by Lashan

That's pretty cool. You know, I hear that this Fire Giant king has a mini all dedicated to him in the Giants of Legend mini pack.

Yes. Drool!

I am going to go broke with this set. It's like WoTC has a window into my soul regarding my campaign.
Serpent Kindoms, Frostburn, MMIII.

My wife is so going to divorce me.
Lashan Posted - 18 Jun 2004 : 14:55:25
That's pretty cool. You know, I hear that this Fire Giant king has a mini all dedicated to him in the Giants of Legend mini pack.
Mystery_Man Posted - 18 Jun 2004 : 11:49:39
The only thing I'll do with Gerti is maybe a cameo appearance in the frost giant section.
In my last adventure, the players raided a duergar stronghold and found scrolls with the ingredients to make a "man bane" sword to fit a giants hands. Destroying that scroll along with killing the (what they supposed) leader and his cleric they thought they had done enough and left to help the slaves they rescued find their way out.

**they don't know any of this***

If they had gone farther they could have stopped the process, which more duergar were in the middle of forging along with drow casting spells to infuse the sword with its banelike powers. They also would have encountered a very big fire giant waiting for the sword to be finished. Since they didnt do that this fire giant (king Snurre :)) now has this sword.....
SiriusBlack Posted - 17 Jun 2004 : 00:34:21
Originally posted by Lashan
Hale Bery is going to play Lloth.

From her costume for her next movie, she appears to be ready for the part.

I know one of the conclusions for the mega-adventure at the end was Lolth's death. Depending upon how WOTSQ plays out, some of the endings could be easily adapted for the Realms.
Lashan Posted - 17 Jun 2004 : 00:19:26
I heard that Ben Afleck is starring in All Paths Lead to Lloth. Hale Bery is going to play Lloth.
SiriusBlack Posted - 16 Jun 2004 : 16:46:14
Originally posted by Lashan

That's pretty clever. You could introduce the probelms with the trolls first, and then see the Hill Giants. one problem fits into another and eventually leads to Lloth!

That sounds like the title for a series: All paths lead to Lloth.
Lashan Posted - 16 Jun 2004 : 16:27:01
That's pretty clever. You could introduce the probelms with the trolls first, and then see the Hill Giants. one problem fits into another and eventually leads to Lloth!
Mystery_Man Posted - 16 Jun 2004 : 13:02:07
Originally posted by Dargoth

One of the guys over at Enworld forums asked about converting the G1 to 3ed and shoe horning it into the Realms.........

That would be me.

My campaign has been revolving around giants and their problems (having and causing) ever since I got the idea when reading the little campaign seed about the trolls being displaced in the Evermoors.

The hill giant's steading fits really well with plopping in the middle of the Evermoors IMHO since the giants could handle any harrassment the trolls threw and them and because of the trolls there really isnt a whole lot of settlement of other humanoid races.
Chyron Posted - 16 Jun 2004 : 08:48:02
This post has gotten me wondering about some of the old classic mods such as A1-A4 (Slavers) for possible conversion to the realms
hammer of Moradin Posted - 15 Jun 2004 : 22:00:37
They would probably run better if they were run as close to the original as possible as far as setting goes. Create a place in the Realms for each area, new names or even new NPC's for the creatures encountered, and modify it where it is needed. Using Menzo or Ched would require quite a bit of editing to get the module and the setting to make sense. It is a large Drow city from what I remember, with the houses dotting the cavern and a hub city area where all can congregate.
SiriusBlack Posted - 15 Jun 2004 : 17:45:59
Originally posted by Lashan

From what I recall about the D series, the "city" described isn't all that large. You could always claim it is a smaller outpost, town, or non-major city of the drow that the party ransacks.

I think setting the adventure during the WOTSQ events opens up even more possibilities and would probably be the path I'd take if I was going to DM the series.
Lashan Posted - 15 Jun 2004 : 17:32:12
From what I recall about the D series, the "city" described isn't all that large. You could always claim it is a smaller outpost, town, or non-major city of the drow that the party ransacks. Of course, if you prefer to retool the whole thing through the known stuff, then that is fine, too. It might be a bit deadlier if you do it that way, though.

These are some solid ideas, though. I like the idea of running this whole series of adventures, and then running a mini-campaign through CotSQ.
Chyron Posted - 15 Jun 2004 : 07:06:17
Thanks to you both. I will keep an eye out for them on Ebay
Dargoth Posted - 15 Jun 2004 : 07:00:48
Originally posted by SiriusBlack

Originally posted by Chyron

Dargoth, which issue of Dragon did the WOTSQ characters appear in?

I'm not Dargoth. I should be so lucky.

However, WOTSQ characters have been in Dragon #312 and Dragon #302.

and Issue 323 which comes out this or next month
SiriusBlack Posted - 15 Jun 2004 : 06:27:03
Originally posted by Chyron

Dargoth, which issue of Dragon did the WOTSQ characters appear in?

I'm not Dargoth. I should be so lucky.

However, WOTSQ characters have been in Dragon #312 and Dragon #302.
Chyron Posted - 15 Jun 2004 : 06:09:38
I think you could definitely tie it in with a few changes. If you wanted to use G1 you could start by having some of the Hill Giant Chief's minions pose as another front of the war going on by Chief Oboud. D1 would be easily incorporated as would D2 since I recall most of those Underdark maps being very loose. And perhaps you could use the city of Szith Morcane prior to its fall in COTSQ for D3. You would definitely need to modify some ELs in D3 since it was full of priestesses of Lolth. Without their powers and only scrolls and magic items to support them it might be a bit too easy.

I can’t recall Q1 as I don’t have it with me right now, but didn’t Lolth ride around in a giant mechanical spider fortress? That was from the Greyhawk mythos if I recall. Might have to modify that a bit to be more in line with the descriptions in WOTSQ book 3.

This scoll suddenly makes me feel very old

Dargoth, which issue of Dragon did the WOTSQ characters appear in?
SiriusBlack Posted - 15 Jun 2004 : 06:00:48
Originally posted by Dargoth
Id probably just dump The Vault as concept and use a converted version of the Menzo boxset with the D3 module elements dumped over the top of it.

One way to go at it. Ah, the memories this thread is bringing back.
Dargoth Posted - 15 Jun 2004 : 05:56:41
Originally posted by SiriusBlack

Some solid ideas for transfering this classic adventure to Faerun.

One question, was Vault of the Drow set in a city as large as Menzoberranzan or Ched Nesad? For some reason I recall it not being that large. But, alas, it's been quite a period of time since I adventured in that module, so I more than likely am mistaken.

Id probably just dump The Vault as concept and use a converted version of the Menzo boxset with the D3 module elements dumped over the top of it.
SiriusBlack Posted - 15 Jun 2004 : 05:43:12
Some solid ideas for transfering this classic adventure to Faerun.

One question, was Vault of the Drow set in a city as large as Menzoberranzan or Ched Nesad? For some reason I recall it not being that large. But, alas, it's been quite a period of time since I adventured in that module, so I more than likely am mistaken.

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