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 Today's AMA Chat with Mike Mearls

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Joebing Posted - 15 Jan 2016 : 19:22:30
Here's what I've gotten so far...
30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Joebing Posted - 18 Jan 2016 : 17:31:23
What we will need is a way to track what has been published so we don't start working on something and get almost done and see it's been done, like NPC stats. I have a pretty full list from the old Wizards boards for 3.5 I plan on converting.
Joebing Posted - 18 Jan 2016 : 17:28:41
Originally posted by KnightErrantJR

George Krashos has already posted the High History of Impilur on the site. No stats for anything, just a timeline and some vignettes to highlight some of the events on the timeline. Doesn't seem to be a problem.

Already downloaded that. Looks great! Excellent example.
Joebing Posted - 18 Jan 2016 : 17:26:46
RESPONSE on Dungeon and Dragon Magazine:

Caladan Brood, from what I gathered (I sat there for the entire AMA), we can convert anything to 5e, just not verbatim. For adventures, stat blocks only, new descriptions of items and spells in 5e rules. Otherwise, if you have something written you created, you may publish it.

The one question nobody asked, and I'm surprised, is about pre-5e timeline for places covered in official product. At somepoint, we've all moved away from canon, some more than others (I fall into the "more than others", especially with Menzo).
KnightErrantJR Posted - 18 Jan 2016 : 17:24:28
George Krashos has already posted the High History of Impilur on the site. No stats for anything, just a timeline and some vignettes to highlight some of the events on the timeline. Doesn't seem to be a problem.
Caladan Brood Posted - 18 Jan 2016 : 17:17:16
But what does it mean, "anything greenlit"?
Can I take descriptions of Suzail from the 2nd ed CORMYR splatbook and reproduce it, or does it mean I can use the word "Suzail" in my work but beyond that I need to make up my own version? Yeah I'm still confused.
Perhaps because I come at this from a lore/story angle? I dont care about rules I like good adventures/stories. But I can hardly write a module without breaking canon if I can't add existing lore. And why say "anything goes" when that clearly isn't true? (E.g. art/maps/logos/fonts)
Joebing Posted - 18 Jan 2016 : 16:43:48
Originally posted by Gyor

So far as I can tell the subsettings within FR that are allowed are Faerun, Zakahara, Kara Tur, Katashaka, Osse, Anchrome, Returned Abier, Mazatica.

Planar wise FR and 5e core planes are allowed according to Mearls

Anything published by TSR/WotC that is either Realms or non-setting specific (Heroes of Horror, Complete Adventurer, other generic splatbooks) are greenlighted. I'm shooting him an email today about Dungeon and Dragon magazines.
Bakra Posted - 18 Jan 2016 : 15:13:19
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by dazzlerdal


I'm not a rules guy, though -- I'm all about concept and backstory. I want the who and the how, not the what.

The stuff I've in mind focuses on those things. One of my current projects has many, many NPCs -- and not one of them has an assigned level or class. There is "this person is a wizard" and "this one is a former thief," but that's it. I'm not even doing the minimal 2E block (W17 hm NG, INT 19) because these folks are all background NPCs.

I don't own any of the 5E rule books, either, and have barely flipped thru them. Sure, there's the SRD, but I'm not going to throw in some gaming references just to have them there.

For me, part of what makes the setting is the NPCs. And that's my focus.

Well that's what other people can help with. Ask for someone to help you with the rules and then they can get recognition for their work and you can get recognition for yours and overall a better product is delivered (and you can release it on the guild which you might not be able to do otherwise without some 5e rules).

I would release it here, as is, to a smaller audience, before I'd bolt rules on there for the sake of having them. It has long been my opinion that the most useful NPCs are the ones the DM can customize to suit his own needs, and adding anything beyond the most generalized stats (like the minimal 2E one referenced above) interferes with that.

Besides which, not all of my NPCs would be easy to stat out. Like the one who isn't the most powerful wizard around, but can ignore certain spell effects, and has some unique abilities on top of that. Or the guy that's just a mid-level warrior but has a unique magical item that doesn't come close to matching anything I'm aware of in any edition of the game. In both of those cases, I think a vague reference to their abilities is more thematically appropriate than nailing it down in a stat block.

I havent read or heard anything in the podcast that says a person cant post just lore. My advice, post a sample using what you wrote in this thread as a disclaimer. Then see what the marketplace will bare. I can guarantee at least one download from me.
CorellonsDevout Posted - 17 Jan 2016 : 23:47:51
You and I are in a similar boat, Wooly. I have some lore ideas that might fit with current events in 5e, but I have no stats or anything mechanical for them.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 17 Jan 2016 : 04:44:17
Originally posted by dazzlerdal


I'm not a rules guy, though -- I'm all about concept and backstory. I want the who and the how, not the what.

The stuff I've in mind focuses on those things. One of my current projects has many, many NPCs -- and not one of them has an assigned level or class. There is "this person is a wizard" and "this one is a former thief," but that's it. I'm not even doing the minimal 2E block (W17 hm NG, INT 19) because these folks are all background NPCs.

I don't own any of the 5E rule books, either, and have barely flipped thru them. Sure, there's the SRD, but I'm not going to throw in some gaming references just to have them there.

For me, part of what makes the setting is the NPCs. And that's my focus.

Well that's what other people can help with. Ask for someone to help you with the rules and then they can get recognition for their work and you can get recognition for yours and overall a better product is delivered (and you can release it on the guild which you might not be able to do otherwise without some 5e rules).

I would release it here, as is, to a smaller audience, before I'd bolt rules on there for the sake of having them. It has long been my opinion that the most useful NPCs are the ones the DM can customize to suit his own needs, and adding anything beyond the most generalized stats (like the minimal 2E one referenced above) interferes with that.

Besides which, not all of my NPCs would be easy to stat out. Like the one who isn't the most powerful wizard around, but can ignore certain spell effects, and has some unique abilities on top of that. Or the guy that's just a mid-level warrior but has a unique magical item that doesn't come close to matching anything I'm aware of in any edition of the game. In both of those cases, I think a vague reference to their abilities is more thematically appropriate than nailing it down in a stat block.
Gary Dallison Posted - 16 Jan 2016 : 20:55:06

I'm not a rules guy, though -- I'm all about concept and backstory. I want the who and the how, not the what.

The stuff I've in mind focuses on those things. One of my current projects has many, many NPCs -- and not one of them has an assigned level or class. There is "this person is a wizard" and "this one is a former thief," but that's it. I'm not even doing the minimal 2E block (W17 hm NG, INT 19) because these folks are all background NPCs.

I don't own any of the 5E rule books, either, and have barely flipped thru them. Sure, there's the SRD, but I'm not going to throw in some gaming references just to have them there.

For me, part of what makes the setting is the NPCs. And that's my focus.

Well that's what other people can help with. Ask for someone to help you with the rules and then they can get recognition for their work and you can get recognition for yours and overall a better product is delivered (and you can release it on the guild which you might not be able to do otherwise without some 5e rules).

Gyor Posted - 16 Jan 2016 : 18:29:41
Reading my post I'm thinking of writing a manual of the planes type book for FR, but with the twist of including rules for Paradigm shifting.

An idea of the table of contents for this book would be.

Chapter 1. Competeing Paradigms
Would include an explaination of Paradigms World Tree and its variants, World Axis, Great Wheel and its variants as well as the concept of Paradigm Shifters, as well as the Planeswalker Background and the Elemental Compass and Planar Gyroscope tools for navitating shifts between paradigms.

Chapter 2. Parrell Planes would cover the Shadowfell, Feywild, and Ethereal Plane including the parrell planes on other continients, for example maybe Osse is cominigious with the Feywild causing what the inhabitants call the Dreamlands as well as the Shadow Druid subclass which views undead as a natural but invasive species from the Shadowfell and Negative Energy Planes, and Beauty Domain for Clerics that draws power from the Feywild as well as they're Gods, and the Ethereal Raider Rogue subclass, Ur-Priest AntiDomain for Clerics.

Chapter 3. Elemental and Energy Planes, would take about the elemental planes, they place in various paradigms and how confusion between paradigms in regards to the elemental planes is a result of directs unique to the elemental planes (not just north,south,west, east, up, and down, but also Deeper,Border,ect...), catogazation, and the side effect of Githzeria colonization of parts of the para and Quasi elemental planes causing the elemental chaos to reform. Primordial Elemental Paladin Oath and Sha'ir Wizard tradition.

Chapter 3. Astral and Outer Planes, which will include all FR planes well as rules for using paradigm shifting to movr between outer plane paradigms. Also an explaination as to how Domains are the finite parts of the infinate planes that mortals can see. Planar Druid, Beastlander Ranger, Oath of Liberation Paladin, Screaming Barbarian (channels the screaming winds of Pandinium and related planes during a rage), College of Faith Bard, Burocract (Modron Pact) as well as new chainlock familiars, Empyrean Blooded Sorceror.

Chapter 4 Weird Planes, covering the Far Realms, Demiplanes, and the hypotetical nature of the Plane of Dreams. Dreamlords Class (not subclass)

Chapter 5 The Solar System, places like Glyph andd their effects on the planes.

Gyor Posted - 16 Jan 2016 : 16:47:57
So far as I can tell the subsettings within FR that are allowed are Faerun, Zakahara, Kara Tur, Katashaka, Osse, Anchrome, Returned Abier, Mazatica.

Planar wise FR and 5e core planes are allowed according to Mearls so that means the parrell Planes Feywild and Shadowfell (given that they are Parrells of all of Toril that means that the Toril, Feywild and Shadowfell have potentially 8 contients each as well), Elemental Planes of Earth, Water, Fire, Air (including border regions with all 8 continients), Elemental Chaos, Astral Plane/Sea, Ethereal Plane including border regions with the elemental and Parrell Planes, and the Deeper Ethereal, Demiplanes, the Far Realms, the outer planes including the Core planes of Aborea, Ysguard, Elysium, Bytopia, Celestia, Beastlands, Arcadia, Limbo, Mechanus, Archeron, Pandemonium, Hades, Ghenna, Carceri, Abyss, Outlands, and the World Tree Planes of Brightwater, Arvandor, Green Fields, Golden Hills, House of Knowledge, House of the Triad, Dwarfhome, Dweamorheart, Gates of the Moon, Warrior's Rest, House of Nature, Dragon's Eryie, Heliopolis, Fury's Heart, Hammergrim, Barrens of Doom and Despair, Nishrek, Supreme Throne, Demonweb Pits, Blood Rift, Clangor, Deep Caverns, Fated Depths, Jotunheim, Cynosure, Fugue. Oh and the energy planes Negative and Positive.

I don't know if FR planets like Glyph are allowed,although if they appeared in a FR logoed suppliment and are unique to FR again like Glyth then I think its likely (and if so Glyth would likely have its own Feywild and Shadowfell as well as border elemental regions, making FR even more massive a setting).
Wooly Rupert Posted - 16 Jan 2016 : 16:25:19
Originally posted by dazzlerdal

As for lore only I'm sure if you stuck in a few conversion notes to 5e at the end you could claim it is for 5e. I'm going to do regional sourcebooks and put in a few 5e magic items and maybe note what class and level. A few npcs are then claim it's 5e. It will be 99 percent lore.

I'm not a rules guy, though -- I'm all about concept and backstory. I want the who and the how, not the what.

The stuff I've in mind focuses on those things. One of my current projects has many, many NPCs -- and not one of them has an assigned level or class. There is "this person is a wizard" and "this one is a former thief," but that's it. I'm not even doing the minimal 2E block (W17 hm NG, INT 19) because these folks are all background NPCs.

I don't own any of the 5E rule books, either, and have barely flipped thru them. Sure, there's the SRD, but I'm not going to throw in some gaming references just to have them there.

For me, part of what makes the setting is the NPCs. And that's my focus.
Gary Dallison Posted - 16 Jan 2016 : 12:07:45
Well I'm fairly satisfied with this (although I still don't know how long it will last but I aim to contribute to it while it does).

It looks like the only art/maps you can use are those available on dm guild but that should expand over time. All continents of faerun are covered and written ip with a realms logo on it can be used (although I think the 5e stuff no longer has that logo). The use pertains to the name and direct quotes from a work but if you are writing your own stuff in the realms only the names and permission to publish will be needed.

As for lore only I'm sure if you stuck in a few conversion notes to 5e at the end you could claim it is for 5e. I'm going to do regional sourcebooks and put in a few 5e magic items and maybe note what class and level. A few npcs are then claim it's 5e. It will be 99 percent lore.

Now to check out the templates.
Ashe Ravenheart Posted - 16 Jan 2016 : 04:14:34
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

So was anything said about material that is mostly or entirely lore, without any rules content?

And what about fiction?

My question went unanswered in regards to this, I saw some questions about fiction, but it may take me a bit to sort through.

In the meantime, here's the transcript:
D&D AMA with Mike Mearls and Chris Lindsay
Wooly Rupert Posted - 16 Jan 2016 : 04:00:50
So was anything said about material that is mostly or entirely lore, without any rules content?

And what about fiction?
Joebing Posted - 16 Jan 2016 : 01:00:59
There are quite a few free-to-use art packages on DMGuild now, mainly of monsters. Hopefully they give us some scenes, or else I might have to invest in either my artistic ability (never good at people) or commissioning artwork.
Eilserus Posted - 15 Jan 2016 : 23:12:23
Originally posted by Joebing

On art and maps:

Darn. Maps don't bother me so much as being able to use art here and there. Really hope they crank the output of art assets provided so they cover everything eventually.
Joebing Posted - 15 Jan 2016 : 23:02:49
In regards to art from DMGuild (which will eventually use the old Map-A-Week)
Joebing Posted - 15 Jan 2016 : 23:00:23
In regards to conversions of old modules (I LIKE seeing this, considering I have a ton I converted).
Joebing Posted - 15 Jan 2016 : 22:58:58
On art and maps:
Joebing Posted - 15 Jan 2016 : 22:43:33
If I don't get a response before the end of the AMA, I'll shoot a tweet to Mearls on these.
Joebing Posted - 15 Jan 2016 : 22:29:38
The art part is still hazy. Still waiting on a response on that and the magazines. They took a lunch break and did some other work.
Eilserus Posted - 15 Jan 2016 : 22:00:48
Good to know, thanks. Didn't want to update something, use an old source book pic and get in trouble. hehe
Joebing Posted - 15 Jan 2016 : 20:51:51
Eilserus, from what I've gathered, all DMs Guild is, is the Realms. Map, adventures, sourcebooks, etc, all for the Realms and building the Realms alone. So, yes, the DMs Guild means Realms-related stuff.
Eilserus Posted - 15 Jan 2016 : 20:49:11
Originally posted by Joebing

The Rule Of Thumb: If it has the FR logo on it, it's fair game.

This is good. The somewhat contradiction we have is in regards to art for monsters from Realms products, Monster Manuals etc. Or even the maps in said products. They ARE owned by WotC, but in the same line there's a quote that states only use art we own the license to or that is provided by the DM's Guild. Unless the DM's guild means Realms related stuff, which would make sense.

If I update a magic item can I use the art from the Realms related book with it? Same with monsters or city maps etc. Unless I'm not understanding, I'd like that crystal clear.
Joebing Posted - 15 Jan 2016 : 20:30:38
They are on lunch break, but will be back later this afternoon. I will post more relevant news as it comes in.
Gary Dallison Posted - 15 Jan 2016 : 20:29:45
Any information you have would be most appreciated Joebing.
Eilserus Posted - 15 Jan 2016 : 20:26:08
Best response I've read yet to a question: "Heck yeah gnolls should have rights... Gnolls have the right to pillage, loot, and kill anyone they want... Gnolls have the right to worship Yeenoghu ALL NIGHT LONG... Gnolls have the right to feed on the living and cuddle with the dead. GO GNOLLS!!!"
Joebing Posted - 15 Jan 2016 : 20:24:33
I have 20+ adventures RTG, just waiting on response from Mike on a few specific maps and the Dragon/Dungeon part. Do you have any information on what issues had the problems Dazzlerdal? I used items from Dungeon 80 in one (firetrap lance, beartrap paddle, firebirds, etc. - all from Frothing Miscreant adventure).

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