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 Wooden Armor

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Fellfire Posted - 21 Jan 2015 : 16:39:15
Looking into this subject has led me to the 3e DMG(Darkwood), Races of the Wild (Leafweave and Wildwood) and the MIC (Bronzewood and Darkleaf). I have also see references to Duskwood, but am unsure if this is homebrew, something I'm missing, or a 3rd party. Anybody made a study of this?
17   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
George Krashos Posted - 23 Jan 2015 : 13:46:50
In the write-up of Rillifane in "Demihuman Deities" (p.123) there is a reference to bark armor that provides protection equivalent to leather armor but the wearer incurs a -1 penalty for all saving throws against fire.

-- George Krashos
sleyvas Posted - 23 Jan 2015 : 13:39:20
Originally posted by sleyvas

Speaking of duskwood, has anyone put it to other uses besides shields in their games? It obviously doesn't bend well, but it sounds like it would be a sturdy material for making walls of a temporary castle, especially if soaked in something to reduce its chance of lighting on fire. I'm imagining a lot of smaller border forts would be made of it.

As I think on it, cost may prohibit this. But the question still stands, anyone have any other good uses?
sleyvas Posted - 23 Jan 2015 : 13:38:13
Speaking of duskwood, has anyone put it to other uses besides shields in their games? It obviously doesn't bend well, but it sounds like it would be a sturdy material for making walls of a temporary castle, especially if soaked in something to reduce its chance of lighting on fire. I'm imagining a lot of smaller border forts would be made of it.
TBeholder Posted - 22 Jan 2015 : 15:06:06
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Magic can make glass as hard as steel... I would think that doing the same to other materials would be as simple.

If we're looking for permanent effects -
Glassteel (Wiz 8, PHB); Minor Glassteel (Wiz 5, Red Steel);
Ironwood (WJ 5, OA); Ironwood (Dru 5, Dragon #177 / The Voyage of the Princess Ark)
Veladar's Vambrace (Wiz 5, Volo's Guide to All Things Magical);
Crown Meld (Wiz 6, Volo's Guide to All Things Magical)
For temporary ones (that can be used in item enchantment), there's
[Nautical] Ironwood (Wiz 3, Dragon #220)
But then, if you're enchanting, is there any reason not to try and make powered armor? Even if it won't add strength (without a higher-level spell, at least), it could remove a lot of encumberance - probably more than its own.
Animate Wood (WJ 1, OA)
BenN Posted - 22 Jan 2015 : 07:17:27
What are codpieces made from, anyway? I'd imagine that chainmail wouldn't be very comfortable.....
BEAST Posted - 22 Jan 2015 : 07:12:48
Originally posted by Fellfire

I think I've seen it all. Unless, of course, Krash finishes his woody chainmail. I am pondering a treant-made-gift of mail.

Actually, "woody chainmail" sounds to me like a male counterpart to "boobmail"!
Fellfire Posted - 22 Jan 2015 : 02:45:56
Thanks, Scribes. I think I've seen it all. Unless, of course, Krash finishes his woody chainmail. I am pondering a treant-made-gift of mail. If I happened to miss anything, please lemme know.
Diffan Posted - 22 Jan 2015 : 02:24:17
Originally posted by BenN

There's some info here too:

there it is, a Dragon article
combatmedic Posted - 22 Jan 2015 : 02:07:22

I'm pretty sure you are thinking of Ironwood

It's a druid (or plant sphere) spell in a couple of different editions of D&D.

combatmedic Posted - 22 Jan 2015 : 02:06:47
Originally posted by Ayrik

Volo's Guide to All Things Magical describes a few woods said to be as strong as metal. Special selection, preparation, and treatments are needed to make best use of their special properties, requiring some sort of master woodworking/armourer craftsman. Seems like it would be developed to a sophisticated art by elves. Druids could make good use of such wooden armours too, albeit they seem less likely to focus on manufacturing them.

I recall some sort of 2E spell which would harden a chunk of wood, allowing it to be as unbreakable as steel. Perhaps a glassteel variant?

I'm pretty sure you are thinking of Ironwood

It's a druid spell in a couple of different editions of D&D.

Ayrik Posted - 22 Jan 2015 : 00:29:10
Volo's Guide to All Things Magical describes a few woods said to be as strong as metal. Special selection, preparation, and treatments are needed to make best use of their special properties, requiring some sort of master woodworking/armourer craftsman. Seems like it would be developed to a sophisticated art by elves. Druids could make good use of such wooden armours too, albeit they seem less likely to focus on manufacturing them.

I recall some sort of 2E spell which would harden a chunk of wood, allowing it to be as unbreakable as steel. Perhaps a glassteel variant?
Wooly Rupert Posted - 22 Jan 2015 : 00:18:51
In the Riftwar books, the Tsurani homeworld had few metals available for use. The Tsurani were able to develop certain resins that made wood nearly as strong as steel.

It was never really discussed if it only worked for certain types of wood, or the difficulty involved in making the resins and treating the wood... But they used it for armor and weapons just as readily as other worlds used steel.

Magic can make glass as hard as steel... I would think that doing the same to other materials would be as simple.
combatmedic Posted - 21 Jan 2015 : 23:49:38
Historical, RW note:

Some of our Indians , back home in the Pacific Northwest, made armor out of wooden slats and elk hide.

Of course, their metal-working technology and access to ore was limited during the period such armor was made.

D&D note:
Bronzewood comes from Oerth. Was it also incorporated into FR, then, as with a number of other GH things?

George Krashos Posted - 21 Jan 2015 : 22:28:29
I've long had in my head a suit of "chainmail" called Ortheur, a sacred relic of Silvanus, made from hundreds of interlocked suth wood "rings" (using 'warp wood'), magically hardened and toughened. It's the equivalent of +2 chainmail but has the same weight, dex modifier and arcane spell failure chance as leather armour and a range of other powers (fire resistance and a few others). Of course, it also had a realmslore-filled back-story. Might finish that idea off one day.

-- George Krashos
BenN Posted - 21 Jan 2015 : 21:56:59
There's some info here too:
Delwa Posted - 21 Jan 2015 : 21:39:50
This might help: Duskwood

Edit: Fixed URL
Diffan Posted - 21 Jan 2015 : 21:18:34
I'm not familiar with duskwood, as armor or otherwise. Might have been in a 3pp supplement.

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