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T O P I C    R E V I E W
silverwolfer Posted - 12 Aug 2014 : 22:54:19

sort of a fan Q&A if your looking for something to read
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
CorellonsDevout Posted - 15 Aug 2014 : 03:34:41
Meh, always miss those.
Caolin Posted - 14 Aug 2014 : 04:36:31
Quick! Someone ask him when WoTC will get back to their regular novel release schedule. Bah! Did I miss it?
BEAST Posted - 14 Aug 2014 : 03:29:00
Originally posted by Firestorm

Why does he need reddit?


Because RAS Says So
ElaineCunningham Posted - 13 Aug 2014 : 13:45:35
Bob has a new book coming out in September. Writers are EXPECTED to actively promote their work--it is simply part of the job. Book tours still happen, but they're becoming less common, so a lot of promotion has shifted to the web. E-signings, live chats, "blog tours," and give-away contests are pretty standard stuff.
silverwolfer Posted - 13 Aug 2014 : 07:06:41
Reddit is huge.....

Jeremy Grenemyer Posted - 13 Aug 2014 : 02:02:37
What's wrong with authors reaching out via more than one internet website?
Firestorm Posted - 13 Aug 2014 : 01:48:32
He has his own forum with a Q/a.

Why does he need reddit?

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