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 Faerun Question?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Berkthgar Posted - 08 Dec 2013 : 23:30:00
What if bethesda studios made a game of the forgotten realms. The map could include Icewind dale all the way to calimport.
It would have to include important places such as the spirit soaring , mithril hall, monshae isles and carewich. Running the engine skyrim was run on !

Also, the companions that i know are Drizzt, Wulfgar, Cattie Brie, Regis, Bruenor, Innovindil, Dahlia, Entreri etc. But Faerun is a big place, so have they ever gone anywhere east of the silver marches all hte way to the inner sea and Dambrath? Or maybe Narfell?

Are there drow in the forest of Mir? Do they worship lloth
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Tetra_koiwai Posted - 10 Dec 2013 : 20:40:48
wow I thought Drizzt has traveled more than that.

Kinda hope Regis checks out amn at least once.
BEAST Posted - 10 Dec 2013 : 01:04:57
Originally posted by hashimashadoo

As for your question about the Companions: Entreri made it all the way east to Damara[...]

Jarlaxle and Entreri traveled east to Damara between the novel Servant of the Shard and the short story "That Curious Sword".

[...]and Dahlia spent most of her life in Thay[...]


but the furthest Drizzt et al made it away from the Sword Coast/Luruar is Erlkazar.

Passage to Dawn, and The Ghost King.
hashimashadoo Posted - 09 Dec 2013 : 17:34:11
Entreri spends most of Road of the Patriarch & Promise of the Witch King in Damara and Vaasa.

Also just noticed your other questions about drow. They ARE in the forest of Mir but I couldn't tell you for sure if they worship Lolth. I think they do. As for whether you'd find them in the far southeast, you would but they'd mostly be concentrated in or under Dambrath.

I don't think there's ever been a solid plan to make an FR film. Three DnD films have been made but they were universally bad (the latest one was the best of the three though).

Incidentally I don't have a problem with long load times in Skyrim.
Berkthgar Posted - 09 Dec 2013 : 15:18:10
Originally posted by hashimashadoo

I don't know what the Elder Scrolls Online is going to be like but supposedly it encompasses all of Tamriel like Arena did but with much, much better graphics. I very much doubt that there'll be a game that big for FR but it's a dream I've shared many times in the past.

Supposedly, there's a program that lets you explore the FR Interactive Atlas in a first person viewpoint. It'd be low-res but it's the closest you'll likely ever get.

As for your question about the Companions: Entreri made it all the way east to Damara and Dahlia spent most of her life in Thay but the furthest Drizzt et al made it away from the Sword Coast/Luruar is Erlkazar.

what book was it where entreri went to Damara?

You all have to admit Skyrim was an impressive feat. Yea there were a lot of bugs, long loading times, etc. Yea going through dungeons and Toril was a pain , constantly looking at the map.

Has hasbro or wizards ever considered a major game like skyrim?

Wasn't there rumors of a film?
hashimashadoo Posted - 09 Dec 2013 : 14:43:22
I find inventory management is an issue in all Bethesda games, especially Fallout New Vegas' hardcore mode. Things go a lot easier if you only pick up weightless items, plot items or THE most useful equipment unless you happen to be within stumbling distance (the longest distance between you and your home that you can safely traverse while drunk) of a shop. Money is rarely an issue in Bethesda games so you don't need to sell a lot of stuff (though saying that, in Skyrim, selling stuff was the easiest way to increase your speech skill).
sleyvas Posted - 09 Dec 2013 : 14:08:14
Oh, and my other complaint with the game was the endless need to screw around with the stuff in my backpack. Been there, done that... sure its more realistic... so's the idea that you'd get a lot more money for weapons and armor if you bothered to carry them to town. Granted, this is a common issue with many games, but man, in this game it was really annoying for me, because it seemed like I was doing it every few second and the interface was bugging me.
sleyvas Posted - 09 Dec 2013 : 14:01:16
Originally posted by The Arcanamach

Holy smokes sleyvas, Skyrim was one of the best games ever. Running around the map and finding new places (even though getting lost was an issue at times) was one of my favorite aspects of the game. As to the would be great, but the Realms is BIGGGG and it would require multiple expansions. But again, it would be great.

From a lore standpoint, I hear great things about the game. I just can't stand the interface sadly (I mean, I literally wasted an hour of my life running in a river.... I understood and forgave that in the first everquest, because people were still figuring out MMO's... I'm over doing that... I also don't want yet another murderous crafting system that won't let me craft really good gear). I say that noting that I have an xbox 360 that I've barely played. I found the interface for the new Neverwinter game similarly annoying, and I'm betting its chock full of interesting stuff. I know its kind of weird, because in a paper game meant for me to interact with other humans directly I'm willing to endure extremes of complexity... but when I play an online game, I want to play a game... not run around doing pretty much nothing.
hashimashadoo Posted - 09 Dec 2013 : 13:27:26
I don't know what the Elder Scrolls Online is going to be like but supposedly it encompasses all of Tamriel like Arena did but with much, much better graphics. I very much doubt that there'll be a game that big for FR but it's a dream I've shared many times in the past.

Supposedly, there's a program that lets you explore the FR Interactive Atlas in a first person viewpoint. It'd be low-res but it's the closest you'll likely ever get.

As for your question about the Companions: Entreri made it all the way east to Damara and Dahlia spent most of her life in Thay but the furthest Drizzt et al made it away from the Sword Coast/Luruar is Erlkazar.
Light Posted - 09 Dec 2013 : 11:05:35
No. I don't really want a Forgotten Realms game made by Bethesda. I'd rather them continue making The Elder Scrolls and the Fallout series. Been waiting so damn long for the fourth Fallout game!

My major problem with doing a Forgotten Realms TES-style game is that it would inevitably suffer from the same problems that TES does.

  • Incredibly "tiered" weapon and armour mechanics: steel is better than iron and ebony is better than steel...
  • A very poor and underwhelming magic system consisting of only a few unimaginative spell animations and effects

  • One of the great things about FR is the copious amounts of spells you can have access to. Not only this but each spell is fairly unique. It would take far too much time for developers to implement even half the magic system that needs to be in the game.

    I'd rather a game like Baldur's Gate or Icewind Dale to be made again. To this day some of my favourite games. I'm expecting great things from Project Eternity and Torment: Tides of Numenera. I'm also hoping that Dragon Age: Inquisition will be good.

    Not hating on TES or Bethesda but if a FR game is going to be done, I want it done right and while I think Bethesda is currently one of the better RPG developers out there, I don't believe they would be capable of pulling it off.
    Berkthgar Posted - 09 Dec 2013 : 02:56:03
    Another thing about the elder scrolls and ice wind dale and boulders gate series is the music. It captivates you in the moment. jeremy soule is a master at that.

    Now is anyone curious about what i said earlier, about like the far east of faerun. The wiki has all the info, but does anyone really know whats out there.

    For anyone who has read all of drizzt's novles, then you are familiar with the sword coast , the dale, silver marches , and the south with calimport, but we have never heard of the wastelands or anything beyond really.

    On another tangent, I WOULD LOVE to see silverymoon rendered in skyrim graphics!
    Eilserus Posted - 09 Dec 2013 : 02:20:53
    Skyrim was fun. Might be due to the sandbox fun of discovering dungeons and dwarven ruins and such. Though due to a bug I never was able to complete the big war quests and never went back to it. I like Dragon Age Origins myself, best game I've played in a looong time. Would love to see a Realms game made like that. Though since Bioware sold out to EA, the franchise went to crap, least so I thought after playing Dragon Age 2.
    Alruane Posted - 09 Dec 2013 : 01:27:05
    I thoroughly enjoy the ENTIRE Elder Scrolls series, Arena, Daggerfall, Redguard, Battlespire, Morrowind, Oblivion, and FINALLY: Skyrim. I think this concept would be INCREDIBLE! I'd love to see it in action. Just depends on which time frame they choose to portray it. Spellplague? Bleh, not interested. Time Of Troubles, maybe.
    The Arcanamach Posted - 09 Dec 2013 : 01:16:17
    Holy smokes sleyvas, Skyrim was one of the best games ever. Running around the map and finding new places (even though getting lost was an issue at times) was one of my favorite aspects of the game. As to the would be great, but the Realms is BIGGGG and it would require multiple expansions. But again, it would be great.
    sleyvas Posted - 09 Dec 2013 : 01:09:32
    you know, I thought skyrim was going to be great. I bought it. Then I spent an hour running in a river trying to find my way back to town with a map that I could barely make sense of. I got entirely annoyed with it. I know I may be one of the few, but I wasn't real impressed. Granted, I was playing the xbox version, and maybe if they had a PC version I would have liked it.
    Berkthgar Posted - 08 Dec 2013 : 23:31:43
    what about the great sea or the hordelands or the golden waters

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