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 Far Realm Characters

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Aryalómë Posted - 02 Apr 2013 : 04:02:19
I've been looking for some supplements to help me build some Far Realm themed characters and I've come up completely short.

Lately, I've been very inspired by the Cthulhu Mythos (which the Far Realm has been based on), Silent Hill (which is very Lovecraftian itself), dark magic, madness, insanity, Lovecraftian geometries, Resident and very alien things.

So, I beseech my fellow D&D players, do you know of any official and/or third party resources that I may use to help me build my character?

The only ones I have are the Star Pact warlock from 4e, the Foulborn bloodline from 4e, Savage Species (Illithid race) and that's about it.
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EytanBernstein Posted - 23 Jul 2013 : 18:57:22
Originally posted by Aryalómë

Originally posted by EytanBernstein

Making absolutely no promises, there may be some juicy Far Realm material at some point in the indeterminate future.

Really? Well, should it come to fruition, I hope it contains that unknowable and terrifying feel to it. I'd love to see some love given to the Far Realm

I hope it comes to fruition as well. But there are already some hints to Far Realms themes. Bruce's Abolethic Sovereignty certainty has its share of Lovecraftian goodness. I wove a few tidbits into Dragons of Faerun and some of the Class Chronicles articles (and potentially something upcoming). Look for anything related to Zceryll and her staff/rod/scepter.

That said, I'm not sure the term Far Realm is ever explicitly used (though there may be some 4e references I'm not recalling). There are certainly aberrations in the Realms that are very Lovecraftian in feel, but that doesn't necessarily mean they came from the Far Realm. Eberron explicitly has Xoriat, which is the place where aberrations come from. Not sure there is really a Realms equivalent, though others may know more.
jerrod Posted - 22 Jul 2013 : 22:45:08
Is the elder eye from the far realms?
sleyvas Posted - 11 May 2013 : 15:48:16
The lore for Ironfang Keep that was recently introduced may hint to it being a center for Far Realms research. I could see Alienists, binders, warlocks, and mixes of some of these like anima mages, eldritch theurges, eldritch disciples devoted to Vestiges as their deity, etc....
Aryalómë Posted - 11 May 2013 : 14:53:54
Originally posted by EytanBernstein

Making absolutely no promises, there may be some juicy Far Realm material at some point in the indeterminate future.

Really? Well, should it come to fruition, I hope it contains that unknowable and terrifying feel to it. I'd love to see some love given to the Far Realm
Ze Posted - 06 May 2013 : 08:27:26
FWIW, I used the Speaker in Dreams to introduce the Far Realms in my campaign. It was slightly tweaked (following some good hints I found on the web, to long ago to remember more though), so I'm not sure how farrealmsian the module itself is (don't have it at hand now).
However it introduced mind-flayers and wystes at lowish levels, and a wizards cabal that screams for Far Realms.
EytanBernstein Posted - 06 May 2013 : 07:42:41
Making absolutely no promises, there may be some juicy Far Realm material at some point in the indeterminate future.
Thauranil Posted - 06 Apr 2013 : 11:49:03
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Gyor

I for one look forward to playing hentai tentacle monster pact warlock. Is that your wand warlock or are you just happy to see me ;p

That involves an entirely different kind of illithid.

A friend of mine plays Dystopian Wars, and bought this Empire of the Blazing Sun submarine. He about fell over when I saw it and dubbed it the SS Hentai, and said it was looking for the SS Japanese Schoolgirl.

Lol yeah it totally looks like it is some sort of steampunkish hentai monster.
Aryalómë Posted - 06 Apr 2013 : 03:12:31
Thanks for the great stuff guys! I already have Lords of Madness and have looked through it extensively :D

I have to say one thing, though. I don't think the Illithids can be hermaphroditic. It has been stated throughout different novels and other sources of various Illithids being a certain gender (male or female, obviously). I can remember one specifically from the Windwalker novel who was the ruler of that submerged Elven ruin.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 05 Apr 2013 : 17:02:47
Originally posted by Gyor

I for one look forward to playing hentai tentacle monster pact warlock. Is that your wand warlock or are you just happy to see me ;p

That involves an entirely different kind of illithid.

A friend of mine plays Dystopian Wars, and bought this Empire of the Blazing Sun submarine. He about fell over when I saw it and dubbed it the SS Hentai, and said it was looking for the SS Japanese Schoolgirl.
Gyor Posted - 05 Apr 2013 : 16:34:47
I for one look forward to playing hentai tentacle monster pact warlock. Is that your wand warlock or are you just happy to see me ;p
Chosen of Asmodeus Posted - 05 Apr 2013 : 05:04:01
Illithids come from the future. It's strongly implied that they are actually the descendants of humans. The illithid heritage doesn't imply that you have illithid ancestors, it implies that you are one of the ancestors to the illithids.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 04 Apr 2013 : 19:43:58
Ceremorphosis actually dates back to at least 2E, with the Illithiad.
sleyvas Posted - 04 Apr 2013 : 14:59:50
Originally posted by TBeholder

Methinks, good sir, that Far Realm is not among the Forgotten Realms. Though maybe among the best forgotten ones. Because "more tentacles!!!" with no reason does not equal "based on Cthulhu Mythos", but merely "based on bad hentai". However, there's a purely technical issue that attracted my unhealthy interest:

How exactly abovementioned "Illithid Heritage" is supposed to, uh, work? What's with illithids being parasitical hermaphroditic egg-layers and all that. Pointless hentai probably is possible, but it still won't lead to this. Or this was retconned in 4e too?

The documented process of mindflayers is that they put their tadpoles into humanoid brains and slowly convert them into mind flayers (according to lords of madness anyway). This would be kind of a stretch, but what if a mindflayer implants a woman. Said woman's husband then arrives to save her and kills the illithids. The husband then has intercourse with her after removing the symptoms of the ceremorphosis with a restoration spell, but he doesn't realize that he hasn't destroyed the tadpole. Later he cures her with a heal spell, but the child is already impregnated... and because the tadpole was still inside draining her it had some genetical effect on the child. Yeah, its a stretch... but then so is some tadpole draining all your intelligence and turning your body into a mind flayer.
TBeholder Posted - 04 Apr 2013 : 13:59:28
Methinks, good sir, that Far Realm is not among the Forgotten Realms. Though maybe among the best forgotten ones. Because "more tentacles!!!" with no reason does not equal "based on Cthulhu Mythos", but merely "based on bad hentai". However, there's a purely technical issue that attracted my unhealthy interest:

How exactly abovementioned "Illithid Heritage" is supposed to, uh, work? What's with illithids being parasitical hermaphroditic egg-layers and all that. Pointless hentai probably is possible, but it still won't lead to this. Or this was retconned in 4e too?
sleyvas Posted - 04 Apr 2013 : 13:51:35
Oh, and obviously there's the binder class from tome of magic. Having some really twisted vestiges that they allow to use their bodies to experience the world could turn very bad.
Darkmeer Posted - 04 Apr 2013 : 06:07:12
If psionics is allowed, the 3.5 book Complete Psionic had a couple of classes that are rather disturbing. Ectopic adept (master of ectoplasm), and the Flayerspawn Adept.

The latter is rather terrifying for anyone who's ever faced a mind flayer, as, like the Dragon Disciple, the Flayerspawn Adept essentially turns into a mind flayer.

Some of the feats in that book (and related to the Flayerspawn Prestige Class) would also work well in horror theme.
Chosen of Asmodeus Posted - 03 Apr 2013 : 03:44:31
The Pathfinder systems has a few things, first thing that comes to mind is the aberrant sorcerer bloodline, which is right out of the box. At level twenty it essentially turns you into a deep one. They also have rules for the summoner class(arcane caster based on nothing but conjuration) that summons a shoggoth.

The guys over at Paizo are huge Lovecraft fans, so if you dig into their work you're sure to find something. It's 3.5 compatible so if nothing else it'll meld with savage species.

Oh, definitely read into Lords of Madness. Been a while since I've thumbed through it so I forget how much crunch it has to it, but you'll surely find some nice fluff inspiration.
sleyvas Posted - 02 Apr 2013 : 21:11:54
In 3.5 complete arcane there's the alienist prestige class and the pseudonatural creature template.
Tyrant Posted - 02 Apr 2013 : 05:23:51
There are a few 3.x books that might help, depending on what angle you are wanting to go with. Lords of Madness has a lot about aberrations. It also has the Flesh Warper Prestige Class which I view as perfectly in line with the Lovecraftian angle (likely as an NPC), especially with Aboleth or Illithid grafts.

If you want to embrace the Psionic angle that seems to usually get associated with the Far Realm there is the Expanded Psionic Handbook and Complete Psion. The latter has a presitge class called the Flayerspawn Psychic that involves a psion tapping into their illithid heritage to enhance their powers but also slowly making them more Illithid like. It also has the Illithid Heritage feats that allow characters to take on aspects of Illithids.

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