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 2nd Edition PbP Realms Games (x2)

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
WalkerNinja Posted - 23 Dec 2012 : 12:51:09
Over at RPOL, some of your fellow Candlekeepers have a pair for Forgotten Realms games going on, and we'd love to have a few more players!

Treasures of the Past
Treasures of the Past has been advertised on this forum before and has been up and running since July. In this campaign a party largely comprised of elves is accompanied by a Calishite cavalier across the North investigating--well--the treasures of the past! At 951 posts over the past 5 months, this game is averaging 2 posts per player per day. In reality, the pace is normally more placid, but lately the action has been ramping up, and it's just hard to stay away!

Danger in Daggerford
Inspired by the fun and success of Treasures I started getting the itch to DM again. It didn't take long to get wrapped up in my N5 module and The North's Daggerford supplement. It's the campaign I always wanted to run but never had time to do. The fact that Eric L. Boyd has been generating updated and newly synchronized lore for this locale made my decision a slam dunk. This game has not started yet, but we are now starting to talk about party composition, and hope to be started by mid January. Social, Wilderness, Dungeon--this game should have it all!

Why Second Edition? Personally, I love 3.x--at a table with a battle-grid. Online, I find, that Second Edition has a lot to offer. The Proficiency system is infinitely simpler than the Skill-Point system, kits tend to be front loaded so your character starts out the way you want them to be instead of building towards a PrC that you may never quite get to, and the combat is much more generalized. Without flanking, AoO, and the like you seldom require the insane level of detail in a combat that 3.x requires. That makes the game flow faster, and keeps everyone's enjoyment up.

But seriously? THAC0? Well, *ahem* Danger in Daggerford uses 3.x Base-Attack-Bonus and Armor Class rules. But it's not even that bad in Treasures of the Past.

I don't know if I even remember how to play 2E or have any of the books! Digital copies of the books exist and are easy to come by. As for remembering how to play? Before I started playing Treasures I hadn't played any form of 2E since the month that 3E PHB came out--I was that done with the system. I hadn't played 3E since the month that 4E came out, and I haven't played any form of D&D in over a year and a half. Trust me, it comes back fast.
9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Dark Wizard Posted - 28 Dec 2012 : 02:30:04
If Eric Boyd's material becomes a book, I would definitely take a look at it and probably buy it.

We've discussed on here that FR in recent years is lacking (relative to other settings, etc.) in a good starter region book ... and in suitable starter adventures ... and memorable adventure paths (stuff not entirely entangled in the divine maneuverings, what happened to mortals having goals?). Going forward in 5E, WotC should look into addressing this. Otherwise, FR is always a pretty setting to look at/read about, but not encouraged to play in.

Of course, I may have to hold off on reading such a book as I'm playing a character in the above mentioned Daggerford group. Spoilers...
WalkerNinja Posted - 27 Dec 2012 : 17:13:10
Never been to GenCon.

There's more than a few holes, but I like to think of them more as opportunities--as Eric made clear through his additions.
Markustay Posted - 27 Dec 2012 : 16:42:59
Originally posted by hedgeknight

I'd like to see that sourcebook...but am skeptical of which edition it will be for - 5E?
It was an update of the 2e Daggerford adventure to 3e, but became a sourcebook covering the Waterdeep environs (better then the WE for the Waterdeep book did - this was the info Eric really wanted in there) and pretty-much everything surrounding Daggerdale for about a 300 mile radius, which also includes a COMPLETE history of the region, all tied together neatly (there were lots of wrinkles tied to Illefarn he managed to iron-out).

Lots of new info on old locales, obscure locales, and even a couple of new locales. Strangely, even though he updated everything for 3e rules, he set it in the 2e era (so basically its the same* adventure but updated to the newer rules). To me, that sounds like exactly the kind of treatment they want for 5e - an adventure you can run with any set of rules. Its very rules-light (the same sort of feel as most 2e sourcebooks). I assume there would be a 'canon' timeframe for when the events happen, but that doesn't mean someone couldn't run the adventure portion of the tome in some other period.

Seriously, the fact that we can't all talk about this lore is tearing me apart right now... its just THAT GOOD. Oh... and the maps are pretty snazzy too.

*I use the term 'same' very loosely, because that adventure had dozens of holes in it, and he picked it all apart and cleaned it up so that it is as smooth as silk now. The history of the region is woven into the adventure itself, which is a thing of beauty.
Hoondatha Posted - 26 Dec 2012 : 18:34:12
Yep, I'm still looking for a player or two for my campaign, which as WN says is focused seeking and exploring the past of Faerun. The group already has all of the basics covered, class-wise, so newcomers would have their choice of what they want to play.
hedgeknight Posted - 26 Dec 2012 : 15:51:47
I'd like to see that sourcebook...but am skeptical of which edition it will be for - 5E?
Markustay Posted - 26 Dec 2012 : 15:37:19
WalkerNinja - I think we (very briefly) met at Gencon.* Did you get a chance to speak to Eric Boyd there? He has a LOT more 'thoughts' about Daggerford then most folk realize.

I am sincerely hoping that we will see a Daggerford/Swordcoast/ 'Waterdeep Environs' sourcebook sometime in the future - all I can say is "WOW!" If any of you would like to see this (and even if you have no interest in that region, just as I did, believe me, YOU WILL), let your voices be heard. If they think it will sell, they will produce this. The sourcebook is actually done already (as done as anything a truly great designer will ever call 'finished'), we just need to let them know we want it.

Its my preciousssssss....

*I just realized it may have been Redwalker... I know it was a walker... {scratches head}
hedgeknight Posted - 26 Dec 2012 : 15:28:01
Thanks anyway - good luck with your game.
WalkerNinja Posted - 26 Dec 2012 : 14:53:27
We picked up three RPOLers, but Hoondatha was looking for more in the Treasures game.
hedgeknight Posted - 26 Dec 2012 : 14:44:09
Are you still looking for players in the Daggerford game?
I run a 1E game on RPoL and play in another.

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