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 Lost 3rd Edition WotC web articles

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Sarelle Posted - 09 Nov 2011 : 14:32:50
I hope this request isn't too cheeky or in the wrong place. I used to frequent these boards a while ago, but I was on the receiving end of a devastating hard drive crash and all of D&D data and lore was amongst what was lost. I haven't been keeping up with developments in FR or D&D since, and have been pretty happy to avoid 4e.

I am now starting up a D&D campaign again with a couple of friends, and wanted to revisit some of the old WotC articles for campaign ideas. Of course the WotC website has removed pretty much all pre-4e content. I'm having trouble even remembering the names of the columns, other than the Realmslore one. But there was one in particularly where each week a new NPC was fleshed out statistically in 3 stages.

I was wondering if anyone had collected or downloaded or written up all the old 3e/3.5e Realmslore and/or general D&D columns from the old WotC website before they were removed, and if so, whether they'd be willing to email them to me?

If this is request inappropriate, please do let me know, Sage or mods! Thanks.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Sarelle Posted - 18 Nov 2011 : 18:15:48
You guys are amazing! That was exactly it, thanks so much!

Right, now to incorporate this into my campaign...
Wooly Rupert Posted - 16 Nov 2011 : 04:30:00
Originally posted by George Krashos

The reference to "Orm" was as I recall a reference to the Year of the Ormserpent in the Roll of Years and just exactly what an ormserpent was. If you do a search for "Roll of Years" you'll no doubt find what you are looking for.

-- George Krashos

Here's the references friend Krash had in mind:

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Asharak

Year of the Sad Orm, 243

I found this on Wiktionary :

1. (zoology) snake; a legless reptile of the suborder Serpentes

Good info, but that makes things weirder -- we have a Year of the Ormserpent already on there, so that makes it the year of the Snakeserpent.

Edit: Strike that.

Originally posted by The Hooded One

Fair meeting once again, scribes! Thy Lady Hooded rides in with another reply from Ed, this time for the April 18th questions posed by Bakra, Lord of the Outlying Thread:

Hi, Bakra. Well, I can tell you that unless editing prunes these lore-mentions away, the forthcoming Serpent Kingdoms product will identify important events that befell during both the ‘Year of the Sighing Serpent’ (1289) and the ‘Year of the Ormserpent’ (1295), giving the usual cryptic hindsight reason behind the two year-names.
“Ormserpent” is a corruption of a “wormserpent,” and this is an old name for a naga. I can add something NOT mentioned in Serpent Kingdoms: that there once was a gigantic, unique reptile called THE Ormserpent (briefly worshipped in its own cult) that legend tells us was able to disgorge, after great agonies, “spawns” of 3-6 living creatures of all manner of other serpentine races (a maximum of 2 creatures out of such a spew being the same sort of creature), and that it would perish if it ever vomited forth another ormserpent. One tale also claims that a clan of very-long-lived, immune-to-all-poisons women of sinister intelligence and purpose, who can shapechange into various snake forms (from small to monstrous), are the “Daughters of the Ormserpent,” spewed out by it, one by one, on rare occasions.
This is old, old Realmslore from my personal scrolls, hitherto hidden even from the keenest scholars of Candlekeep, and it may or may not be more than mere legend.

Whew. Ask and ye shall receive, Bakra! WELL, now . . . Daughters of the Ormserpent, eh? I’ll have to investigate more fully, in our Realmsplay sessions, as to whether or not certain fell females might just be members of this clan. If, of course, it truly exists.

George Krashos Posted - 16 Nov 2011 : 00:29:15
The reference to "Orm" was as I recall a reference to the Year of the Ormserpent in the Roll of Years and just exactly what an ormserpent was. If you do a search for "Roll of Years" you'll no doubt find what you are looking for.

-- George Krashos
Sarelle Posted - 14 Nov 2011 : 13:27:23
Oh, great work. I'll download and have a thorough look through those.

That said, for some reason, I distinctly remembered one particular nugget of Realmslore Mr. Greenwood imparted on here - it was just a small paragraph about a legendary ancient serpent called "the Orm" or Worm or "Urm", or something like that, and however much I ctrl+F these in those pdfs, and Google it, I can't seem to relocate it. Was there perhaps another thread on the Candlekeep forums, aside from Questions for Ed Greenwood, where he posted bits of Realmslore?

It's ever such a small thing, so goodness know why it stuck in my mind and it's no big deal that I can't find it, but do any of you have any recollection of it?
The Sage Posted - 12 Nov 2011 : 00:38:09
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

There is a link to those archives in the Sage's signature.

Wooly has the right of it.

And as I said on Facebook yesterday, I'm presently finishing up the 2010 file -- in between bouts of ferociously playing Skyrim, of course.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 11 Nov 2011 : 18:03:36
There is a link to those archives in the Sage's signature.
Tyranthraxus Posted - 11 Nov 2011 : 12:01:42
Originally posted by Sarelle

Aah the great sage Google achieves what trawling through the Wizards of the Coast website could not. Yes, those are the archives I was looking for. Thanks very much Ayrik, and everyone else.

On a similar note, and I guess this is somewhat addressed to The Sage/Wooly Rupert, has Candlekeep ever made a full archive of all the tidbits of Realmslore that Ed Greenwood dispensed on the Candlekeep Forums? I used to keep a rather cumbersome saved Word document of lots of these, but it was another thing I lost years ago when the hard drive crashed.

Be aware that some of the links of the WotC archive are dead (or misplaced).

I can't speak for the mods but IIRC THO's replies to the 'Ask Ed Greenwood' scroll are compiled as PDF format "hidden" on some bookshelf on the Candlekeep website, I haven't looked at them for a while so I could be wrong.
Sarelle Posted - 11 Nov 2011 : 10:43:59
Aah the great sage Google achieves what trawling through the Wizards of the Coast website could not. Yes, those are the archives I was looking for. Thanks very much Ayrik, and everyone else.

On a similar note, and I guess this is somewhat addressed to The Sage/Wooly Rupert, has Candlekeep ever made a full archive of all the tidbits of Realmslore that Ed Greenwood dispensed on the Candlekeep Forums? I used to keep a rather cumbersome saved Word document of lots of these, but it was another thing I lost years ago when the hard drive crashed.
Ayrik Posted - 10 Nov 2011 : 08:30:19
That's the first and topmost link on my google search above ...
idilippy Posted - 10 Nov 2011 : 07:11:53
I've got a link saved to the 3.5e archives and most of the Realms stuff that works. The archive is here: and from there you can go to any of the specific articles you want.
Ayrik Posted - 10 Nov 2011 : 02:05:02
There is also the REALMS-L archive, such as it is. Collating the data has taken me many hours and yielded far less useful lore than the haphazard mountain of data which yet remains unread. It also spans all editions, not only 3E.
The Sage Posted - 10 Nov 2011 : 01:09:50
Originally posted by Seethyr

Could the wayback machine help with this?

Usually, that's the best option. But it can be difficult to properly and efficiently find stuff via the Wayback Machine because it's often so thorough.

I use it as a last resort, mostly. After I've checked through my voluminous archives, notebooks, and other forms of information-storage.
Ayrik Posted - 09 Nov 2011 : 20:06:35
Are you looking for this?
Seethyr Posted - 09 Nov 2011 : 19:20:31
Could the wayback machine help with this?
Wooly Rupert Posted - 09 Nov 2011 : 19:10:34
They're likely still on the WotC site -- they rarely remove content, they just shuffle it around without updating any links. It just takes some creativity, sometimes, to figure out where things got moved to.

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