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 Ankheg armor

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Belfar Posted - 16 Nov 2003 : 18:16:20
Does anyone know the statistics and costfor making armor out of ankheg hide?
16   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
sfdragon Posted - 02 Aug 2012 : 14:19:15
dragonhide armor.....

it said one suite of masterwork armor right??

one master whatever you want suite of armor with whatever color of dragon scale elemental resistance...

ankheg its an overgrown insect, its chitin armor.
olafs_insight Posted - 02 Aug 2012 : 07:27:03
Though the question has been answered (and quite well, too), I have a thought, and a note to dungeon masters of all game editions:
Dragons have incredibly close family systems, with varying structures among different types. Red dragons, for example, pay very close to each other and their own potential inheritances. Young dragons fight with their siblings viciously, and if there are enough dragons in a realm, even the evil dragons will cooperate with each other.
If one was to kill a dragon, drag it to a safe place, and skin it, there should be no doubt that every dragon that passes within a ten-or-so mile radius of said place will know that either kin or enemy has been ripped apart. How would you act: somebody is either hunting your family, or your kind, and they have to be stopped. Further insult by wearing the hide of a dragon should be met with disgust and disdain by dragons of all sorts, like we would react to a demon wearing human skin.


To players: Before you don an ancient red wyrm's hide, or any abnormal hide for that matter, think about his or her family tree.
To dungeon Masters: think about how well your monsters would appreciate your players' actions.

Of course I understand that many people know this, but there are plenty who would benefit from this.
nicostratus Posted - 06 Dec 2003 : 04:38:34
For my campaign, the question has never been a hard one to answer. Armor made from the hide of any beast bestows one half of the natural armor bonus as the AC for the armor, it's max dex is never higher than 4 (unless were talking about skin armor (but im talking about scales, and plates ect.) and it is always treated as medium. Heavy armors are heavy metals, and hide armors are medium. SO, Ankheg armor in my campaign would pull the following stats:
AC: +5 (round up)
Max Dex: +3 (treat scales as hide, and plates as scale mail)
Spell Failure: 25% (scale mail)
Check Penalty: -4 (scale mail)
Cost: Variable, really just the cast of masterwork hide armor, assuming you provide the material.
Armors made from the husks of creatures are not magical. Dragon scales do not offer protection from their element, it's the dragon as a whole that offers it protection. Just cause they are red dragon scaled dosen't mean they are fire resistant, though they can me enchanted as such. For example, it's not the skin of a displacer beast that allows the displacing ability, it's the fact that the beast is magical with ties to the ethreal plane that is displaces, it's skin is nothing more than leather armor.

Belfar Posted - 05 Dec 2003 : 14:56:29
20000 is a little steep in my opinion. I'd probably adjust the price to about 5000. I like the rule though. What armor type is it though (light, medium, or heavy)???
Cult_Leader Posted - 05 Dec 2003 : 14:47:17
For buggy armor, our group has always uesed this method (Its costs a bit lol) Its master work armour of course as well. Its shell is actually lighter then most metals. So;

Ankheg Armor-
Chitonus, Ac-7, Max dex 2-3 (which ever DM Deems is agreeable). Ankeg armor is also slightly flexible.

Always have a good armour make it.
Normal coast- 20,000 GP.
Dracandos the Spellsage Posted - 05 Dec 2003 : 00:26:54
aye Trafaldi, thats what dragon scale armor does, it dones the abilities (some of them) of that dragon. usually the protection from whatever element that dragon uses, but it could be other abilities that dragon has as well
Trafaldi Posted - 04 Dec 2003 : 21:03:25
I had an interesting idea for dragon hide armor. That the armor could gain different traits depending on the type of dragon scale you used, gives protection from certain elements, adds polymorph or just certain interesting abilities.
Edain Shadowstar Posted - 04 Dec 2003 : 20:56:31
In general fashioning armor out of dragon hide results in armor of superior durability and protection, as well as being exceptionally light and easy to wear. In the past fashioning armors out of dragon hide and scales resulted in increased resistance to the dragon's favored element(s), however currently no such rule exists. It is of course possible it is covered in the Draconomicon, but I do not have that particular tome yet. The source for dragonhide armor, for everyone's information, is the Dungeon Master's Guide, and it is worth noting the Guide says nothing about the bonuses using dragon scales might provide.
Dracandos the Spellsage Posted - 04 Dec 2003 : 19:57:47
well in BG2 armor made from dragon hides gives u 50% bonus resistance against whatever attack that dragon has, red dragon - fire resis. ect but idk if this is only a BG2 thing or if its all of D&D...
eilinel Posted - 04 Dec 2003 : 12:35:09
there is actually the chitin armors in the Arms n Equipment guide, which is quite interesting about strange materials.
but it gives u a substantial bonus : a weight divided by two.

but still didn't find anything about dragonhide armors.
Belfar Posted - 20 Nov 2003 : 15:23:46
I was thinking about this today and thought that maybe you should add the creatures natural armor bonus to the AC. I'm sure there are rules about this somewhere.
eilinel Posted - 20 Nov 2003 : 12:05:22
good question indeed.
and what about dragon hide armors?
they say in the Monster manuel that u can make different armors with dragon hide if u have enough hide... but it actually only make masterwork armor.
it doesn't seem to provide any substantial bonus anyway.
i do think its a mistake, a red great wyrm hide should give u some natural bonus somewhere... don't u think?
have u some ideas about strange armors such as ankheg or dragon or any other mythic creature?
Belfar Posted - 17 Nov 2003 : 14:53:54
Originally posted by Sage of Perth

I think there was a Dragon issue a while back (I am thinking around 2000-2001) that covered varying hide armors. I'll have a look through some of them and see what I can find.

The Sage Posted - 17 Nov 2003 : 06:55:15
I think there was a Dragon issue a while back (I am thinking around 2000-2001) that covered varying hide armors. I'll have a look through some of them and see what I can find.

Belfar Posted - 16 Nov 2003 : 19:52:43
I remember it being used once in a game I played. I was thinking maybe it was like adamantine. Such as adding an enhancement to armor.
Maecenus of Westgate Posted - 16 Nov 2003 : 18:37:10
I thought Ankheg Armor was strictly found in the Baldur's Gate game only. Don't recall seeing any statistics in any of the P&P reference material, though could be wrong. In Baldur's Gate, it is considered magical plate mail, I believe.

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