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 Lost Elven Blades of Cormanthyr

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Beneth Posted - 30 May 2008 : 11:14:35
Greetings all this be my first post on this incredible library of knowledge but on to the question.....

Can the Warblade and Artblade bond with any race if they meet the other requirements? I am pretty sure the Crownblade will only be weilded by an elf but the others I'm not so sure.

Also is the person bonded with the blade just by pulling it out of the scabbard or is there a ceremony that must be done?

I need this info for my ever expanding tale I have been writing, which Aluando is reviewing a very rough version. Once I iron out the plot and what not maybe you guys will read it sometime in the next century

30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Zireael Posted - 11 Jan 2011 : 17:15:15
Originally posted by Jakk

I'd think not, as well.

I've read in another scroll (don't ask me where right now) that the Warblade, hidden in the vaults of Maerimydra and sought by Josidiah Starym when he retrieved the Artblade, was brought to the surface by drow to use as a bargaining chip, and this backfired when Lolth fell silent. Can anyone confirm this? I'll check my sources too, in case I missed something in the RSE adventure trilogy. Thanks for your help!

Edit: Yes, I've confirmed this; except that Lolth's silence had little or nothing to do with it. I've edited my earlier post to fill in the details that I now know, but I'm still trying to establish what happens to the blade after it reaches the surface and before it gets to Myth Drannor, which we know it does eventually.

I don't think Shadowdale: The Tearing of the Weave had any answer to this question...
Jakk Posted - 28 Sep 2008 : 23:34:45
I'd think not, as well.

I've read in another scroll (don't ask me where right now) that the Warblade, hidden in the vaults of Maerimydra and sought by Josidiah Starym when he retrieved the Artblade, was brought to the surface by drow to use as a bargaining chip, and this backfired when Lolth fell silent. Can anyone confirm this? I'll check my sources too, in case I missed something in the RSE adventure trilogy. Thanks for your help!

Edit: Yes, I've confirmed this; except that Lolth's silence had little or nothing to do with it. I've edited my earlier post to fill in the details that I now know, but I'm still trying to establish what happens to the blade after it reaches the surface and before it gets to Myth Drannor, which we know it does eventually.
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 28 Sep 2008 : 23:01:05
Originally posted by Vangelor

I would say it depended on circumstance but, provided it was sheathed, an Elfblade shouldn't endanger someone who picks it up where it lies abandoned.

Agreed--after all, I'd think the sword wouldn't "want" to stay lost.
Vangelor Posted - 28 Sep 2008 : 10:03:29
I would say it depended on circumstance but, provided it was sheathed, an Elfblade shouldn't endanger someone who picks it up where it lies abandoned. Also, there are probably ways to neutralize one, else I cannot imagine the Warblade allowing itself to be carried off as a battle trophy by the drow.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 28 Sep 2008 : 03:58:29
Originally posted by Aureus

A diffrent question on these blades, if one of them just lay there in the mud or something alike, could somebody with none of the prereq matching pick it up (not use it, just lifting it and perhaps place it into his backpack)without being fried or something similarly?

I would say yes, so long as they didn't touch the hilt. They may have to go an extra step, like using a stick to push the blade onto a blanket, then rolling up the blanket, but that's as far as I'd take it.

Of course, you would be well within your rights to add a clause that carrying such a blade without trying to claim it would present obstacles all its own -- perhaps minor discharges (like a shocking grasp) when someone gets too close to touching it, or perhaps it acts incredibly heavy until it is claimed...
Aureus Posted - 28 Sep 2008 : 00:50:39
A diffrent question on these blades, if one of them just lay there in the mud or something alike, could somebody with none of the prereq matching pick it up (not use it, just lifting it and perhaps place it into his backpack)without being fried or something similarly?
sfdragon Posted - 27 Sep 2008 : 09:23:26
Originally posted by Jakk

Another question regarding the Warblade... does anyone happen to know *how* it got from the vaults of Maerimydra to the surface? And, better yet, how it got *to* the vaults of Maerimydra in the first place? I'm assuming the latter is explained by its capture from Lord Orym Hawksong... the former journey, I'm not sure.

well okay when the last arms major who wielded the warblase lost his life to the drow, the sword animated itself and defended its fallen master. with masive magic the drow subdued the blade and took it to their vault where it stayed until the shadow dale adventure book took place and the drow priests of lolth took it up to bribe the reigning coronal into a false peace or some such, and in the end, when the heroes came in and said veni vici whatever, took the blade. they are given a choice return the blade for a friend for life and maybe then some or keep it.
officially the blade was returned to myth drannor after he adventure through shadow dale
Jakk Posted - 26 Sep 2008 : 22:48:29
Originally posted by Ergdusch

Originally posted by Lady Fellshot

The Artblade is the only one still lost. It disappeared along with Josidiah Starym during the Weeping war. I think both were in the middle of some kind of magical blast and both were not there when the dust cleared. I can't remember what book that was in though.

According to Cormanthyr - Empires of Elves, p. 156 the history of the Artblade's disappearence is another one:

"The current location of this elfblade is unknown. Its last known wielder, the boy-mage Zaos Durothil, was carried off by the red dragon Edallisufanxar the Burning Blaze during an attack on its Cormanthyran lair in the Year of the Corrie Fist (450 DR). Both figures had good cause to keep the weapon safe: The sorely-wounded Zaos had the Artblade in his possession and was its youngest wielder at only 122 winters, and the dragon had spent 250 years attempting to acquire the sword from the boys father, to no avail. The final fates of Zaos and Edall-Blaze have never been recorded, though the dragon and its captive were last sighted winging south and west into the Giants Run Mountains."

The Artblade was recovered by Josidiah Starym when he went looking for the Warblade. How he got it, I don't know. I'm suspecting that dragon hoards were involved, given the circumstances of its original loss. I don't remember how Drizzt acquired Guenhwyvar, either; the last Drizzt novels I read were the Dark Elf trilogy (Homeland, Exile, Sojourn) when they were new. It wasn't that they caused me to stop reading Realms fiction; I thought that they were excellent books. I just got into reading other things, and never got back to the Drizzt saga, but I did make time for the Cormyr saga and the Elminster novels. Ed is always a good read, even the original edition of Spellfire (mind you, I was eighteen then, so...).

My theory is that Josidiah traded Guenhwyvar to Edallisufanxar for the Artblade, and that somehow Edallisufanxar lost Guenhwyvar, whether by death, a clever thief, or some other process. I may link this post to the Realmslore thread and see if anyone has any answers there. Anyway, that's what I've read.

[edited to correct author's faulty memory]
Jakk Posted - 26 Sep 2008 : 22:28:51
Another question regarding the Warblade... does anyone happen to know *how* it got from the vaults of Maerimydra to the surface? And, better yet, how it got *to* the vaults of Maerimydra in the first place? I'm assuming the latter is explained by its capture from Lord Orym Hawksong... the former journey, I'm not sure.

Edit: I have confirmed the answer to the latter question; yes, it was taken to Maerimydra by the drow who took it from Lord Orym Hawksong's body. I have also found the answer to the former question. House Dhuurniv of Maerimydra claimed the blade, and took it with them when they were exiled from the city after the Weeping War ended in 715 DR. It was brought to the surface by agents of the Matron Sisters of the House (the three daughters of Laele Dhuurniv, Matron Mother before and during the Weeping War) to be used as a bargaining chip for drow control of the Twisted Tower. After that, I'm not sure what happens to it; that's probably in the hands of PCs at the moment.
Ergdusch Posted - 04 Jun 2008 : 09:14:21
Originally posted by Beneth

Oh and I would just like to say thank you to everyone with the help on this subject

Well, that's why we all hang around these dusty and dark chambers of Candlekeep Library: to find and provide help whenever there is need of it.

You see, you've come to the right place!

Good gaming always - or in your case: good writing!

Beneth Posted - 04 Jun 2008 : 09:06:49
Oh and I would just like to say thank you to everyone with the help on this subject
Beneth Posted - 03 Jun 2008 : 10:11:31
Thank you Ergdusch I had completely forgot to look in Champions of Valor
Ergdusch Posted - 03 Jun 2008 : 08:50:08
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Ergdusch

I also checked Champoins of Valor but couldn't find anything.

I wasn't sure if it would be in there or not... I'm in the process of moving again, and all books except for a handful are already at the new house.

Just because I checked does not mean that there is actually nothing in that tome. After all, I only skimmed through the pages...

However, there might be something of interest in Champions of Valor, Beneth, none the less: the Teumyshaaril in the ancient elven city of Teuvearmanthaar in the High Forest. It's a sacred place and temple to Rillifane Rallathil the Leaflord. It's discribed on p. 137 et seq. and might qualify as such a 'Place of Power'.

Concerning Code of the Harpers: there is some info on the dancing place but it's all harper related or very similar to the info already found in Volo's Guide to the Dalelands. If you happen to have that tome at hand you might want to look through it yourself, Beneth. You'll find the info on pages 21 et seq..

Good gaming, Ergdusch
Wooly Rupert Posted - 02 Jun 2008 : 21:01:16
Originally posted by Ergdusch

I also checked Champoins of Valor but couldn't find anything.

I wasn't sure if it would be in there or not... I'm in the process of moving again, and all books except for a handful are already at the new house.
Ergdusch Posted - 02 Jun 2008 : 18:15:31
Originally posted by The Sage

See Volo's Guide to the Dalelands as well.

Indeed! You will find magnificant lore on the Dancing Place, and much lore too in that tome! Therefore, again I point you towards the Wozards Download Page.

Great site that one is, aye?!?

I also checked Champoins of Valor but couldn't find anything.
The Sage Posted - 02 Jun 2008 : 13:54:35
See Volo's Guide to the Dalelands as well.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 02 Jun 2008 : 13:23:10
There's a little info on The Dancing Place in Code of the Harpers. I don't recall if it's described anywhere else, but I seem to recall that it is. Champions of Valor, perhaps? My books aren't handy at the moment.
Beneth Posted - 02 Jun 2008 : 07:59:01
Originally posted by Ergdusch

So far I have found nothing solid about places of power - I keep on checking my sources...

I have just been winging it Ergdusch I have came up with a couple good ones I think though.

At the base of Quess Ar Teranthvar (Golden Grove of Hidden Knowledge) were the set of nether scrolls formed the tree inside Windsong Tower.

Inside the Diamond Tower if The Srinshee brought it back with her along with the Ruleblade.

But If you found anything about the Dancing Place I would love to hear about that

Pasta Fzoul Posted - 02 Jun 2008 : 04:42:05
Originally posted by Eldacar

all worthless if your not playing an elf of the correct alignment and class

IIRC, 3 and 3.5E changed it so that you just need the "Elven Blood" rule.

According to LEoF, each blade has specific alignment requirements, as well as class and skill "preferences". Oddly, elven blood is not an explicit requirement.
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 01 Jun 2008 : 22:08:13
Well, what is the criteria for "elven blood"?

Khelben is one-fourth elf.
Eldacar Posted - 01 Jun 2008 : 15:53:57
all worthless if your not playing an elf of the correct alignment and class

IIRC, 3 and 3.5E changed it so that you just need the "Elven Blood" rule.

(Which brings to mind another question that's been in the back of my mind for a while - would certain characters, such as Khelben Arunsun, count as having the Elven Blood rule, since they seem to be "half-elven" by way of bloodline if not specific parents?)
Ergdusch Posted - 01 Jun 2008 : 10:32:37
So far I have found nothing solid about places of power - I keep on checking my sources...
sfdragon Posted - 01 Jun 2008 : 10:05:35
well thats one for me, dont own that book.

never looked in the free download very much either.

its a valuable item, can see why a dragon would want it, can see why it would be a fools errand to get at the high magic contained with in it......
Ergdusch Posted - 31 May 2008 : 23:18:47
Originally posted by sfdragon

its recovered during the shadowdale campaign book.

So, Shadowdale adventure module, you say! I must have missed that one when skimming through it, I have not taken a closer look at any modules of that adventure trilogy as of today. Thanks for the hint.

Originally posted by Lady Fellshot

The Artblade is the only one still lost. It disappeared along with Josidiah Starym during the Weeping war. I think both were in the middle of some kind of magical blast and both were not there when the dust cleared. I can't remember what book that was in though.

According to Cormanthyr - Empires of Elves, p. 156 the history of the Artblade's disappearence is another one:

"The current location of this elfblade is unknown. Its last known wielder, the boy-mage Zaos Durothil, was carried off by the red dragon Edallisufanxar the Burning Blaze during an attack on its Cormanthyran lair in the Year of the Corrie Fist (450 DR). Both figures had good cause to keep the weapon safe: The sorely-wounded Zaos had the Artblade in his possession and was its youngest wielder at only 122 winters, and the dragon had spent 250 years attempting to acquire the sword from the boys father, to no avail. The final fates of Zaos and Edall-Blaze have never been recorded, though the dragon and its captive were last sighted winging south and west into the Giants Run Mountains."

Lady Fellshot Posted - 31 May 2008 : 14:57:47
If you're going by the current books, I also seem to recall someone claiming to have recovered the Warblade (Lost Empires). The Srinshee hands the Crownblade over to Ilsevele Miritar in 1377 DR according to GHotR.

The Artblade is the only one still lost. It disappeared along with Josidiah Starym during the Weeping war. I think both were in the middle of some kind of magical blast and both were not there when the dust cleared. I can't remember what book that was in though.
sfdragon Posted - 31 May 2008 : 09:25:26
its recovered during the shadowdale campaign book.

the rule blade, the artblade and the warblade.

the swords of the coronal, spell major and arms major.

all worthless if your not playing an elf of the correct alignment and class
Ergdusch Posted - 31 May 2008 : 09:02:34
Originally posted by sfdragon

the warblade isnt lost anymore, it was returned to Myth Drannor...

as for the artblade... well its still lost, maybe destroyed


I only recall a n entry in the FRCS in some 'Plots and Rumors'-section that some unknown young elf claims to have recovered it. But I don't recall any solid info on that....

I might be wrong though... so when was it returned and who did so? Any source?

As to your querry on places of power Beneth, I will look through my books once I get home to see if I can find anything. I don't recall any info on those from the top of my dead. However, I could imagine that such places would be centres of old elven magic, such as the throne room of Myth Drannor...
sfdragon Posted - 31 May 2008 : 01:12:52
the warblade isnt lost anymore, it was returned to Myth Drannor...

as for the artblade... well its still lost, maybe destroyed
Beneth Posted - 30 May 2008 : 19:37:08
Thank you for the link Ergdusch

It answered many questions but I fear answers only lead to more questions.

If i read it right two High Mages must be present for the rite or one must be in a place of power ie the Dancing Place which I couldnt find anything on in the tome. Perhaps I read to quickly.

I guess my question is what would a place of power be? A temple to the Seldarine? or some Holy ground that no one even knows about?

Thank you HawkinstheDM

I knew is had to be in 3.5 somewhere got it at the bookstore a little while ago
Hawkins Posted - 30 May 2008 : 17:08:19
And if you are looking for 3.5 versions of them, you should also check out Lost Empires of Faerun (where there are 3.5 stats for them).

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