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 The Blackcloak dead? WHY, O WHY?

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barry Posted - 05 Apr 2008 : 16:13:17
why did halaster have to die? and can he be resurected in a time of wild magic.
30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Steven Schend Posted - 20 Apr 2008 : 03:30:31
Originally posted by phal

Originally posted by Steven Schend

Thanks for this. I had the same thing in mind, exactly.


I sense a great disturbance in the force, as if a dozen voices were crying out, and were suddenly silenced.

Fine. They can kill the characters and community I've grown to know and love however they'd like. I can make my own sandbox.

Hope you didn't construe my comment with liking the fact that Halaster's pushing up daisies. I liked the crazy old coot myself and would have kept him around...but it's not my call.

My comment had more to do with someone else's referencing an old gag I liked from Saturday Night Live. That's all.

Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 13 Apr 2008 : 19:46:12
Originally posted by Purple Dragon Knight

If they would have been smart, they would have provided a "Divine Chosen" PrC in the PGtoF. Most people's problem with Chosen is the +4 or +5 ECL boost the character gets upon becoming Chosen.

Yes, and the idea that "Chosen" of other gods are put on the same level with the Chosen of Mystra, even though Mystra's Chosen are supposed to be unique.
Purple Dragon Knight Posted - 13 Apr 2008 : 19:39:42
If they would have been smart, they would have provided a "Divine Chosen" PrC in the PGtoF. Most people's problem with Chosen is the +4 or +5 ECL boost the character gets upon becoming Chosen.

A three or five level PrC would be perfect, as each player would "buy into" their Chosenhood, at a decent rate, keeping at the same power level as the other players.
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 13 Apr 2008 : 19:28:12
Originally posted by Halaster Blackcloak

"He [Halaster] is one of the great mysteries and terrors of this part of the Realms, and the wise DM will keep him so."

Agreed, and personally I would prefer not to see him as the Chosen of any god.
The Sage Posted - 13 Apr 2008 : 04:24:36
Perhaps Mystra was responsible for orchestrating this transformation into an remnant Halaster/Ibrandul combination -- whereupon the Halaster/Ibrandul form becomes a Chosen-like entity in the service of the Lady of Mysteries. It does, after all, relate in some way, to what Ed has said about Mystra possibly having some *plan* for Halaster. This transformation may simply be a part of that plan.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 13 Apr 2008 : 04:02:33
Here's an idea I just had... What if some bits of Halaster were joined to some remaining bit of Ibrandul? Yeah, I know Shar slew Ibrandul during the ToT, but what if Halaster joined with some remaining bit of Ibrandul and became something like a Chosen, maybe even more powerful, but bound entirely to Undermountain?
Halaster Blackcloak Posted - 13 Apr 2008 : 02:28:48
Halaster becomes a Chosen of Orcus, returns as a lich, and the entirety of Undermountain becomes his phylactery.

All you have to do to destroy Halaster (in lich form) is to destroy all of Undermountain. Ha!

I toyed with that idea once.

But no, I don't like such drastic changes to fundamental aspects of the campaign world. As Ed wrote in RoU:

"He [Halaster] is one of the great mysteries and terrors of this part of the Realms, and the wise DM will keep him so."

Amen, Ed. Amen!
The Sage Posted - 13 Apr 2008 : 01:30:20
And Halaster himself becomes a Chosen of X.
Steven Schend Posted - 12 Apr 2008 : 21:37:38
Originally posted by The Sage

Originally posted by glitter

For me, a simple divine intervention would be enough to fix the problem.
An interesting possibility. However, it sets a dangerous precedent. And it's highly unlikely that whichever god decides to resurrect Halaster, would do so for free. It's going to *cost* him something.

Undermountain becomes a crucible and testing ground for the faithful of X....or worse yet, a temple complex....

The Sage Posted - 11 Apr 2008 : 17:17:43
Originally posted by glitter

For me, a simple divine intervention would be enough to fix the problem.
An interesting possibility. However, it sets a dangerous precedent. And it's highly unlikely that whichever god decides to resurrect Halaster, would do so for free. It's going to *cost* him something.
glitter Posted - 11 Apr 2008 : 16:54:21
Originally posted by KnightErrantJR

"This just in, Halaster Blackcloak of UnderMountain is still dead . . . back to you Jane."

Well, from what we can read from the book, specially about his soul, we can easily assume that he wil remain dead since a "simple" resurrection couldn't be enough.

On the other hand, the book itself gives us a lot of information of how his soul even in "little pieces" can be used in an adventure.

For me, a simple divine intervention would be enough to fix the problem.

Anyway, I really like that character, and hope to see him again.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 11 Apr 2008 : 15:02:49
Originally posted by Rinonalyrna Fathomlin

Just for everyone's information, a "worm that walks" is a monster from the Epic Level Sourcebook (don't know if that was the [i[exact[/i] title).

Yeah, it's some funky form of undead that consists of a bunch of worms that for some reason wander around in the shape of a humanoid.
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 11 Apr 2008 : 14:48:11
Just for everyone's information, a "worm that walks" is a monster from the Epic Level Sourcebook (don't know if that was the exact title).
ShadezofDis Posted - 11 Apr 2008 : 13:35:15
Originally posted by Halaster Blackcloak

Greetings! Long time member, but generally too busy to post. Anyway, as is probably obvious by my screen name, I was appalled to hear that Halaster was killed, especially by something as mundane as an earthquake.

I refuse to believe this. There was something else going on at the time.

Heck, could be possible that Halaster started seeing the shadows move again and just could take the thought of Shar driving him batty again.

Could be that his insanity created an unintended link with Asmodeus which Asmodeus started to exploit.
Halaster Blackcloak Posted - 11 Apr 2008 : 08:00:00
Greetings! Long time member, but generally too busy to post. Anyway, as is probably obvious by my screen name, I was appalled to hear that Halaster was killed, especially by something as mundane as an earthquake.

I haven't been too happy with what they've done (officially)with Undermountain ever since the second box set, which really disappointed me. Then Skullport (the 2E sourcebook) turned Shradin into a crimson mist, then in 3E (which I hate) they turned Arcturia into a "Chondathan undead human worm that walks". Ok, I get the Chondathan part, but what in Orcus's name is an "undead human worm that walks"? Then they killed Halaster in an earthquake.

[Insert angry rumblings...]

Aravine Posted - 10 Apr 2008 : 18:09:15
Originally posted by sfdragon

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

One thought I had was that the soul shards could merge with the layers of wards and spells... Making Undermountain itself be intelligent, instead of having a separate intelligence controlling it.

undermountain under the control of ancient spirits of dwarves singing of heroes and beer.

Really? Beer is in control of Undermountain? cool!
sfdragon Posted - 10 Apr 2008 : 17:38:51
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

One thought I had was that the soul shards could merge with the layers of wards and spells... Making Undermountain itself be intelligent, instead of having a separate intelligence controlling it.

undermountain under the control of ancient spirits of dwarves singing of heroes and beer.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 10 Apr 2008 : 17:01:44
One thought I had was that the soul shards could merge with the layers of wards and spells... Making Undermountain itself be intelligent, instead of having a separate intelligence controlling it.
Steven Schend Posted - 10 Apr 2008 : 15:28:52
I don't know.....what's worse?

Undermountain under the semi-coherent control of dozens of simulacra of a mad millennia-old wizard?


Undermountain under NO controls AND haunted by the multiple ghosts/simulacra-ghosts of a mad millennia-old wizard?

Hm.... I just don't know.....

who probably wouldn't have slain Halaster himself, but there's story and adventure potential there nonetheless
sfdragon Posted - 08 Apr 2008 : 10:10:17
never had much use for blackcloak myself, but gathering up his soul shards would make for a good adventure.
phal Posted - 08 Apr 2008 : 07:19:02
Originally posted by Steven Schend

Thanks for this. I had the same thing in mind, exactly.


I sense a great disturbance in the force, as if a dozen voices were crying out, and were suddenly silenced.

Fine. They can kill the characters and community I've grown to know and love however they'd like. I can make my own sandbox.
Steven Schend Posted - 07 Apr 2008 : 17:01:55
Originally posted by KnightErrantJR

"This just in, Halaster Blackcloak of UnderMountain is still dead . . . back to you Jane."

Thanks for this. I had the same thing in mind, exactly.

Mace Hammerhand Posted - 07 Apr 2008 : 16:52:02
Originally posted by Rinonalyrna Fathomlin

Probably, but the point was not that the designers are "ditching" NPCs just because they are well-established.


I mean, look at all the backstory that can now be dismissed. Well established means people, like the editors, have to research stuff to do their job... it's easier to ditch everything "work-intensive" and start from scratch. And judging by some errors, the editors were off playing golf or something...
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 07 Apr 2008 : 15:14:31
Probably, but the point was not that the designers are "ditching" NPCs just because they are well-established.
khorne Posted - 07 Apr 2008 : 15:02:37
Originally posted by Rinonalyrna Fathomlin

Originally posted by The Sage

I'm inclined to agree. It does seem like 4e FR is particularly geared toward introducing new elements, and mostly at the expense of removing the more established "mainstays" of the previous editions of the Realms. Halaster's demise may be an example of this.

I think that's the case--Rich Baker had a few words about Halaster's demise in his thread on the WotC boards about this (quite a few months ago), where he basically stated, "we don't want to be slavishly beholden to what has come before" (ie. Halaster and other NPCs will not be seen as "sacred cows" that will be kept in the setting no matter what).

That being said, Halaster's fate was disappointing for me, as I still saw plenty of potential for him as a character in the Realms.

Not "slavishly beholden to what has gone before"? Hah. I bet you 1000 gold Menzoberranzan and house Baenre will still be around in 6th edition...
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 07 Apr 2008 : 01:28:20
Originally posted by The Sage

I'm inclined to agree. It does seem like 4e FR is particularly geared toward introducing new elements, and mostly at the expense of removing the more established "mainstays" of the previous editions of the Realms. Halaster's demise may be an example of this.

I think that's the case--Rich Baker had a few words about Halaster's demise in his thread on the WotC boards about this (quite a few months ago), where he basically stated, "we don't want to be slavishly beholden to what has come before" (ie. Halaster and other NPCs will not be seen as "sacred cows" that will be kept in the setting no matter what).

That being said, Halaster's fate was disappointing for me, as I still saw plenty of potential for him as a character in the Realms.
The Sage Posted - 06 Apr 2008 : 16:37:26
I'm inclined to agree. It does seem like 4e FR is particularly geared toward introducing new elements, and mostly at the expense of removing the more established "mainstays" of the previous editions of the Realms. Halaster's demise may be an example of this. And thus, a new and virtually unknown NPC may eventually be set up to take his place through the 4e FR material.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 06 Apr 2008 : 15:29:41
Honestly, what I expect is that Halaster will remain dead, and that if D&D Extreme gets around to redoing Undermountain, it will be controlled by either a mysterious mage, some unseen presence, or maybe an alliance of the Heirs.
BARDOBARBAROS Posted - 06 Apr 2008 : 13:47:18
Wizards of the coast do whatever they want..That is going to be our rule from now and then..

But let's see if they will get whatever they want from these actions...
The Sage Posted - 06 Apr 2008 : 01:25:17
A curious possibility. After all, Ed said that most of the Manshoon clones tend to follow the original Manshoon's example of having extensive fall-back plans and caches and plans set in motion. Perhaps the Manshoon clone with Halaster had planned contingencies in place throughout Undermountain, should Halaster ever die or be destroyed.

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